There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.
The Endless Sea
When a family are forced to leave their home behind, they set off on a perilous journey to a find a new life.
Based on the author’s own experiences, ‘The Endless Sea’ begins with a family, living ‘a tiger’s whisker’ away from the jungle. Here, after a long war, their family are suffering in the aftermath, punished for being on the losing side. No countries are mentioned in the text, but the author’s note identifies this as Vietnam. Offering a poignant account of the terrifying journey faced by refugees, desperate for sanctuary and a safe life, this is a very powerful, moving picture book, one which is much better suited to sharing with older, rather than younger, children.
Peppered with figurative language, the text follows the family’s traumatic journey across the sea, sharing the horrors of this experience through the eyes of a small child. One of ‘The Lucky Ones’ who survived, she is still haunted by nightmares of her experiences. Yet, ultimately, the story shines a beacon of hope. The family are shown settled in a new home, ‘a cat’s whisker’ from her new school.
Matching the powerful text are the incredible illustrations which are sure to inspire discussions and raise questions. The opening spread shows a beautiful, ‘wide screen’ scene, with an ‘ordinary’ family, happily going about their everyday lives. However, the next picture zooms in, allowing the reader to notice different things. Furtive behaviours and worried expressions tell a very different story, creating a sense of tension. As the family flees, the images become darker as the little family board an overcrowded wooden boat and head out to sea and face the perils of the sinking boat. The nightmare scenes are particularly emotive. Swirling blank figures - those who weren’t so lucky- circle the girl’s bed in inky blackness. She falls ‘into the endless sea’ and unlike the others, lands on the safety of her bed. Each picture in this stunning book is worthy of comment…
An essential addition to books which share the experiences of refugees and develop empathy and understanding for their plight, ‘The Endless Sea’ allows readers to share the positive outcome for this family whilst remembering those who did not survive.
The Endless Sea
Chi Thai, illustrated by Linh Dao
Walker Studio ISBN: 978-1529516487
Pocket Book of Pocket Poems
Having received one of A F Harrold’s postcard poems, I know that children love his short poems! Indeed, despite the fact that we enjoyed plenty of poetry in class, many were fascinated by the idea that something so short was a poem as well as being charmed by the novelty of getting something hand written in the post. This led to us putting up a class post box, writing some tiny poems and sending them to each other. It also led to some really great stamp designing, but that’s another story!
In this book, A F Harrold shares a whole selection of short poems- the longest being only 60 words. The further in to the book you go, the shorter the poems get with a helpful number in the top corner of each page telling you how many words to expect! The collection is perfect for dipping in and out of- but one poem here is sure to lead to another!
Both alphabetical and thematic lists are included should anyone be interested in trying to local a specific poem or poems on a subject. There are poems about ghosts, peanuts, sneezes and cannibalism, ballet, curtains, zeppelins and flamingos…and, of course, postal workers! Many are light-hearted, some are reflective, some play with words whilst others are based on familiar rhymes. There is something here for everyone to enjoy!
Children love the fact that short poems are quick to learn, quite quick to create and easy to share. The fact that this little book is pocket-sized and perfect for carrying around is another benefit to this quirky collection of poems.
A F Harrold’s Pocket Book of Pocket Poems
Illustrated by Jack Viant
Bloomsbury ISBN: 978-1801994972
You can read my review of ‘The Worlds We Leave Behind’ here.
I Hate Everything!
When a ghost decides that they hate everything, it is challenged by another ghost to think about what it is really saying. Having agreed that it doesn’t hate its friend, sweets and dressing up, it then has to admit that it has actually forgotten what it is that it hates and decides that it loves everything…well, nearly everything!
Sophy Henn has done it once again with another fabulous book which shows just how well she understands children! ‘I Hate Everything!’ is a complete joy, capturing the big emotions and big reactions which toddlers (and some older children!) experience and just don’t know how to handle.
The gentle humour of the story allows readers to laugh with the big ghost as the little ghost challenges its statement that it hates everything. Families sharing this are sure to create lists of all the things which they enjoy and love to prove that although they might feel like they ‘hate everything’, nothing could be further from the truth. As usual with Sophy’s stories, there is so much to discuss in such a seemingly simple story, including the twist at the end of the tale!
So much emotion and personality is conveyed through Sophy’s skilful illustrations. How simple lines can create eyes and eyebrows which are so emotionally charged is incredible- but she does it so brilliantly, making the story accessible to all including those who experience difficulties in expressing their feelings or interpreting those of others. Little children can easily ‘read’ the pictures, if not the words, and perhaps enjoy creating their own stories about the two ghosts and drawing their own illustrations taking inspiration from Sophy’s.
Simply lovely- Sophy is a genius!
I Hate Everything!
Sophy Henn
Simon and Schuster ISBN: 978-1398526792
Watch Your Back
Starting the new school year has been a challenge for Kara. Her best friend, Eden, has a new boyfriend and has completely cut her off, leaving her friendless. When the year ‘freak’, Romilly, comes to her aid, Kara finds herself drawn into a friendship which she is unsure about and when unsettling things start to happen, Kara can’t help but suspect Romilly is behind them…
I love a book by Sue Wallman and I think this might be the best yet! ‘Watch Your Back’ is both thought-provoking and compelling, an absolute one-sitting read…and it took me almost to the conclusion to work out what was going on!
The story is cleverly plotted with plenty of clues, red herrings and twists, making it a very satisfying mystery. A sense of uneasy tension mounts as Kara starts to doubt all those around her, losing trust in them and feeling betrayed when her suspicions are not taken seriously. As she finds the tables turned so that she appears to be the aggressor rather than the victim, Kara’s sense of panic is all too real as she struggles to prove her innocence.
Kara is a really likeable, flawed, genuine character, with a loving family, living a messy, ‘real’ life which many readers will be able to relate to. When her close relationship with her one, best friend suddenly ends, she is completely derailed and confused. Her sense of bewilderment and hurt at this sudden rejection and at Eden’s apparent enjoyment of being part of the ‘cool’ group is really well captured as Kara circles through feelings of anger, confusion, loss and self-doubt.
Romilly is also really well captured. Ostracised by her peers, she is desperate for friendship and finds the muddy waters of how she is expected to behave difficult to navigate. The casual, thoughtless unkindness she faces is a harsh reminder that our school system is not kind to everyone.
Manipulation, control, deceit and true friendship are all explored in this engrossing story. One not to be missed!
Watch Your Back
Sue Wallman
Scholastic ISBN: 978-0702332920
Published 13th March 2025
Small World
Celebrating the tiniest creatures on the planet, ‘Small World’ is a fascinating and absorbing read. Divided into six sections, the book looks at tiny birds, fish, amphibians, invertebrates, mammals and reptiles as well as offering a chapter on the ‘very smallest animals’.
Two beautifully illustrated pages are devoted to each creature highlighted with an additional page in each section which allows readers to see each drawn to their actual size. Along with its Latin name, the habitat, diet and appearance are described along with the benefits and challenges it faces as a result of its size.
Some of the animals presented in this book are sure to be familiar- the bee hummingbird, the Ocellaris clownfish or the Monarch butterfly, for example; however, there are plenty of creatures which even the most ardent animal lover may not be familiar with. The rusty-spotted cat, which looks a little like a tabby, is the smallest species of cat on Earth. Kitti’s hog-nosed bat- craseonycteris thonglongyai- also known as the bumblebee bat, is only 3cm long. The Barbados threadsnake, which had been incorrectly identified for years and was only scientifically described by Western scientists in 2008, is only 10cm long.
There is so much to enjoy and learn about the wonderful mixture of appealing, slightly alarming, dangerous and curious creatures found in these pages. As well as being a book to fascinate animal lovers of all ages, there is plenty here which would support- and enrich- elements of the primary curriculum, including adaptation and habitats. A glossary and index are included to support readers’ understanding and its larger format makes it perfect for sharing.
Small World: Meet 30 of the Earth’s Tiniest Creatures
Nick Crumpton, illustrated by Rosie Dore
Wide Eyed ISBN: 978-0711288560
Published 20th March 2025
A Voice in the Storm
Although Rat is miserable, she is reluctant to talk when her friend, Jackdaw, offers to listen. Instead, she rushes out into the storm, running away from both friends and those who might harm her. At last, she crashes into something solid - Bear. Compassionate and thoughtful, Bear encourages Rat to talk and be ‘a voice in the storm’, growling and roaring into the weather above them. Rat confesses how she has been feeling lately and Bear wisely reassures her, saying it takes a lot of courage to ask for help, but even more to let others help. Bear takes Rat home where, at last, Rat feels able to talk to Jackdaw.
Perfect for sharing, ‘A Voice in the Storm’ is a powerful story which sensitively explores how overwhelming feelings can be and the importance of accepting support from others. As Bear says, ‘Those who care will always want to listen.’
Shades of lavender, green and blue are used throughout the book. Grey is introduced in the early pages, echoing Rat’s darker feelings as she struggles to escape her inner storm by racing off into the stormy weather. As she shares her feeling with Bear, pinks and lilacs appear reflecting a release of tension as well as the fresh, clear colours after a heavy storm. This use of colour is one of the many interesting elements of this book, sure to provoke discussion and reflection, proving once more that picture books are not just for the very young!
Initially, Rat runs in an attempt to escape her feelings, a recognisable reaction, opening the way for plenty of discussion. The story also encourages empathy- Jackdaw tries to encourage Rat to talk and may well feel rejected and upset by her reaction. With older children, using role play activities and other drama techniques to explore the situation allows them to see the situation from both sides, valuing and recognising the feelings of each.
At one point, when faced with Snake, Rat almost gives in and steps into Snake’s open jaws before fleeing. This and the text What did Rat almost do, and why did she do it?’ suggest that, at this point of the story, Rat was having suicidal thoughts. Of course, this could be framed as making poor decisions when feeling this vulnerable and confused, but adults need to be aware of this and handle discussions at this point with care- and perhaps some expert advice.
Gorgeous illustrations, deeply poignant.
A Voice in the Storm
Karl James Mountford
Walker ISBN: 978-1529502589
The Appletree Animal Agency
Wishing on a shooting star for the puppy she desperately wants, Mattie knows it won’t happen as her Dad just doesn’t believe she is responsible enough yet to properly look after one. However, when she and her friend, Zoe, find a tiny, scruffy puppy in need of help, she rises to the challenge and meeting the new vet, Dr Polly and her son, Casper, all three children become her apprentice vets. Together, they care for all manner of pets, but soon realise that these creatures need to find homes of their own. That’s when Mattie has one of her madcap Mattie schemes…
‘The Apprentice Animal Agency’ is the first book in a new series which is sure to be a huge hit with young animal lovers. It offers a wonderful blend of gentle adventure, humour, friendship and mishaps, making it perfect for those who are after a well-written, engaging tale which is not packed with peril or fart jokes!
Mattie, Zoe and Casper are three really nice kids who are not fixed to their phones, but are keen to be hands on and active by helping look after animals. Zoe is highly organised, Casper ‘knows everything’ about animals and Mattie has a way with them, making the perfect team. However, not everything goes smoothly, showing each child’s flaws as well as their strengths. Each problem is overcome and the friends emerge stronger than before, offering reassurance and showing the importance of seeing things through and solving problems.
There is a real focus on care for animals which shines through this story. Mattie is desperate for a puppy, but Dad is keen to make sure she is responsible enough to look after one. On finding the puppy, who Mattie calls Luna, the children show great patience and understanding, waiting for it to be ready to come to them rather than rushing it. Each of the pets being rehomed is carefully matched to their new owner, considering the needs and well-being of both. It is not often that the thought needed when considering adopting a pet is shown in children’s stories so this is wonderful to see!
I look forward to seeing the second book in the series, ‘Collie Chaos’!
The Appletree Animal Agency
Katya Balen, illustrated by Gill Smith
Walker Books ISBN: 978-1529519181
Wink, Murder
Mary is reluctantly leaving Bletchley Park, following orders which take her to Bedford and top-secret lessons in Japanese. The only girl in the group, she finds herself befriended by her American study partner, Spencer. Suddenly summoned back to Bletchley, Mary finds herself heading off on assignment to London where she is to pose as a waitress and listen in on the conversations of prisoners dining at the Ritz Hotel. To her surprise, Spencer has also been posted on this assignment and the two work together on the case. But odd things constantly remind Mary that she should ‘Trust no one’, making her question everyone…
This is the third ‘Bletchley Park Mystery’ which features friends, Robyn, Ned and Mary and their experiences whilst based at Bletchley Park during WWII. They are cracking stories, full of excitement and adventure and historical detail. This book focuses on Mary, a mixed-race girl from Liverpool and is just as excellent as the first two.
There are so many elements to this book, all skilfully combined to create a really fascinating story. Not only does it offer a look at the world of espionage, its technology and agents, during the second world war, but it is very rich in background information about life at this time. Mary is caught on a bus during a bomb raid and she helps out with the WVS (The Women's Voluntary Service), allowing the reader to learn more about these things. The book also does not shy away from the racism and sexism she experiences, nor from the way immigrants were treated.
‘Wink, Murder’ would make an excellent class text, either for a thoroughly enjoyable class read or an equally enjoyable focus book to use to support learning about WWII. Additional notes at the end of the book support understanding of some of the elements in the story with plenty of links to enable those interested to explore further. Readers are sure to be inspired to visit Bletchley Park which is truly fascinating. I really hope there are more ‘Bletchley Park Mystery’ books still to come as each one is even better than the last!
Wink, Murder: A Bletchley Park Mystery
Rhian Tracey
Piccadilly Press ISBN: 978-1800789593
You can read about my visit to Bletchley Park here.
Rebel Heart
In 1645, England is a country torn by war, with families and friends divided as they fight either on the side of the King or Parliament. While Merriweather Price’s father is away fighting for King Charles I, her home, Compton Blaize, is besieged by Cromwell’s men. Fearful that her step-mother is going to surrender to the enemy, Merri disguises herself as a boy and sets off in search of help.
‘Rebel Heart’ is historical fiction at its finest. Full of action and adventure, the story is also rich in the level of detail which creates a sense of atmosphere and period so essential for a story of this kind.
Merriweather is such an engaging character. Courageous and loyal, she is determined to live up to her family motto, ‘Fearless and True’, and save her family home. On her way to find help, she encounters both ruthless people exploiting the chaos of civil war as well as those who truly believe that they are fighting on the ‘right’ side, making her revaluate her own beliefs and question things which she has simply accepted.
The story highlights the harsh realities of war with Merri witnessing the horrors of the Battle of Naseby as well as the suffering of those not fighting, but caught in the brutality of civil war. It also reflects the role played by many women who were left to defend their homes, defying the conventions that society placed on them. Detailed notes at the end of the book offer much valuable background information as well as encouraging readers to explore this period further.
Books like ‘Rebel Heart’ are essential for broadening children’s knowledge and understanding of periods of history beyond those taught in the primary curriculum, sparking interest in and awareness of the many layers of history which are everywhere. As with her other books, Ally Sherrick has a talent for bringing the past to life and writing really memorable stories full of adventure.
Rebel Heart
Ally Sherrick
Chicken House ISBN: 978-1915026996
Published 13th March 2025
You can read my review of ‘Vita and the Gladiator’ here.
Ten-Word Tiny Tales of Love
Combining beautiful illustrations with exciting ten-word stories, ‘Ten-Word Tiny Tales of Love’ is an absolute joy from cover to cover! Perfect for inspiring creativity and sparking imagination, each picture and the combining tiny tale offers endless possibilities for developing story telling.
Love in many different forms is captured here- that of nature, of siblings, of parents of pets. Some of the tales might be interpreted quite literally whilst others are more ambiguous or enigmatic, really open to interpretation and flights of imagination. For teachers, this book, like ‘Ten-Word Tiny Tales’, is an absolute gift for encouraging children to create their own tiny tales or develop these in to longer stories, perhaps using the advice offered at the end of the book. However, this is also an invaluable resource for home as well as families- or any combination of adults and children, children and children, or even adults- might thoroughly enjoy developing stories together.
There is such variety in style of both illustration and tale that there really is something for everyone here. Jim Field’s is wonderfully atmospheric, evocative of fairy tales whilst Sydney Smith’s captures a gentle moment of sibling affection; Rikin Parekh’s is wonderfully vibrant whilst Heather Kilgour’s is dreamlike. Like I said, an absolute joy from cover to cover!
Ten-Word Tiny Tales of Love
Joseph Coelho and Friends
Walker ISBN: 978-1529517323
You can read my review of ‘Ten-Word Tiny Tales’ here.
The Forbidden Atlas
Isaac and Hattie are in Paris at the National Archives, waiting to be presented with a special medal for rescuing the world’s clocks from disaster when a gunshot sets them off on another adventure, this time on the greatest treasure hunt in history- the legendary hidden treasure of King Louis XV1. As their search leads them into the maze of tunnels beneath Paris, the children find themselves pursued by a ruthless killer in a high-stakes race to discover the treasure- and save Paris.
Sam Sedgman has done it again with another gripping, beautifully written adventure which has all the thrills and spills, twists and turns readers have come to expect from his stories. ‘The Forbidden Atlas’ is rich in history and detail as well as being a first rate, tension filled mystery.
A perfect balance of engaging characters allows Sam Sedgman to share so much information about Paris, the legend of Louis XVI’s treasure, the catacombs and maps, weaving this effortlessly into the story as each character shares their knowledge and understanding. Isaac, less impetuous and daring perhaps than Hattie, is full of scientific understanding, the love of learning and a determination to do the right thing Hattie is bursting with confidence and intelligence, quick to action and impulsive. Leon, who they meet on this adventure, has an insider’s knowledge of Paris and its secrets. As each shares what they know, the reader learns so much, gaining a deeper understanding of both the story and its setting. Additional information from the author at the end of the book clarifies where Sam Sedgman has ‘strayed from the path of truth for the sake of a good story’!
Like the first book in this series, ‘The Clockwork Conspiracy’, ‘The Forbidden Atlas’ is an ingenious mystery, which will keep readers guessing and questioning every step of the way. It would make a cracking class story- one chapter (there are twenty- like the twenty arrondissements of Paris!) would never be enough! Fortunately, the ending gives a tantalising clue about the next story, ‘The Galileo Heist’…I can’t wait!
Isaac Turner Investigates: The Forbidden Atlas
Sam Sedgman, illustrated by David Dean
Bloomsbury ISBN: 978-1526665430
You can read my review of the first Isaac Turner Investigates book, ‘The Clockwork Conspiracy’, here.
The Bookshop Dog
Scamper loves living at The Happy Tails Bookshop with Paige. He has been welcomed to the area by everyone in the neighbourhood and he loves them all, especially Paige. He decides to follow her example by picking out some books he thinks his friends might enjoy with great success- but will he be able to find something to put a smile on Paige’s face?
‘The Bookshop Dog’ is a delightfully heart-warming story about love, community- and the joys of a good book!
Scamper is absolutely adorable and is sure to win the hearts of everyone who read the book, just as he won the hearts of his local community. He shows that by paying attention and noticing little things it is possible to find the right book for anyone- perhaps something they might not have chosen for themselves. Reading is celebrated on every page and the story is sure to inspire discussions about favourite books, new books and reading habits in general!
Children are sure to enjoy the word play as much as the adults they share the story with- Paige, Happy Tails Bookshop, the doggy titles of the books- all add to the joy of the tale. The illustrations are just as wonderful, offering lots of details to notice and discuss. Children are sure to spot how distracted Paige has become and notice her preoccupation with the pile of bills she keeps looking at. which contrast with the delight on every face as the story reaches its very satisfying conclusion. ‘Reading is a way of coming home…’- how poignant and how true!
The Bookshop Dog
Harriet Evans, illustrated by Claire Shorrock
Little Tiger ISBN: 978-1838917258
Our Love
What a beautiful book! ‘Our Love’ is a delightful celebration of the love of parents for their children- indeed, it could be seen as the love of any adult for any child in their care! The illustrations perfectly capture that sense of unconditional love and protection which young ones should inspire.
Using the animal kingdom to show this bond of affection, there are, amongst others, pictures of nesting birds, a lion with its cub, a joey peeking from its mother’s pouch and koalas cuddling in a tree. Each illustration is presented in warm, fuzzy tones which enhance the feeling of togetherness being enjoyed by the creatures on the pages. For little ones, these illustrations might also spark conversations about these animals, offering opportunities to name them and their young, how they care for them and where they live…but this is all additional pleasure! The story can simply be shared as one might share ‘Guess How much I Love You’.
The end pages open out into a double-page gatefold featuring all the animals, allowing children and their adults to spot their favourites and perhaps, recall the way that love was expressed on those pages. The gentle, repetitive language used and the sentiment make this perfect for snuggling up with at bedtimes and it is sure to be an ‘again! again!’ book in many households.
Our Love
Fatima Ordinola
Post Wave ISBN: 978-1836270089
George and the Mini Dragon
George is bursting with excitement. It’s his seventh birthday and he is desperate to see if he has been given all the presents on his list. Although he has lots to unwrap, he is really disappointed when he finds that he has not been given a pet. However, when blowing out his candles, George makes a birthday wish- and wishes for a pet dragon! When his wish comes true, George is delighted and names the little dragon Lava, but he soon realises that keeping his new pet a secret is not going to be easy!
‘George and the Mini Dragon’ is a delightful story, perfect for younger readers who will be swept along in the adventure. It is a story about family, friendship and fun!
George is a really appealing character and readers will quickly warm to him as his energy and enthusiasm are a real joy. Through the story, George shares details about having Downs Syndrome and how this impacts his life- how using Makaton helps him to communicate, how sometimes it can be annoying when people can’t understand him- encouraging empathy and understanding. The whole tone of the story is upbeat and positive, showing George with good friends, enjoying experiences which everyone can relate to.
The story is accompanied by wonderful illustrations which match the joy and energy of the text perfectly, making it even more engaging. Although a lovely story for both home and school, this would be excellent for a class story time. Having taught children with Downs over my years in the classroom, I would have loved to have had stories like this to share. Invaluable for being inclusive, ‘George and the Mini Dragon’ is above all a thoroughly enjoyable story.
George and the Mini Dragon
George Webster with Helen Harvey, illustrated by Tim Budgen
Scholastic ISBN: 978-0702337291
The Great Theatre Rescue
Charley’s childhood has been unconventional and full of excitement. Her life revolves around The Wren theatre, where, at last, she has a chance to be on the stage, not just behind the curtains. However, when disaster strikes, Charley finds herself bundled off to St Mary-at-Cliffe School for girls which is less like a school and more like a prison. Here the pupils are kept hard at work to line the pockets of those in charge. Knowing the theatre is in peril, Charley is determined to escape, return to London and save the theatre that she loves.
‘The Great Theatre Rescue’ has it all! Vivid, atmospheric descriptions bring the places and characters in this story brilliantly to life as the plot romps along at a pleasing pace. There are dastardly baddies, courageous and determined heroines, historical figures - and a devoted canine companion- making this an adventure to appeal to everyone!
Charley is a very endearing, likeable character who is flawed and easy to identify with as she navigates the challenges thrown at her. Her developing friendship with Jewel, who she meets at school, is really handled and offers some interesting twists to the tale.
The harshness of the boarding school contrasts with the lively warmth and companionship of theatre life, giving the story real colour- and offering echoes of a Dickensian world. Orphans, street gangs, foundling babies, unexpected relationships, betrayal, heartache, love and loyalty transport the reader to another world as Charley strives to save the theatre and overcome her crippling stage fright. There is so much to love in this book.
The energy, tension and excitement of the story would make this an excellent choice for class story time, offering much to enjoy and plenty to discuss. A brilliant read!
The Great Theatre Rescue
Judith Eagle
Faber ISBN: 978-0571363308
You can read my review of ‘The Accidental Stowaway’ here.
The Torto-saurus
Dot is starting a new school and wants to make friends…but perhaps she’ll start tomorrow. She likes to take things slowly so Monty, her tortoise, makes the perfect pet. However, when her new teacher asks the class about their pets and a classmate called Jude announces that they have a tortoise too, another girl makes a mocking comment so Dot claims she has a torto-saurus. Having dressed him up, she brings Monty to school where he soon becomes a celebrity. But even though he doesn’t want to disappoint Dot, Monty is not comfortable in the limelight and removes his costume. Initially angry, Dot soon realises that she has forced Monty to be someone he isn’t and gains the confidence to be true to herself.
‘The Torto-saurus’ is an absolute delight of a book! Many children (and adults!) will see themselves in Dot, who, shy and uncertain, finds taking that first step towards others so hard. In an attempt to fit in, Dot tries to change her best friend- her pet- failing to recognise that the qualities she is trying to change in him are what make him her perfect companion! True friendship is all about accepting others for who they are and valuing them for these qualities. Dot’s claim about her pet didn’t actually help her as everyone’s interest was focused on her ‘torto-saurus’ and it certainly didn’t help Monty. In the end, being herself and allowing Monty to be himself allows her to form a new friendship and for them both to be happy!
The illustrations are really lovely. Dot’s face goes through a wonderful range of expressions as she experiences a roller-coaster ride of emotions, offering plenty to linger over and encourage discussion and empathy as the story develops. Monty’s feelings can also be explored as he strives to to please his friend- but cannot keep up the deception and be happy.
The book would make an excellent book for story time both at home and school, but would also make a brilliant choice for an assembly. It is such a lovely read- and sure to become a firm favourite!
The Torto-saurus
Katie Cottle
Little Tiger ISBN: 9781838917264
Publishing on the 6th March 2025
You can read my review of The Green Giant here and The Blue Giant here.
It’s Spring and Big Hedgehog and Little Hedgehog have come out of hibernation, ready to meet up with their friends and have fun. Everything is familiar, yet looks new and exciting. They have a lovely day with Little Hedgehog keen to do things ‘again’ and ‘again’ until, tired and happy, they head home to bed.
Anyone who spends any time with little ones is familiar with the cry of ‘again, again’ as they have fun exploring the world around them and enjoying each experience. In ‘Again!’, Britta Teckentrup has created a sweet, gentle story which celebrates both the joy of the young and the patience of those who care for them!
The illustrations are absolutely delightful, capturing the beauty of the natural world and Little Hedgehog’s excitement as the hedgehogs meet up with their friends, play and explore. Big Hedgehog quietly supports the hoglet, watching over its fun and joining in with its games as the two reacquaint themselves with everything and everyone. It is a charming celebration of the little things in life and how much they matter.
There are several books about Big Hedgehog and Little Hedgehog, each beautifully illustrated and reflecting the warmth of a close adult child relationship. These stories are perfect bedtime treats!
Britta Techentrup
Prestel ISBN: 978-3791375878
Publishing 4th March 2025
Ramadan on Rahma Road: A Recipe Storybook
In Rahma Road, people from all over the world are preparing food to share as the community gathers for iftar. Both story and cook book, ‘Ramadan on Rahma Road’ offers a peek into each family’s kitchen alongside the recipe that they are preparing.
A real sense of joy and anticipation are created as readers are introduced to delicious food from Nigeria, Malaysia, Egypt and Morocco amongst other places, sharing the excitement of those who prepare them and finding out about the relationships of those making them. The story celebrates not only the festival, but the diversity of the Muslim community around the world.
Bright, colourful illustrations, lively text and tempting recipes combine to make this a very special book. Additional information and further recipes for drinks, main dishes and sweets are included at the end along with photos and messages from the team who created the book. This is a real must-have for developing understanding of the customs of Ramadan, celebrating community joy and sharing and tasting a feast of food!
Ramadan on Rahma Road
Razeena Omar Gutta with recipes by Faaiza Osman and illustrated by Atieh Sohrabi
Barefoot Books ISBN: 978-8888593653
The Full Stop that Got Away
Frank is a full stop. He quietly stops things because that’s what a full stop does. However, when a dragon called Dee takes over, things get out of hand and Frank decides he has had enough. But without a full stop, how will things end?
What a wonderful book! ‘The Full Stop that Got Away’ manages to celebrate both the joy of imagination and the power of punctuation in one fabulously funny story. There is so much to enjoy and discuss here- this is definitely a new favourite!
On the punctuation side, teachers can have great fun, using Frank to remind children of what a full stop does and how important this ‘round and small’ punctation mark is for making sense of written text. Of course, by saying that Frank never asks questions or shouts, the story introduces the use of question marks and exclamation marks, but these are not the only punctuation marks used in the telling of the tale, brilliantly illustrating a variety of these and how they can be used in context of the story. There is so much scope for fun and games to be had here!
However, the story also shows the importance of a dash of imagination and creativity when it comes to telling a great tale. Dee’s enthusiastic additions and details to Frank’s very dull sentence story add great life and excitement…although she still needs his help to bring things to a close! The illustrations are equally brilliant, perfectly capturing Frank’s expressions, Dee’s cavortings and everything in between.
Fabulous fun for home and school! I’m off to plan how to use this now!
The Full Stop that Got Away
Laura Baker, illustrated by Nathan Reed
Scholastic ISBN: 978-0702310225
Publishing 13th February 2025
You can read my review of ‘All the Wonderful Ways to Read’ here.
Remarkable Women: Fascinating Facts You Never Knew About Amazing Women!
‘Remarkable Women: Fascinating Facts You Never Knew About Amazing Women!’ is a very engaging read which challenges readers to question things they thought they knew about women in history. After all, everyone knows that women in history stayed home and avoided adventure and that men pioneered all the scientific breakthroughs, but as this fascinating book shows- oh, no they didn’t!
Starting with ‘Legends’, the book looks at the misconceptions around the role of women in different areas including creatives, superstars and trailblazers. By presenting information in an engaging, chatty, light-hearted style, the serious message the book carries is very successfully conveyed. The ‘did you know…’ sections are sure to be quoted by children seeking to challenge the adults around them and share what they have discovered.
The book is a real gift to teachers who could chose to use sections as the basis for an assembly, discussion time or to challenge something in connection with a particular area of the curriculum and the concise sections also lend themselves to guided reading sessions. A useful world map at the end of the book shows where the women highlighted in the book were born whilst a timeline places them chronologically in history by their date of birth (where this is known).
Nature: Fascinating Facts You Never Knew About the Natural World! is also available in this series.
Oh No They Didn’t Remarkable Women:
Fascinating Facts You Never Knew About Amazing Women!
Eric Huang, illustrated by Sam Caldwell
Quarto ISBN; 978-0711292888