
There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.

Pause for Poetry, Poetry, Observations Sue Wilsher Pause for Poetry, Poetry, Observations Sue Wilsher

Why did my brain make me say it?

‘Why did my brain make me say it?’ is a wonderful collection of poems, loosely based around the passing of the school year. Full of word play and wit, there are poems to perform, poems to laugh at, poems to linger over- all to enjoy!

‘Love/Hate’ is not only perfect for starting discussions, but also for using as a model to inspire children’s own writing, allowing them to create phrases which capture what they consider to be negatives and positives. This could be done either individually or as a class and result in a fun piece of performance poetry. ‘Rumours’ is another poem which would be great fun to play with and present. Using kennings, ‘Granny and Grandad’ would be perfect for encouraging experimentation with this poetic device and no doubt, producing very satisfying results as children could describe their friends, family, pets…teacher?!

Many of the poems capture feelings or moments which children will readily recognise. in ‘Faux Pas’, a child has just called his teacher ‘mum’, something which happens with surprising regularity even in Year 6 classes! ‘Felicity’ is a poem about a friend who had moved away, leaving a huge hole in the child’s life. Many of the poems contain a surprise, benefitting from repeated reading- ‘Things Sian’s house house has that our house doesn’t’ for example.

The collection includes a wonderful range of poetic styles and devices, showing readers just how much fun poetry can be! Riddles, haiku (and Lie-ku and Bye-ku), shape poems, acrostics, opposites… so much to enjoy! I could comment on each and every poem, being inspired to share them with children and, in turn, inspire children by using them, but I think my favourite is ‘Growing a Poem’ which begins:

A poem begins as a seed

buried deep inside the imagination.

A must-have collection!

Why did my brain make me say that?

Sarah Ziman

Troika ISBN: 978-1912745395

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Fiction, Older Readers, Choices Sue Wilsher Fiction, Older Readers, Choices Sue Wilsher


With her best friend moving to Scotland, Jean is only consoled by the thought of spending the summer with her first boyfriend, Leon. However, when he tells her that he is off to America for three weeks and her parents announce the family are moving house, her holiday does not go to plan and things get worse as, on his return, Leon seems changed towards her. No longer the loving boyfriend who went away, he is cold and distant, determined only to get his hands on a strange mirror in Jean’s possession, a mirror which seems to reflect a world of different choices and possibilities.

Intriguing from the first page, ‘Splinters’ is another stunning read from Rachel Delahaye. It is also going to be very hard to review without spoiling it for any future readers- and I really don’t want to do that!

Jean really represents all of us at some time or another. Things are not going smoothly for her and she is experiencing her fair share of teenage angst, heartache, friendship and family problems- all the things which make you start to question the choices you have made- the what ifs - about life. However, she really learns that the grass is not always greener and that what might appear to be the ‘unadventurous simplicity’ of someone else’s life is no better than your own. The story is brilliantly constructed, keeping the reader constantly guessing - and perhaps challenging them to reflect on what their own choices might (or might not) be!

Character is something Rachel does really well and different facets of personality are skilfully explored here, how the ways we react to others, how we handle situations, how our choices affect our lives. No life is perfect, but the one we have is the one we should focus on. As well as being an extremely gripping read, the story offers much to reflect upon. In the end, there are still choices to be made, leaving the reader wondering which one Jean finally makes.

There is so much to recommend ‘Splinters’- not least the way music has been used throughout the story! It is a deliciously dark tale, full of suspense and I cannot recommend it highly enough!

Splinters Rachel Delahaye


Coming soon…

You can read my review of ‘Day of the Whale’ here and ‘Electric Life’ here.

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Pause for Poetry, Poetry, Book Launch Sue Wilsher Pause for Poetry, Poetry, Book Launch Sue Wilsher

And I Climbed and I Climbed

Yesterday, I had the great pleasure of visiting the Waterstones at the Galleries, Bristol for the launch of a very special book. It was a lovely occasion and it was a joy to catch up with some of the brilliant people who attended.

‘And I Climbed and I Climbed’ is a remarkable collection of poems, focusing on Cosmo, a young boy whose life changed forever when he fell out of a tree in his garden. Having a great deal to come to terms with, these poems explore his experiences. Poet, Simon Lightbrown, has drawn on personal experience to write these poems as, like Cosmo, he became paralysed after an accident.

Deeply poignant and captivating, these poems are really special. Raw emotion, courage, determination and resilience mix with fear, anger, curiosity and pain in the poems which invoke empathy, compassion and understanding. Although each works in its own right, the poems read almost as a verse novel, allowing the reader to accompany Cosmo through his experiences.

Cosmo is a very engaging character, full of spark and curiosity. Mingled with his words are poems from his family and the tree he fell from, offering different perspectives and thoughts. As he considers how his life has changed, Cosmo’s feelings fluctuate, running through a whole gamut of emotions, including moments of humour. The poems are all the more powerful and poignant as they are an authentic voice. Although Stephen Lightbrown was older when he had his accident than Cosmo is in the story, he draws on his personal experiences to create the poems, making this a unique and essential collection.

Listening to Stephen read his poems was wonderful! There are certain poems which had me in tears when I read them- and it was a real struggle not to sob hearing him read them in person. Shauna Darling Robertson read a couple of the poems written as Cosmo’s mother- she did really well not to cry too!

This is a fantastic collection- essential reading.

And I Climbed and I Climbed

Stephen Lightbrown, illustrated by Shih-Yu Lin

Troika Books ISBN: 978-1912745296

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Fiction, Dystopian, Adventure, Older Readers Sue Wilsher Fiction, Dystopian, Adventure, Older Readers Sue Wilsher

Electric Life

Alara lives a ‘perfect’ life in Estrella where everything is tightly controlled and it is mandatory to carry a ‘Flip’ (Fully Linked Information Platform) so everyone is connected. Feelings of boredom and being ‘dulled’ are frowned upon yet Alara often feels disconnected. The skyscraper city is built on the ruins of the old city, now known as London Under, and Alara finds herself selected to go on a secret mission to gather vital intelligence about a world completely different to her own. But what she discovers makes her start to question everything she has known…

I have said it before, but have to say it again- Rachel Delahaye is an outstanding writer who really knows how to create believable worlds and compelling characters, immersing the reader completely in the story. ‘Electric Life’ is a one-sitting read- it is impossible to put down once started.

As with ‘Day of the Whale’, another of Rachel’s books, the story is both a thoroughly good read and offers plenty to think about. As the story unfolds, it becomes clear that not everything is as it seems in the perfect world of Estrella, posing questions about what citizens of the ‘Star City’ might be sacrificing for their idyllic lifestyle. Everyone seems to live their lives through and around their screens which provide entertainment and constantly monitor their health and safety. They are happy to accept the parameters and rules which keep them safe… there are so many questions to be asked here and Alara’s experiences certainly make the reader think about

The story is fast-paced and full of action, building a frighteningly believable version of the future. Alara is a very likeable character- standing out against the stereotypical versions of her peers, not quite fitting in, longing for different. Readers may well recognise her clumsy attempts to ‘find’ friends and be ‘normal’ and like her all the more for ultimately coming to be herself. As she has experiences we take for granted for the first time- feeling pain, sharing human contact, tasting real food, the wild joy of a party night out- you can feel her coming alive and responding to each new sensation.

There is so much more I could say, but for fear of spoiling this brilliant book for other readers, I will finish by saying- it’s fab. Make sure you read it!

Electric Life Rachel Delahaye

Troika ISBN: 978-1912745326

You can read my review of ‘Day of the Whale’ here.

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Pause for Poetry, Poetry, Younger Readers Sue Wilsher Pause for Poetry, Poetry, Younger Readers Sue Wilsher

The Moon’s Gorgonzola

The shell in my hand

Takes me back to the sea

Back to sand in my toes

Fish and chips for tea

‘The Moon’s Gorgonzola’ is a wonderful collection of poems, perfect for exciting younger children about the power of poetry. Divided into different themes, the poems cover a wide range of subjects, reflecting a range of moods.

Although the poems can be enjoyed independently, many are perfect for sharing, reading aloud and performing, making this an invaluable collection for teachers to add to their poetry shelves. There is plenty of word play to enjoy and explore, rhyming patterns and echoes which call out to be whispered, shouted, spoken and sung and plenty of onomatopoeia bouncing and zipping along. There are funny poems, sad poems, reflective poems and silly poems, reflecting everyday life experiences and the emotions which come with them.

There are poems which could be used as models to inspire children to create their own work- ‘Listen’, for example. Some have a note from poet, Debra Bertulis, alongside them, offering suggestions for how to create a poem. There are additional notes at the end of the book which are also helpful to budding poets and their supporters! The book is enhanced by Zoe Williams’ lively illustrations.

The Moon’s Gorgonzola

Debra Bertulis, illustrated by Zoe Williams

Troika ISBN: 978-1912745302

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Pause for Poetry: You Are Not Alone

‘You Are Not Alone’ is Shauna’s second poetry collection. Each poem is on the theme of mental health and well-being, making it a powerful, thought-provoking treasure trove for individuals, classrooms and families to share, explore and express their feelings.

The book is divided into five sections- Sometimes like a Wild Horse and Sometimes Like Disco Lights’, ‘What if I’m Not the Shape of the Boxes on Offer?’, ‘I Asked the Edge, the Edge Said Yes’, ‘The Crate of Air That Will Change Everything’ and ‘Happiness is a Hummingbird.’ - and cover a huge variety of feelings and experiences. Readers are sure to find those which speak directly to them, those which make them pause for thought, those which make them empathise and those which make them cry.

I was caught by the pace and imagery of ‘I’m Juggling a Hundred Full Stops’. ‘Suvi’ reminded me of children I have taught and made me cry. I was fascinated by ‘If We Have More Words for Good Things, Do We Feel Better?’. There are so many poems here to comment on- and which I will return to regularly.

The collection offers a rich source of material with which to support and develop understanding of emotions, encouraging empathy and self-awareness, a recognition that others may have similar experiences and an outlet for pent up worries and fears.

The addition of notes about the poems at the end of the book makes for fascinating reading and can be used as a starting point for further reading. An excellent collection which should not be missed!

You Are Not Alone Shauna Darling Robertson

Troika ISBN: 978-1912745173

You can read my review of ‘Saturdays at the Imaginarium’ here.

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Meet Zaro Weil

I first heard Zaro speak at a FCBG Conference. She captivated everyone in the room as she shared her poetry, letting it work its magic on the audience. ‘Firecrackers’ was shortlisted for the NSTBA Poetry Category and has been enjoyed by many teachers and their classes since. In 2020, she won CLiPPA with ‘Cherry Moon’. It is a joy to welcome her to the Bookshelf today.

1.    This must seem like such an obvious question- but when did you start writing poetry?

It's really a good question. Because so many kids can be inspired to write when they understand that an author they read on a page was once maybe their age and once maybe writing something like a poem. Good food for thought. I began my own writing with Miss Barber in third grade in America. My father saved the piece of paper.

The poem was called; AS WISE AS AN OWL.

HAha! Here it is ...just for fun

As wise an an owl

Who sits in a tree

As busy as a

Busy as a

Busy as a bee


When the leaves go

Chuckle chuckle

Through the woods

The bees are very busy

Making their goods


The sunflowers by day

Shine in the shade

The roses that bloom

At the peak of noon

How happy I am this very day

For spring is heading

Right my way.


2.    Animals and nature feature a lot in your poems. What would be the last thing you would ever think of writing a poem about?!

That is a thought provoking idea. And not easy to answer. I suppose I would not want to write a poem about always following the rules to the letter. Or a poem about blindly following the path of straight and narrow. Because I can't help as an author but think in zig zags. I believe creativity and life springs from the unexpected. Where A and B aren't always followed by C.

 And also because I think our deepest thoughts and imaginings emerge from a secret place inside us all where logic and rules are secondary to who we are at our core.

Curiously however, sometimes if we follow the rules well, we can come up with wonderful things. Example. Haiku poetry has very strict rules. And by observing those rules and thinking hard beyond the obvious, we can develop a creative idea while following the haiku rules. So I guess what I am saying is that rules and logic can make sense. But we need to balance that concept with the freedom to explore the paths of the unknown and the ziggy-zaggy imaginary.

3.    Having heard you speak and read your poems, there is something very special about the way you calmly- gently- present your work which captivates your audience. Do you have a background in acting or are you a ‘natural’ performer?

Oh. Thank you so much for saying that. I love to read and perform for audiences. The fact is I have had over a lot of years of experience as an actor in America performing for children. I used to run a theatre company in the States and every school year we would sing and dance and do plays and poetry for young audiences every single day of the school year. The company is still going! Metro Theater Company.

4.    I am sure I’ve heard you say that you love antique quilts. Do you think that piecing a patchwork quilt together is similar in some ways to creating a poem?

What a good way to think about creating a poem. It's true. A poem, like a quilt, is made of carefully positioned individual pieces (cloth and words) which are oh-so-thoughtfully placed next to other and then stitched (with threads and rhythms in patterns) in order to create a zazzling and unified whole.

5.    As well as all your wonderful poetry books, you have written a book for children- ‘Spot Guevara Hero Dog’. Do you have plans to write any more of these?

Yes. I wrote SPOT about my wonderful dog SPOT ( who so sadly died last summer...that was really hard) I am planning to write more books about SPOT and there are several non-poetry books which are well on the way.

6. What are you working on at the moment?

The main thing -poetry wise- I have just finished my next collection for kids. I am really REALLY REALLY excited about it.

7.    And lastly- and most importantly according to my niece- what is your favourite cake?

I agree with your neice! Most important question...MY FAVOURITE CAKE is CHOCOLATE CAKE!!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!!!!!!!

Many thanks to Zaro for agreeing to answer my questions today. I can’t wait to read your new poetry collection in particular! We must meet for a slice of chocolate cake soon!

You can find out more about Zaro on her website and find her on Twitter @zaroweil

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Pause for Poetry, Poetry Sue Wilsher Pause for Poetry, Poetry Sue Wilsher

Pause for Poetry: Wednesday

This week, I will be pausing for poetry every day in celebration of National Poetry Day on Thursday 6th October. The theme this year is the Environment, offering plenty of poems to choose from and plenty of inspiration for writing.

However, because poetry is not just for poetry day, I will be sharing a couple of favourite poetry books each day this week. It has been very hard to choose…

This is a wonderful collection of poems by Alex Wharton. There really is something for everyone here, each full of closely observed details and beautifully captured emotions.

‘Weeping Willow’ is one of these. The gentle flow of writing captures the majesty and elegance of these trees perfectly. Part of the magic of an excellent poem is its ability to connect you to moments and memories and this instantly took me back to the weeping willow in my grandparents’ garden whose ‘slow waterfall of leaves’ I used to hide beneath and feel completely safe and calm- usually with a good book.

Other poems are full of fun, keenly exploring the everyday -’Dear Brother’, ‘Jellybean’, ‘Kingfisher’- wonderful for reading aloud and performing. And then there are others- ‘Man in Town’, ‘Lost Smile’, ‘Midnight Wish’, ‘Sometimes’ ‘Trapper Boy’- beautiful and poignant which make you pause and think.

Each of these poems is deserving of mention and there are so many which could be used in school to inspire as well as to be enjoyed. Poems written by children who won a poetry competition are also included at the end of the book- offering even more inspiration for aspiring poets of the future. There are plenty of appealing illustrations throughout the collection by Katy Riddell.

In the foreword, Philip Gross writes, ‘These poems do what all good poems do. They get inside you.’ Wise words- and so true of this amazing collection.

Inspiring, thoughtful, poignant and fun, ‘Daydreams and Jellybeans’ is a stunning collection of poems where words truly weave their magic.

Daydreams and Jellybeans

Alex Wharton, illustrated by Katy Riddell

Firefly ISBN: 978-1913102432

With ‘If I Were Other Than Myself’, the physical book is a pleasure to hold and its cover is eye-catching and intriguing. The silhouette full of stars reaching to the sky inspired lots of conversation before the book was even opened. Each poem is accompanied by Sue’s wonderful illustrations, with words and pictures carefully arranged. There are shape poems, poems inspired by other poets, poems about nature, poignant poems, funny poems…Many of the poems are linked by common threads.

There are so many poems worth noting here, so many which could be used to inspire, to move, to comfort, to amuse, that it is hard to select a few to comment on; however, the following are three which I have/ am planning to use with children.

‘Book Thief’ opens the collection. Celebrating the wonder and escapism stories offer, it is a joy in so many ways. Children identify and discuss many of the stories instantly, but puzzle over or dispute other references as they explore the stories they know, often coming to the conclusion the poet might be mingling different tales for her work. It is an easy step from reading to writing their own versions exploring the characters they know and love. Perfect for making reading recommendations to their friends- and not a book review in sight!

Hauntingly beautiful, ‘The Selkie Child’ is a magical poem, drawing on Celtic folklore and sure to lead to the reading and exploration of these tales. Wonderful as a performance piece, the poem also expresses a powerful sense of loss and longing.

‘Moonshine’ is a shape poem which celebrates the timelessness of the moon and all that it has seen. The use of a darker font for certain letters provoked much discuss and theorising- was there a secret poem or code hidden in these letters? Were they shaded to mimic the surface of the moon? The illustration, with its reflected, blurred poem in the water, offers ideas for poetry presentation. The poem itself encouraged lots of discussion about the passing of time, how many things change, how some are constant…

There are so many delights in ‘If I Were Other Than Myself’, making this not only the essence of reading for pleasure, but also a valuable collection for teachers and parents.

If I Were Other Than Myself Sue Hardy-Dawson

Troika Books ISBN: 978-1909991859

‘Riding a Lion’ is a fabulous collection for inspiring a joy of word play, imagination and reflection. Themed into six sections, the poems offer something for every mood and emotion- and plenty for teachers to work with.

It is always so hard to choose a few poems to comment on from a selection of so many, but here are a few which I am really looking forward to exploring with my class.

‘After the Storm’ is composed of two tanka- a Japanese verse form which has five lines with syllable count 5/7/5/7/7. Although I love the challenge of inspiring children to write quality Haiku (another, better known, form of Japanese poem with three lines and a syllable count of 5/7/5), tanka are often more successful. This poem offers much to discuss. From the title to the last line, a wealth of emotion has been captured here which children will readily empathise with and relate to. Taking an emotional situation like this and capturing it in verse can be very powerful, encouraging much discussion of emotions and the vast array of words we have for capturing them.

‘A Sloth’s Diary’ is a great example of how much fun poetry can be. Careful observation of an animal’s traits and habits can lead to simple, but effective work which is a delight to share. ‘The Climber’ is another example of observation through carefully chosen words.

‘One Shoe Tall and Three Shoes Wide’ makes a fantastic starting point for discussion and story telling. Rich in detail and mystery, the box in the poem is sure to inspire children to describe their own magical containers with curious contents. As with many other poems in the collection, this would also make a brilliant performance piece.

A rich collection of writing, ‘Riding a Lion’ is a wonderful addition to any classroom.

Riding a Lion

Coral Rumble, illustrated by Emily Ford

Troika ISBN: 978-1912745029

National Poetry Day tomorrow so expect an environmental theme!

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Pause for Poetry, Poetry Sue Wilsher Pause for Poetry, Poetry Sue Wilsher

Pause for Poetry: Scared?

Neal Zetter and Joshua Seigal combine forces in this collaboration of poems which explores the ‘darker side’ of life. Not afraid of tackling uncomfortable subjects, each of these poets offers words which could lead to important discussions, will challenge and perhaps, comfort those who read them.

‘Max is Not in School’ explores the relief felt by a child as they realise that this will be a day when they do not have to endure Max’s constant attacks whilst ‘Bully!’ exposes the lurking insecurity of the bully, offering reasons- not justifications- for their actions. There are poems about family relationships-’Circle Time’, ‘the d I vorce’, ‘When Dad Turns into an Incredible Hulk’ whilst ‘Gifted’ and ‘The Orange Table’ offer insights into life at school. There are so many poems here which open doors to potentially difficult discussions, developing empathy and building understanding as they encourage children to consider things from the point of view of others whilst giving a voice to those who might need it.

Although this sounds deep and dark, there are lighter moments to be found here too. Despite its name, ‘The Seriously Scary Poem’ really isn’t and ‘Skeleton in the Cupboard’ plays with words, not fears. ‘Tyrannosaurus Came to Tea’ is inspired by Judith Kerr’s classic and anyone who has had a cat is sure to recognise their feline friend in ‘Catastrophic’ whilst ‘Exclamation Mark!’ is a light-hearted look at punctuation.

With poems which can be used across the curriculum, this is a great collection for teachers of UKS2 upwards, but is also perfect for exploring at home. Are you brave enough?

Scared Neal Zetter and Joshua Seigal,

illustrated by Zoe Williams

Troika ISBN: 978-1912745142

You can read my review of ‘Yapping Away’ here and ‘When the Bell Goes’ here.

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Pause for Poetry, Poetry Sue Wilsher Pause for Poetry, Poetry Sue Wilsher

Pause for Poetry: Things That Should Be in a Poem

I love Coral Rumble’s writing! Her first collection, ‘Riding a Lion’, is full of poetic treasures like ‘One Shoe Tall and Three Shoes Wide’ and ‘After the Storm’, all perfect for sharing with children and using to inspire them to create poems of their own. Her verse novel, ‘Little Light’ is just beautiful- the evocative story of young Ada and how she faces- and overcomes- the daily challenges of her life. So when I received a copy of her latest collection, Things That Should Be in a Poem’, not only was I very excited, but my expectations were sky high!

And I was not disappointed! The range of poems in this collection is pure joy as Coral skilfully moves from the silly to the profound, from observation to imagination. The book opens with the titular poem which offers a perfect launching pad for discussions about poetry and what the reader does or doesn’t like. Used with a class, it could open doors to finding out about all manner of new poems and poets! But it also makes a brilliant model for writing as children can play with all their ideas for the things that they would use to ‘collect a poem today’.

Another poem which could be used as the spark for writing is ‘Magic Coat’. It could work with children of any age, sharing their ideas for what their magic coat would allow them to do and using these to form collective or individual poems to share and enjoy.

‘Secrets’, on the other hand, is one of those poems you sometimes need to read to a class and let the message sink in. Seemingly simple, it carries a powerful message, encouraging empathy and provoking a thoughtful response. Deeply poignant, ‘My Name’ is a very special poem.

The collection is illustrated throughout by Shih-Yu Lin whose lively, expressive pictures perfectly complement Coral’s poems. This is a must have collection for any teacher- or adult- or child!

Things That Should Be in a Poem

Coral Rumble, illustrated by Shih-Yu Lin

Troika Poetry ISBN: 978-1912745203

Published 5.9.22

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Pause for Poetry, Poetry Sue Wilsher Pause for Poetry, Poetry Sue Wilsher

Pause for Poetry: When the Bell Goes

In this ‘rapping, rhyming trip through childhood’, Neal Zetter turns the clock back to his school days…which seem to have a lot in common with those of today! From mornings to teachers to lessons to home time, Neal brings his performance poetry skills to exploring school life in all its glory (or perhaps gory detail!)

Each poem is accompanied by a joke (What time is it when somebody eats your watch?) or fun fact which may or may not be true (Fire brigades and hospitals across the UK deal with an average of 19 people a week who, during a yoga session, tie themselves in knots from which they cannot escape) which relates to the poem.

The contents page is set out like a school time table with sections on subjects like clothes, playtime and afternoons as well as the less pleasant ‘sick’! Here, there is a poem about that well known ‘tummy ache’ which any teacher (or parent!) will tell you is still a major feature of the school day, one about the class nosepicker and that constant ssssssniffing!

There’s a playtime poem which acknowledges those of us who don’t love football (yay!). ‘Lists’ is a poem about creating- well, lists- and would make an excellent model to inspire children to create their own. A class could have great fun rewriting ‘Good Morning’ to suit its own members whereas ‘Fake News’ offers the opportunity to rewrite history!

The collection is illustrated throughout by Emily Ford whose black and white drawings add to the fun of the poems. A great addition to class shelves!

When the Bell Goes: A Rapping, Rhyming Trip Through Childhood

Neal Zetter, illustrated by Emily Ford

Troika ISBN: 978-19099991576

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Meet Rachel Delahaye

‘Day of the Whale’ is one of the best books that I have read. Thought-provoking, challenging, full of evocative descriptions and engaging characters, it is one which I will be recommending and sharing constantly! Being able to ask author, Rachel Delahaye, some questions was a fantastic opportunity and I am delighted to be able to share these today!

1.     Cam's curiosity and determination to ask questions in the face of danger leads him to uncover some frightening truths. Did you write the story with the idea that it might encourage readers to challenge what they are told and to ask questions of their own?

No and yes. I didn’t set out to make any point when I began writing this story – I decided to launch into the world-building of Cetacea and see where it took me. It first took me to Utopia and then took me to a flipside – a place where I imagined how a small, isolated population, eager for preservation, could easily be manipulated by someone with a more sinister purpose. As soon as this dark side of paradise began unfolding, I begged my brainwashed characters to dig deeper. I realised very quickly that this wasn’t going to be adventure for adventure’s sake – and that, yes, I wanted my readers to find the truth, alongside Cam and his friends. In my opinion, there’s only one way to do that, and that’s to ask questions and to challenge the slogans we’re told explain everything. I hope the story shows that curiosity isn’t annoying, knowledge isn’t something to be suspicious of, and critical thinking is the key to finding truth; being told what we want to hear isn’t always kindness, it can be manipulation; what’s popular isn’t always what’s right. If a single reader comes away with the desire to ask more questions because of it, then I’ll be a very happy author. That was a bit long-winded, I’m sorry!

2.     Cetacea is located where Australia used to be and your descriptions of the landscape are wonderful. Why did you choose this part of the world as the setting for 'Day of the Whale'?

I was born in Australia and although I haven’t spent much of my life there (I moved to the UK when I was six, and then lived there for a few years in my 20s) it’s the kind of place that leaves a mark. Behind the glossy cities, there’s an ancient country with wild and diverse landscapes, rainbow colours, and skies that either yawn with endless blue or bubble with turbulent storms. It’s dramatic and captivating. During lockdown, I found myself missing it, and itching to write about the landscape and play around in its palette. I’m a huge fan of Australian author, Tim Winton, and I guess I was trying to emulate his style in a way – his descriptions of Australia are super sensory, wild and full of contrasts. Australia is not just a place, it’s a character. In addition to that, I wanted to introduce readers to the incredible wildlife and use that zoo-like environment of a small island to bring them all together, desert and jungle creatures side by side. There may be animals that readers haven’t even heard of – animals that might not be here much longer. What better way to show what’s a stake if we don’t look after our world? 


3.     Banjo feels a deep connection to his First Nation's heritage. What research/ advice did you seek to help you form his explanations/ ideas? 

I’m really glad you asked me this. To write a story about Australia and the importance of the past without including First Nations peoples to me would have been outrageous. As a white, far-flung Australian, I naturally felt unsure about how to write it, but Banjo came bounding into my head and led the way. Despite his light skin and fair hair, he is a descendent of the Darkinjung people of the Central Coast in NSW Australia – it’s an area I’m familiar with, and the Darkinjung are also known as the Whale Dreaming people, which of course is an absolutely perfect fit. It’s not explained exactly how Banjo is a ‘descendant’ – only that he is aware of his heritage because his parents broke the Cetacea law of not speaking about the past and whispered Dreamtime stories to him in his bed. Although better than most, his understanding of his ancestry is childlike, which provided a forgiving platform for my own very basic knowledge. Of course, in preparation, I read books, but no amount of reading could qualify me as an educator or any kind of authority – for a start, there are over Australian 800 First Nations dialects. But it did convince me that what I was doing was right. That aspect of my story is not my ‘voice’, but I recognise it as being very important – and I would be delighted if readers were inspired to discover more about First Nations history, art, cultures, because of it. What I did talk about, I knew needed to be right, so when I wrote Banjo’s explanation of what white man named The Dreamtime, I got in touch with Gavi Duncan, an Aboriginal Darkinjung Elder. Through back-and-forth emails, I got the child-friendly definition of the Dreamtime as close to correct as I could, with his approval. He also told me the Dreamtime story of Toorongong the Whale. With that in hand, it felt like I had all the threads to weave a beautiful, meaningful tale. This September, I'm going to Australia to meet with him.

4.     There are strong environmental themes running through the story, but although whales are part of this, they are not what the story is actually about. To me, they are more a symbol of all that has been lost as Cam's people have been deceived with the lie that they need to strive to make amends for the dirty past. Is this how you see it? 

This is hard to answer, because the whale came before the story itself, and it arrived not as a symbol but as a starting point. It began when an image sprung to mind of a boy looking at a giant screen with a blue whale on it. I knew I had to write something, but I didn’t really know what… All I had was ‘the whales are talking to the people through the screen’. Why? I came up with the idea of an island being ruled by whales. As I started to write, my own fears about populist politics and climate change melted together, and the whale became a symbol of a huge deception, yes – how big tricks can be pulled right in front of our eyes – but it had several other functions too: they represent climate catastrophe and also education, illustrating what we have to lose and what we have to gain. Whales are crucial for the environment; if they go extinct, then we really are in trouble (their role in the ecosystem supplies us oxygen). But their incredible communication, compassion and teaching of life-skills to their young can be an inspiration. To us small humans, they also instil a sense of awe. And we need to sustain that same feeling of awe about our planet and its creatures. Because when they’re gone, they’re gone. And then we’re gone, too. And finally, through the story of Toorongong, they represent everything from creation to kinship, to the wisdom of our elders. And to that, I say, never ignore history. It tells us all we need to know, especially about human nature.  

5.     Your 'Mort the Meek' books and the Jim Reaper series are very funny stories- a complete contrast to 'Day of the Whale'! You do both styles very well, but which do you prefer writing?

Sorry to be annoyingly predictable, but I don’t have a favourite. The comedy is a lot of fun. It’s invigorating and light and tends to skip from my fingertips – it’s enormously enjoyable and, dare I say, comes to me more easily that my more intense stuff. But that intense stuff, writing stories that make the brain tick and the heart thump, is intoxicating. It’s harder to get right. My drafts run into double figures. But every redraft is worth it, because not only am I getting the words right, I’m finding new strands to the plot and new ways to weave them together, and I’m getting to know characters in more depth and in turn they’re enriching the story with their actions and reactions. If I could continue my career switching between thrillers and gigglers, that would be perfect!  


6.     What can we expect from you next?

I’m currently editing a futuristic duology (possibly trilogy) which will be out next year, which explores the definitions of freedom and choice, which is very exciting. I’m also toying with some more comedy ideas and a sister book to Day of the Whale, set at sea. All in good time!


7.     And lastly- and most importantly according to my niece- what is your favourite cake?

Really moist lemon drizzle cake with a crisp sugar crust and heaps of lemon juice. Anyone who doesn’t agree is wrong.

Huge thanks to Rachel for answering these questions- so hard to decide which ones to ask!- and I cannot recommend ‘Day of the Whale’ highly enough! You can read my review of it here, but much better than that, read it yourself!!

Day of the Whale Rachel Delahaye

Troika ISBN: 978-1912745197

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Fiction, Environmental Sue Wilsher Fiction, Environmental Sue Wilsher

Day of the Whale

Cam and his mother live in Cetacea, part of Australia which survived the floods, where people worship whales, particularly Big Blue, whose wishes are interpreted by Byron Vos, founder and leader of the area. Everyone is working together to repair the damage caused by their forefathers, but Cam is on a mission of his own. His father is missing and his last words to Cam were Follow Big Blue. Find the truth. With help from his new friends, Banjo and Petra, Cam is determined to discover what happened to his father, but in doing this, they uncover dangerous secrets which might just destroy the world as they know it.

This is one of the best books I have read in ages and I have attempted to write a review of it several times. I can’t do it justice, no matter how hard I try- so here’s my best go! Combining a powerful environmental message with a tale of intrigue and deception, ‘Day of the Whale’ is a compelling page-turner which enthralls the reader from beginning to end. However, it’s also a story which is very hard to review without spoiling for others!

Evocative descriptions bring Cam’s world vividly to life- the relentless heat, the arid landscape and beyond, the ocean ‘like a huge beast shifting in its sleep’ alongside the details of their daily lives as the community strives to make amends for the mistakes of Long Ago- the dirty past.

His mother, lost and depressed since the disappearance of Cam’s father, is desperate for him to ‘be a good Cetacea boy’ and not draw attention to himself, but new friends open Cam’s eyes to new possibilities and different versions of the truth. There is darkness and danger in this world with its struggles for power and control, greed and tyranny- and yet, the story ends with so much hope for the future- for the good in people working together for a common aim.

Petra and Banjo are wonderful characters. Like Cam, they don’t quite fit in Cetacean society. Banjo feels a deep connection to the land and his First Nation’s heritage whilst Petra believes somewhere is ‘only home if you’re free to leave it’. Both challenge Cam to question ‘the establishment’, opening his eyes to new possibilities whilst they try to make sense of the information and mis-information of their world.

I cannot stress how much I loved this book- nor how much I recommend everyone reads it. Nothing I can write will do it justice- just read it for yourself!

Day of the Whale Rachel Delahaye

Troika ISBN: 978-1912745197

You can read my review of ‘Mort the Meek and the Ravens’ Revenge’ here and ‘Mort the Meek and the Monstrous Quest’ here.

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