Reviews from Another Life
I have been reviewing books for many years. Here you can search for reviews of other titles by the authors, illustrators, poets and publishers featured on my ‘Reviews’ blog.
The Green Giant
Bea is leaving the city to visit her grandfather who lives in the country. He loves to work in his garden whereas she love to do nothing. When Iris, her sausage dog, chases a cat over the fence into next door’s garden, she follows and finds an overgrown wilderness. There she discovers an old greenhouse…and a giant made entirely from plants! The Green Giant explains how he had to leave the city, opening Bea’s eyes to the magic and wonder of nature. When she leaves to return home to the city, the giant gives her a present which helps transform the grey city in which she lives.
A lovely story offering an important message about the wonder of green spaces and the magic of planting seeds and watching them grow, ‘The Green Giant’ is a fabulous book for sharing and promoting discussion. The Green Giant is reminiscent of the Green Man, often a symbol associated with rebirth on churches and that is what he longs for- a magical place where everything can grow.
The illustrations are lovely, showing Bea come to love nature and awakening her love of the outdoors and all it offers. ‘Guerrilla gardening’ is on the increase as people come to understand the importance greenery has on people’s well being as well as the environment. The colours are bright and vivid, grabbing attention and emphasising the contrast between the grey of the city and the beauty of nature.
The Green Giant
Katie Cottle
Pavilion ISBN: 978-1843654001
The Blue Giant
Meera and her mother are enjoying a day on the beach when a blue giant rises from the water and asks for their help. It takes them on a journey beneath the waves and shows them all the rubbish that has gathered there. Meesha and her mum swim into action and start to clean up, but there is so much to do. But they find that each act of kindness inspires someone else to action and soon everybody is working together to clean up.
This beautiful story gently introduces children to the compelling issue of rubbish in our seas. The Blue Giant brings the environment to life, making a direct appeal from the ocean to the reader to take action. Meera and her mother help the creatures ‘one by one’ as they clean up, showing what a huge task this is- and yet how things can be achieved if tackled one step at a time. It also inspires collective action with Meera’s actions leading to others joining in and following her example.
With its lovely illustrations, ‘The Blue Giant’ is perfect for using in school. Sea collages and beach scenes, creating their own ‘Blue Giants’, sand sculptures and sea creatures- so much art work could be generated from this book. It also offers an excellent starting point for discussions about pollution and steps that can be taken to solve the issue- perhaps starting with a beach clean if you live near the sea- or a playground tidy if not. There are suggestions for reducing the usage of single use plastics - action that can be taken immediately!
‘The Blue Giant’ is a delightful story full of lovely illustrations which is the perfect follow-up to Katie’s first book, ‘The Green Giant’.
The Blue Giant
Katie Cottle
Pavilion ISBN: 978-18436513
Once Upon a Tune
‘Once Upon a Tune’ is such a beautiful book, full of stunning illustrations. Six stories from around the world have been lovingly retold and each has been the inspiration for wonderful music. James is well known for combining his incredible artwork with storytelling and music and this book is a true celebration of the timeless appeal of a good story. The Sorcerer's Apprentice, The Swan of Tuonela, The Flight of the Bumblebee, In the Hall of the Mountain King, Scheherazade and William Tell are the stories included, each dramatically illustrated with sections of musical notation forming part of the pictures, constantly reminding the reader of the link. I suspect this has been taken from the score of each piece! The artwork is sure to inspire children to create collages or paintings of scenes from stories or perhaps to paint whilst listening to the music as James does so brilliantly.
There are musical notes from the author at the end of the book and recommended recordings of each piece for the reader to listen to, a wonderful resource for those who perhaps aren’t sure which version to try first. This makes the book a very useful resource for teachers as well, making for a special story time where the music and story can be combined, perhaps over a few sessions with plenty of discussion and enjoyment.
James has also made some short films introducing each story which are perfect for sharing. Once Upon a Tune is both beautifully designed and beautifully written- an absolute joy!
Once Upon a Tune
James Mayhew
Otter-Barry ISBN: 978-1913074036
Too Much Stuff!
Meg and Ash have created a lovely nest for their four perfect eggs. But suddenly, it seems to them that this is not good enough and that the nest needs more ‘stuff’ to make it the best possible. They start to collect things -small items at first, but as they get more ambitious, disaster strikes, making Meg and Ash realise what has really been important to them all along.
‘Too Much Stuff!’ revisits the woodland we were introduced to in ‘Tidy’ and the illustrations show many of the same creatures, including Pete the badger (and is that Cyril and Pat?!), watching the events unfold as magpies, Meg and Ash, gather as much stuff as they can and pack it into their nest.
Told in rhyming text, the story builds brilliantly to the climax the reader has been anticipating and it is easy to laugh at the obsession these proud parents have of providing their eggs with so many things they can’t possibly need. And this, of course, is the brilliance of the whole, as sage Emily Gravett is reminding us all that the really important things in life are not those ‘must haves’ that seem so essential, but the irreplaceable, precious people we love. The endpapers are full of wonderful adverts from ‘Stuff’ magazine, gently poking fun at the amazing range of seemingly desirable items we are convinced we need; those at the front are ones which Meg and Ash feather their nest whilst those at the back show advertising at its best (or worst!).
The importance of the ‘four ‘R’s of recycling’ are also at the heart of the story. If it can be used in some way, each item from the nest is given a new lease of life whilst the real rubbish is carefully returned to the bin by Pete putting his tidying skills to good use. Using the library is also given a plug with Pete choosing from a range which includes some familiar favourites!
The illustrations are a real joy, packed with detail, bright and appealing. Even under the dust jacket and the ‘real’ cover of the book are full of pictures and things to notice. ‘Too Much Stuff!’ is just perfect for using in school, not only because of its powerful pleas for focusing on the important things in life and recycling, but for the many storytelling opportunities offered by the illustrations. There are so many creatures here with stories waiting to be told…and have the magpie chicks learned from their parents’ mistake or will an argument over some beads lead to more problems?
Hopefully, books are an exception because ‘Too Much Stuff!’ is one everyone will want to add to their collection- or at least, borrow from the library!
Too Much Stuff!
Emily Gravett
Two Hoots ISBN: 978-1509857333
Photo: Emily Beale
Pete the badger loves a good tidy and clean-up, but living deep in the forest, this is not an easy task. From snipping off flowers that don't quite match to polishing rocks, there is so much to do. However, when Pete takes to hoovering up all the dead leaves, things take a turn for the worse as leaves continue to fall (it is autumn after all), and Pete decides the only way to keep the forest tidy is to get rid of trees. Pete's obsession spirals out of control, and soon the forest is replaced by a concrete jungle. When he is left hungry and homeless, Pete begins to realise what he has done.
Emily Gravett's talent for drawing charming anthropomorphic animals allows this book to carry a serious theme while never being too somber. She captures the natural beauty of the forest colours which she then contrasts with browns and greys post-tidy, conveying a powerful message about how urbanisation affects the environment. The double-spread with the huge pile of rubbish bags is particularly powerful.
However, all ends well for Pete, who with the help of some woodland friends, manages to reverse what he has done, offering hope that maybe it is not too late to reverse some of the damage humans have done. The theme of protecting the environment is obviously key here, and branches out into the impact of waste and the importance of ecosystems which also offer opportunities for many discussions and activities in classrooms and at home.
Emily Gravett
Two Hoots ISBN : 978-1447273981
Cyril and Pat
Cyril is all alone until he meets Pat. They have brilliant fun together and every time someone tries to tell Cyril something about Pat, Cyril is quick to say what he likes about his friend, Pat. However, when Cyril finally realises that Pat is a rat, everyone tells him that squirrels and rats should not be friends. Sadly, Cyril listens and finds life is nowhere near as much fun without his best mate. When Cyril is in danger, however, it is Pat, his true friend, who comes to the rescue.
This is such a powerful book. Like a little child, Cyril has no preconceptions about Pat; he just sees a like minded soul-someone he really enjoys being with. It is the other characters who try to impose their prejudices and stereotypes onto Pat, telling Cyril what he should think. Although it is all said as if they have Cyril's best interests at heart, this is clearly not the case as Cyril then finds himself alone. Intolerance and prejudice are such relevant topics to everyday life and this story offers the perfect way into empathetic discussions about acceptance and feelings.
The illustrations are just a delight! The joy on Cyril and Pat's faces as they play together contrasts perfectly with the unhappiness which follows when they are separated. There are so many details to notice and enjoy as well. The shops all have such relevant names and the picture showing how Slim chases them around the park is just brilliant!
A treasure of a story with beautiful illustrations, 'Cyril and Pat' is a must have for every classroom.
Cyril and Pat
Emily Gravett
Two Hoots ISBN: 978-1509857272
Murder in Midwinter
When Maya takes a photo from the top of a bus, she has no idea of the trouble it will bring.
Fleur Hitchcock wastes no time in this murder mystery. In the first six chapters, there is a murder and a kidnapping. From the outset, Maya is thrown into a world where people will stop at nothing to get their hands on what they want -and they want what she has.
Fearing for Maya’s safety in London, the police send her to her aunt’s farm in the Welsh Mountains where they believe she will be safe. Maya has been to her aunt’s before a long time ago, but is in no hurry to rush back there due to its remoteness and her vile cousin, Ollie, who used to put salt in her ice cream, and nothing has changed. Snow starts falling as soon as Maya arrives and it is not long before they get cut off. The police think Maya is safe on the mountain cut off by snow until news reaches them that the suspected murderer is in the area.
This book gallops a long at a real pace and Fleur uses the remoteness of the setting to really build up the tension. The characters in the book are well drawn as are their developing relationships. Lots of lovely observed detail is added about the characters, making it thoroughly enjoyable. This was a one-sitting read!
Murder in Midwinter
Fleur Hitchcock
Nosy Crow ISBN: 978-0857636386
Waiting for Murder
It’s a long, hot summer, but instead of spending time with his mates, Dan’s been plucked from his ‘happy city summer’ to stay in a cottage beneath the dam of a reservoir with his mum whilst she and her archaeologist colleagues search for the bones of Edith the Fair. As the water levels of the reservoir drop, Dan notices a car emerging - containing what looks like a body. Next morning, however, there is no sign of a corpse, but sharp eyed Dan and his new friend, Florence, notice some clues which arose their suspicions. Something strange is going on and as they continue to investigate, it becomes clear that someone will stop at nothing to prevent them from uncovering the truth.
Full of tension and action, ‘Waiting for Murder’ is an excellent read, offering a compelling mystery with a satisfying conclusion. Written in the first person present tense, the reader see the action through Dan’s eyes, ensuring they see all the clues as he does and have the opportunity to piece the mystery together. Dan’s fascination with the case is completely believable as one fact leads him to another.
Dan’s relationship with his mother is wonderful. There is warmth and trust between them and her being a ‘bone expert’ certainly helps his investigation as her job gives her access to a library of skulls on her computer and leads him to the newspaper collections in the local museum. Florence is a great character-very different to Dan- and makes a very determined partner in crime detection.
There is so much here to enjoy and explore, making the book a great class story or guided reading text. The story offers an excellent model for building tension and using the immediacy of first person viewpoint, allowing children to explore these techniques and develop them in their own writing. The use of research- newspapers, gravestones, oral history- is also a great example of allowing the characters to find things out which is completely plausible and an integral part of the story.
Full of suspense and surprises, ‘Waiting for Murder’ is another Fleur Hitchcock classic.
Waiting for Murder
Fleur Hitchcock
Nosy Crow ISBN: 978-1788008648
A Shelter for Sadness
A little boy builds a shelter for his Sadness which has come to stay. Here, it has room to be however it needs to be. He gives it the space it needs , visiting when it calls to him , acknowledging its presence, but not always needing its company. He knows that one day, he and his Sadness will be ready to face the world together and enjoy its beauty.
This is such a beautiful book. Deeply poignant, it explores the importance of acknowledging sadness in all its forms and making space in our life for these feelings. The book was inspired by the words of Etty Hillesum, a Holocaust victim, who wrote:
'Give your sorrow all the space and shelter in yourself that is its due, for if everyone bears grief honestly and courageously, the sorrow that now fills the world will abate. But if you do instead reserve most of the space inside you for hatred and thoughts of revenge-from which new sorrows will be born for others-then sorrow will never cease in this world. And if you have given sorrow the space it demands, then you may truly say: life is beautiful and so rich.'
Esther 'Etty' Hillesum
The book offers a very reassuring starting point for discussions about these complex feelings and the many ways in which waves of sadness can catch you, recognising and validating these emotions. There is so much to share and explore on each page, which could easily lead to expressing personal feelings, perhaps through writing poetry, painting or keeping a diary.
David Litchfield’s illustrations capture these emotions beautifully, perfectly complementing Anne Booth’s gentle text. Heart-warming and powerful, this is a very special book.
‘A Shelter for Sadness’ is simply stunning, both in words and illustration. One to treasure!
A Shelter for Sadness
Anne Booth, illustrated by David Litchfield
Templar ISBN: 978-1787417212
Anna at War
When life in Germany become increasingly dangerous for Jews, Anna’s parents manage to get her onto one of the trains leaving for England as part of the Kindertransport. Fortunate enough to find herself welcomed by her foster family, Anna begins to build a new life for herself in Kent. However, the war is never far away and Anna finds herself caught up in a dangerous plot when she decides actions speak louder than words to show whose side she is really on.
This is just the best read! Helen’s writing is compelling and deeply moving as she tells Anna’s story with great skill and empathy.
The book starts with Daniel’s teacher asking his class whether they know of anyone who lived through the Second World War. As he tells them his granny came over just before the war started, Daniel suddenly realises how little he knows about her life and decides to ask her about it. The story is then told through Anna’s memories. Without saying anything, this special book reminds us all of the importance of valuing the lives and memories of other generations, encouraging children and grandchildren to ask questions about the past.
Anna’s memories start on Kristallnacht when her world is torn apart by Nazi storm troopers destroying her home and taking her father away. The closeness of her family and her parents’ desperation to save their daughter are vividly portrayed, leading to their decision to send her to England on the Kindertransport.
An amazing character, the reader begins to learn of Anna’s strength of character as she helps others, even finding herself in charge of a baby. The writing here skilfully shows Anna’s fear and anxieties, yet her curiosity as she faces the unknown. Her intelligence and resourceful nature are also clearly shown.
Anna quickly adapts to her life in England, but there are ups and downs along the way as she encounters prejudice and mis-understanding as well as great kindness. There are wonderful descriptions of life in rural England at this time as well as details about war time living. The excitement builds as the children find a wounded soldier and all her determination and resolve are once again put to the test.
Not everyone has a happy ending in this story- how could they?- but the final chapter is beautiful, satisfying and poignant. This is such a wonderful book with strong messages about being kind, offering understanding and compassion and is a must for libraries and classrooms.
A moving wartime adventure, ‘Anna at War’ is set to be a modern classic.
Anna at War
Helen Peters
Nosy Crow ISBN: 978- 1788004718
Evie's Ghost
Reminiscent of 'Tom's Midnight Garden', Evie's Ghost is a lovely time-slip novel where a young girl travels back in history to spare another the fate of a loveless marriage.
Evie is not happy with her mother. Not only has she decided to remarry, but she is sending Evie to stay with a godmother Evie has never met in an ancient house in the middle of nowhere. No mobile signal, no internet- not even a television- how is she going to cope?
Words scratched into the window of the room she is staying in lead Evie into an adventure in the past where she finds herself as a housemaid in the 1800's. Forced into a very different life and role than she's used to, Evie has to learn quickly if she is to help those in the past and change the future.
Rich in historical detail, Evie's Ghost is about friendship, loyalty and family. Evie learns a great deal about herself during her time in the past and comes to re-evaluate her relationships and opinions. As a feisty, modern girl, she is shocked by the attitudes, not only to girls, but to those of 'lower' classes held by people in the early 1800's. The hard life of a maid servant is vividly brought to life with its relentless duties and unreasonable expectations.
Evie is determined to change the past and the story moves at a pleasing pace towards a satisfying conclusion.
Evie's Ghost
Helen Peters
Nosy Crow ISBN: 978-0857638427
Delivery to the Lost City
The Impossible Postal Express is off on another incredible adventure! Since learning that their daughter has been sneaking out of the house to deliver mail to the Impossible Places, Suzy’s parents have understandably become a little over-protective. In an effort to bring her two worlds together, Suzy has asked her friends from the Impossible Postal Express to come for tea and meet her family. Things are not going quite according to plan when the crew are called away to make a delivery. Determined to make her parents understand, Suzy suggests they hop on board and find out what life on the Express is like. But taking delivery of a mysterious talking book which is stealing words and causing chaos, setting off on a mission to find a lost city and facing untold dangers might not be the best way to put their minds at rest…
This is the third adventure for Suzy and her friends from the Impossible Places and it doesn’t disappoint. One of my favourite things about these books is the incredible world building which makes each place visited full of detail and come alive around you as you read. In this story, Suzy visits new locations as well as familiar ones, each vividly described and full of wonder. The story makes an amazing read aloud as it is richly told and offers much to linger over and imagine.
Suzy continues to be a wonderful personality. Resourceful and curious, she is also a loyal and caring. This book explores her relationship with her parents as she is desperate to both please them and continue to be Deputy Postal Operative Smith, performing the duties she knows she is so good at aboard the Postal Express. On their adventures, Susie and the crew meet new characters- and bump into some old ones. I couldn’t help wondering whether P G Bell had modelled one of the new ones on someone often in the news!
Speaking of news, this story also shows how people can be controlled by misinformation, prejudice and fear, making it an excellent starting point for discussions about questioning what we are told in the media. That said, the writing maintains the characteristic humour of the previous books, steaming along at a great pace with lots of action and adventure. I believe this is to be the last book in this series which I think is a great shame as there are many adventures still waiting to be had in this incredible world with these wonderful characters.
Delivery to the Lost City
P G Bell, illustrated by Flavia Sorrentino
Usborne ISBN: 978-1474948630
The Great Brain Robbery
Desperate to take up her position of Deputy Postal Operative, Susie can’t wait to get back aboard the Impossible Postal Express and return to the Union of Impossible Places to see all her friends. However, a sudden earthquake ruins the train’s re-launch and throws Trollville into chaos. Realising that something is amiss, Susie and her friends set off to solve the problem and save everyone from imminent danger.
Another fabulously fast-paced and magical adventure from P G Bell which has you completely absorbed in the action from the outset. As with book one, this story is full of wonderful characters and as Wilmot and Susie separate for much of the action in this book, the reader is able to come to know Wilmot even better and appreciate how brave, loyal and kind he is. Members of the ‘Old Guard’ also come into their own in this story.
P G Bell’s world building is just amazing, offering a rich, imaginative background to the action. As with the first book, the illustrations are a joy and add much to the story. It’s hard to say too much about the plot without spoiling it for anyone who hasn’t had the pleasure of reading the book yet, but it all comes together brilliantly at the end, making a very satisfying, entertaining read!
‘The Great Brain Robbery’ is every bit as enjoyable as ‘The Train to Impossible Places’ and I can’t wait to see what Susie and her friends get up to next!
The Great Brain Robbery
P G Bell, illustrated by Flavia Sorrentino
Usborne ISBN: 978--1474948623
The Train to Impossible Places
‘The Train To Impossible Places’ is a brilliantly magical, exciting story, full of wonderful characters! It is illustrated throughout by Flavia Sorrentino and if you take off the beautiful dust jacket, this is the stunning treat that lies beneath!
Suzy is a wonderful character. Passionate about physics, her curious mind introduces readers to many science concepts throughout the book and she questions the ‘fuzzics’ of negotiable gravity, fusion bananas and other ‘impossible’ concepts as she journeys through her adventure. Her logical mind doesn’t stop her impulsive nature as she leaps headlong into situations without thinking of the consequences, making her an exciting heroine!
Other characters are equally well drawn. I love Wilmot, his passion for the job that has been in his family for so long, his conscientious nature and loyalty. His mother is also a joy- the perfect proud, adoring maternal troll! Ursel is another great character who I hope there will be more from in future stories as a hint was given about her past which needs to be explored!
The plot is a roller-coaster of a ride which hurtles along at a fabulous pace. Full of imagination and adventure, the world P G Bell has created is a stunning one which deserves further exploration! A must for all fantasy fans!
The Train to Impossible Places
P G Bell, illustrated by Flavia Sorrentino
Usborne ISBN: 978-1474948616
Pizazz vs the Demons
Thanks to super baddie Copycat, Pizazz now has five Demon Pizazzes to deal with. Each Demon Pizazz represents a different emotion and she will need the help of all of her friends to overcome them…
In this, her fourth, adventure, Pizazz is told that evil baddie Copycat is being unbelievably annoying and is repeating everything anyone says. Copycat has said that she might stop if Pizazz asks her nicely so our grumpy super rushes into action. However, she finds herself faced with Copycat's invention, the Super Power Duplicator, with which Copycat intends to steal Pizazz's superpower. Things do not go according to plan and soon duplicate Demon Pizazzes are appearing and causing problems.
Each of the Demon Pizzazes embodies a different emotion and, with the help of her friends, she is able to find ways of defeating them. The advice her friends offer is, of course, brimming with words of wisdom for all of us when those emotions come to the fore.
Pizazz has been a huge hit with my classes ever since she made her debut! Offering a brilliant balance of story, illustration and comic strip, they are instantly engaging and readable. Brimming with humour, they are also full of positive affirmations about being yourself, friendship and working together. It is so easy to identify with this well intentioned but accident-prone reluctant superhero!
These stories go from strength to strength and I hope there are many more adventures for this eye-rolling, cape-wearing, big-hearted superhero to come!
Pizazz vs the Demons Sophy Henn
Simon and Schuster ISBN: 978-1398505803
Jasper and Scruff Take a Bow
Jasper and Scruff are very excited about the ‘Reach Fur the Stars’ talent contest. Scruff plans to appear as ‘Scruff the Sensational’ and hopes Jasper will join him in his magic act. Jasper, however, has different, more refined, plans. The Sophisticats are also determined to get their paws on the Grand Prize and it soon becomes clear that something suspicious is going on. Can Jasper and Scruff team up to save the show?
This is the third adventure for Jasper and Scruff and their very endearing friendship that proves opposites attract. Scruff is full of boundless enthusiasm enthusiasm, throwing himself into everything he does. Jasper is far more cautious, considering his appearance and what others might think of him. But their friendship endures- Scruff never holds a grudge and Jasper can’t help but love his messy pal! When Scruff wins a place in the final, he is quick to include Jasper and so they are both ready to foil the dastardly deeds that are spoiling each performance, but one.
The story is generously illustrated with fun, colourful pictures throughout and the story is full of humour. It would make an excellent read aloud, but is also perfect for newly independent readers with an achievable amount of text on each page and plenty of interesting vocabulary. There is plenty to engage with in the story as well. Children would enjoy learning some magic tricks (perhaps not sawing each other in half!) or putting on a talent show of their own. Making experimental milk shakes (maybe not salty vanilla!) would also be great fun!
Full of fabulous illustrations, ‘Jasper and Scruff Take a Bow’ is another magical adventure for this loveable duo!
Jasper and Scruff Take a Bow
Nicola Colton
Little Tiger ISBN: 978-1788952545
Jasper and Scruff
Jasper the cat has everything he could want- a lovely home in a fancy apartment building, a fabulous collection of patterned bow ties and a library of books arranged by colour. But what he really wants is to be a member of… the Sophisticats, a society of exceptional felines. When they accept his invitation to a dinner party, he is thrilled and knows this is his chance to impress them. However, when out shopping for the party, Jasper bumps into Scruff, a boisterous, drooling puppy who follows him home. As a result, Jasper’s carefully prepared evening does not go according to plan, but everything turns out for the best in the end.
This is a delightful, heart warming story about the importance of real friends. For all their self importance and supposed airs and graces, The Sophisticats soon show their true colours and it’s clear that the over-enthusiastic, scruffy pup who followed him home is by far the better friend for Jasper. Although Scruff disrupts Jasper’s ‘purr-fect’ life, he actually enriches it beyond measure and his creativity and energy make him just the right kind of friend.
Perfect for newly independent readers, ‘Jasper and Scruff’ is also an excellent story for starting discussions about friendships and what the ‘right’ friends might look like. It reminds us that we should give others a chance and that opposites really can attract. It’s so important to remain open to new experiences- and to new friends!
Full of delightfully quirky illustrations, ‘Jasper and Scruff’ is a delightful book which is bursting with humour and joy.
Jasper and Scruff
Nicola Colton
Stripes ISBN: 978-1788950695
The Consequence Girl
Cora and Seleen live in a cabin in the woods. Constantly vigilant, they live far away from others, although Cora is not sure who or what they are hiding from. When she breaks the rules they live by and rescues an injured boy, Kai, Cora’s life changes for ever. Possessed of an incredible ability to see back in time, see the cause of events and make tiny changes to alter future outcomes, Cora is sought after by those who would use her to their own ends. Ultimately, she must decide who to trust and what the future holds.
I absolutely loved ‘Adam-2’, Alastair’s last novel for this age group, and so had high expectations of this one. ‘The Consequence Girl’ does not disappoint, offering a thought-provoking, science fiction novel which you cannot put down.
As Cora discovers more about the world she lives in, the reader learns about the history of Colony and the reasons for its decline. Built by the Glories, who looked like humans, but had amazing powers, civilisation declined once they left without warning. Scare and valuable, Glory technology is much prized and hard to come by and corruption is rife. Led by Governor Thorsen and his head of Protection, Sisal, there is little room for disagreement with the powers that be in this ‘democracy’, immediately raising questions about policies made for the ‘good of the people’ and their consequences, linking the fantasy world with that in which we live.
Cora is easy to empathise with. Her complex relationship with Seleen is beautifully handled as she (Cora) begins to realise that she has her own choices to make. Caught in the middle of those who would manipulate her for their own ends, Cora seems in an impossible position yet finds the strength of character to navigate through and remain true to herself. The story challenges the reader to think about the consequences of actions and how changing one thing in the past could have disastrous results. However, the ending is full of hope for the future. Although we cannot alter the past, each of us has the power to change the future by small, considered actions and the choices we make.
‘The Consequence Girl’ is a compelling, challenging story- one not to be missed!
The Consequence Girl
Alastair Chisholm
Nosy Crow ISBN: 978-1839941207
Orion Lost
Thirteen-year-old, Beth McKay, is with her parents on the colony ship, ‘Orion’, setting off to start a new life millions of miles from Earth on Eos Five. Facing the potential dangers of Scrapers (space pirates) and the Videshi (an alien species), life on the Orion is very different, but Beth soon settles into a pattern of school work, Command Training and making Jumps where the ship covers great distances whilst its crew Sleeps to keep them safe, all constantly monitored by the ever-present Ship, an artificial intelligence. Then an Event occurs and Beth and her friends are the only ones awake on the Orion with Beth being given the role of Captain. Their ship is badly damaged and the children have to navigate encounters with both Scrapers and the Videshi, all made worse by tensions within the group and the feeling that Ship might not be telling them the truth…
This was a one sitting read; I could not put it down! My first book of 2020 and so enjoyable. From the beginning, each piece of the puzzle is being laid and the story is fast paced and thrilling. All the clues are there, but there are twists along the way to keep the reader guessing. Is Ship lying? Or is there a greater threat Beth and the others should be watching out for?
Beth is a great character; feisty and full of spark, she is also lacking in confidence, making her an interesting leader. When things come out in the open and the reader learns more about what has happened, you can really appreciate the strengths and weaknesses of each character- but I can’t say more without spoiling it for anyone who has not read it yet!
The Videshi story line is also an interesting one (again, I don’t want to say too much!), offering food for thought about how humans treat the world- or in this case, space- around them.
A fabulous read- with plenty of potential for more adventures from this crew- ‘Orion Lost’ is an unputdownable space adventure!
Orion Lost
Alastair Chisholm
Nosy Crow ISBN: 978-1788005920
Budi has a plan- he dreams of playing football from Real Madrid. Every chance he has, he plays with his friends, focusing on his goal. But his life is a million miles away from his fantasy. Every day, he stitches football boots for others in cruel conditions, earning a pittance. Life is tough in Jakarta where he lives, yet he steadfastly believes in his dream.
Things go from bad to worse when Budi comes to the attention of The Dragon, the most feared man in Jakarta. Now so much more than Budi's dreams are at stake...
Endorsed by Amnesty International, this is a powerful, poignant book about the horrors of child labour, exploitation and cruelty. It brings into sharp focus the 'hidden' lives of those we don't see and so many are unaware of and should provoke countless conversations about things we take for granted and the true price that is paid for things we take for granted. It could be a bleak read because it highlights the life lived by many.
However, this is a story about resilience, about hopes and dreams. It is also about true friendship and family and how these can thrive in the worst circumstances. Budi is an amazing character, beautifully developed, offering such an amazing outlook on life as your heart bleeds for him. His family offer love and support in the midst of everything and his friendship with Rochy is just wonderful to read.
'Kick' is not an easy read, but it is an essential one. Thought provoking and challenging, it is perfect thinking readers.
Kick Mitch Johnson
Usborne ISBN -9781474928151