
There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.

Pause for Poetry, Poetry, Observations Sue Wilsher Pause for Poetry, Poetry, Observations Sue Wilsher

Why did my brain make me say it?

‘Why did my brain make me say it?’ is a wonderful collection of poems, loosely based around the passing of the school year. Full of word play and wit, there are poems to perform, poems to laugh at, poems to linger over- all to enjoy!

‘Love/Hate’ is not only perfect for starting discussions, but also for using as a model to inspire children’s own writing, allowing them to create phrases which capture what they consider to be negatives and positives. This could be done either individually or as a class and result in a fun piece of performance poetry. ‘Rumours’ is another poem which would be great fun to play with and present. Using kennings, ‘Granny and Grandad’ would be perfect for encouraging experimentation with this poetic device and no doubt, producing very satisfying results as children could describe their friends, family, pets…teacher?!

Many of the poems capture feelings or moments which children will readily recognise. in ‘Faux Pas’, a child has just called his teacher ‘mum’, something which happens with surprising regularity even in Year 6 classes! ‘Felicity’ is a poem about a friend who had moved away, leaving a huge hole in the child’s life. Many of the poems contain a surprise, benefitting from repeated reading- ‘Things Sian’s house house has that our house doesn’t’ for example.

The collection includes a wonderful range of poetic styles and devices, showing readers just how much fun poetry can be! Riddles, haiku (and Lie-ku and Bye-ku), shape poems, acrostics, opposites… so much to enjoy! I could comment on each and every poem, being inspired to share them with children and, in turn, inspire children by using them, but I think my favourite is ‘Growing a Poem’ which begins:

A poem begins as a seed

buried deep inside the imagination.

A must-have collection!

Why did my brain make me say that?

Sarah Ziman

Troika ISBN: 978-1912745395

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