Reviews from Another Life

I have been reviewing books for many years. Here you can search for reviews of other titles by the authors, illustrators, poets and publishers featured on my ‘Reviews’ blog.

Fiction, Adventure Sue Wilsher Fiction, Adventure Sue Wilsher

Delivery to the Lost City

The Impossible Postal Express is off on another incredible adventure! Since learning that their daughter has been sneaking out of the house to deliver mail to the Impossible Places, Suzy’s parents have understandably become a little over-protective. In an effort to bring her two worlds together, Suzy has asked her friends from the Impossible Postal Express to come for tea and meet her family. Things are not going quite according to plan when the crew are called away to make a delivery. Determined to make her parents understand, Suzy suggests they hop on board and find out what life on the Express is like. But taking delivery of a mysterious talking book which is stealing words and causing chaos, setting off on a mission to find a lost city and facing untold dangers might not be the best way to put their minds at rest…

This is the third adventure for Suzy and her friends from the Impossible Places and it doesn’t disappoint. One of my favourite things about these books is the incredible world building which makes each place visited full of detail and come alive around you as you read. In this story, Suzy visits new locations as well as familiar ones, each vividly described and full of wonder. The story makes an amazing read aloud as it is richly told and offers much to linger over and imagine.

Suzy continues to be a wonderful personality. Resourceful and curious, she is also a loyal and caring. This book explores her relationship with her parents as she is desperate to both please them and continue to be Deputy Postal Operative Smith, performing the duties she knows she is so good at aboard the Postal Express. On their adventures, Susie and the crew meet new characters- and bump into some old ones. I couldn’t help wondering whether P G Bell had modelled one of the new ones on someone often in the news!

Speaking of news, this story also shows how people can be controlled by misinformation, prejudice and fear, making it an excellent starting point for discussions about questioning what we are told in the media. That said, the writing maintains the characteristic humour of the previous books, steaming along at a great pace with lots of action and adventure. I believe this is to be the last book in this series which I think is a great shame as there are many adventures still waiting to be had in this incredible world with these wonderful characters.

Delivery to the Lost City

P G Bell, illustrated by Flavia Sorrentino

Usborne ISBN: 978-1474948630

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Fiction, Adventure Sue Wilsher Fiction, Adventure Sue Wilsher

The Great Brain Robbery

Desperate to take up her position of Deputy Postal Operative, Susie can’t wait to get back aboard the Impossible Postal Express and return to the Union of Impossible Places to see all her friends. However, a sudden earthquake ruins the train’s re-launch and throws Trollville into chaos. Realising that something is amiss, Susie and her friends set off to solve the problem and save everyone from imminent danger.

Another fabulously fast-paced and magical adventure from P G Bell which has you completely absorbed in the action from the outset. As with book one, this story is full of wonderful characters and as Wilmot and Susie separate for much of the action in this book, the reader is able to come to know Wilmot even better and appreciate how brave, loyal and kind he is. Members of the ‘Old Guard’ also come into their own in this story.

P G Bell’s world building is just amazing, offering a rich, imaginative background to the action. As with the first book, the illustrations are a joy and add much to the story. It’s hard to say too much about the plot without spoiling it for anyone who hasn’t had the pleasure of reading the book yet, but it all comes together brilliantly at the end, making a very satisfying, entertaining read!

‘The Great Brain Robbery’ is every bit as enjoyable as ‘The Train to Impossible Places’ and I can’t wait to see what Susie and her friends get up to next!

The Great Brain Robbery

P G Bell, illustrated by Flavia Sorrentino

Usborne ISBN: 978--1474948623

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Fiction, Adventure Sue Wilsher Fiction, Adventure Sue Wilsher

The Train to Impossible Places

‘The Train To Impossible Places’ is a brilliantly magical, exciting story, full of wonderful characters! It is illustrated throughout by Flavia Sorrentino and if you take off the beautiful dust jacket, this is the stunning treat that lies beneath!

Suzy is a wonderful character. Passionate about physics, her curious mind introduces readers to many science concepts throughout the book and she questions the ‘fuzzics’ of negotiable gravity, fusion bananas and other ‘impossible’ concepts as she journeys through her adventure. Her logical mind doesn’t stop her impulsive nature as she leaps headlong into situations without thinking of the consequences, making her an exciting heroine!

Other characters are equally well drawn. I love Wilmot, his passion for the job that has been in his family for so long, his conscientious nature and loyalty. His mother is also a joy- the perfect proud, adoring maternal troll! Ursel is another great character who I hope there will be more from in future stories as a hint was given about her past which needs to be explored!

The plot is a roller-coaster of a ride which hurtles along at a fabulous pace. Full of imagination and adventure, the world P G Bell has created is a stunning one which deserves further exploration! A must for all fantasy fans!

The Train to Impossible Places

P G Bell, illustrated by Flavia Sorrentino

Usborne ISBN: 978-1474948616

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Fiction, Younger Readers, Comic Book, Humour Sue Wilsher Fiction, Younger Readers, Comic Book, Humour Sue Wilsher

Pizazz vs the Demons

Thanks to super baddie Copycat, Pizazz now has five Demon Pizazzes to deal with. Each Demon Pizazz represents a different emotion and she will need the help of all of her friends to overcome them…

In this, her fourth, adventure, Pizazz is told that evil baddie Copycat is being unbelievably annoying and is repeating everything anyone says. Copycat has said that she might stop if Pizazz asks her nicely so our grumpy super rushes into action. However, she finds herself faced with Copycat's invention, the Super Power Duplicator, with which Copycat intends to steal Pizazz's superpower. Things do not go according to plan and soon duplicate Demon Pizazzes are appearing and causing problems.

Each of the Demon Pizzazes embodies a different emotion and, with the help of her friends, she is able to find ways of defeating them. The advice her friends offer is, of course, brimming with words of wisdom for all of us when those emotions come to the fore.

Pizazz has been a huge hit with my classes ever since she made her debut! Offering a brilliant balance of story, illustration and comic strip, they are instantly engaging and readable. Brimming with humour, they are also full of positive affirmations about being yourself, friendship and working together. It is so easy to identify with this well intentioned but accident-prone reluctant superhero!

These stories go from strength to strength and I hope there are many more adventures for this eye-rolling, cape-wearing, big-hearted superhero to come!

Pizazz vs the Demons Sophy Henn

Simon and Schuster ISBN: 978-1398505803

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Fiction, Younger Readers, Friendship Sue Wilsher Fiction, Younger Readers, Friendship Sue Wilsher

Jasper and Scruff Take a Bow

Jasper and Scruff are very excited about the ‘Reach Fur the Stars’ talent contest. Scruff plans to appear as ‘Scruff the Sensational’ and hopes Jasper will join him in his magic act. Jasper, however, has different, more refined, plans. The Sophisticats are also determined to get their paws on the Grand Prize and it soon becomes clear that something suspicious is going on. Can Jasper and Scruff team up to save the show?

This is the third adventure for Jasper and Scruff and their very endearing friendship that proves opposites attract. Scruff is full of boundless enthusiasm enthusiasm, throwing himself into everything he does. Jasper is far more cautious, considering his appearance and what others might think of him. But their friendship endures- Scruff never holds a grudge and Jasper can’t help but love his messy pal! When Scruff wins a place in the final, he is quick to include Jasper and so they are both ready to foil the dastardly deeds that are spoiling each performance, but one.

The story is generously illustrated with fun, colourful pictures throughout and the story is full of humour. It would make an excellent read aloud, but is also perfect for newly independent readers with an achievable amount of text on each page and plenty of interesting vocabulary. There is plenty to engage with in the story as well. Children would enjoy learning some magic tricks (perhaps not sawing each other in half!) or putting on a talent show of their own. Making experimental milk shakes (maybe not salty vanilla!) would also be great fun!

Full of fabulous illustrations, ‘Jasper and Scruff Take a Bow’ is another magical adventure for this loveable duo!

Jasper and Scruff Take a Bow

Nicola Colton

Little Tiger ISBN: 978-1788952545

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Fiction, Younger Readers, Friendship Sue Wilsher Fiction, Younger Readers, Friendship Sue Wilsher

Jasper and Scruff

Jasper the cat has everything he could want- a lovely home in a fancy apartment building, a fabulous collection of patterned bow ties and a library of books arranged by colour. But what he really wants is to be a member of… the Sophisticats, a society of exceptional felines. When they accept his invitation to a dinner party, he is thrilled and knows this is his chance to impress them. However, when out shopping for the party, Jasper bumps into Scruff, a boisterous, drooling puppy who follows him home. As a result, Jasper’s carefully prepared evening does not go according to plan, but everything turns out for the best in the end.

This is a delightful, heart warming story about the importance of real friends. For all their self importance and supposed airs and graces, The Sophisticats soon show their true colours and it’s clear that the over-enthusiastic, scruffy pup who followed him home is by far the better friend for Jasper. Although Scruff disrupts Jasper’s ‘purr-fect’ life, he actually enriches it beyond measure and his creativity and energy make him just the right kind of friend.

Perfect for newly independent readers, ‘Jasper and Scruff’ is also an excellent story for starting discussions about friendships and what the ‘right’ friends might look like. It reminds us that we should give others a chance and that opposites really can attract. It’s so important to remain open to new experiences- and to new friends!

Full of delightfully quirky illustrations, ‘Jasper and Scruff’ is a delightful book which is bursting with humour and joy.

Jasper and Scruff

Nicola Colton

Stripes ISBN: 978-1788950695

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Fiction, Adventure, Future Sue Wilsher Fiction, Adventure, Future Sue Wilsher

The Consequence Girl

Cora and Seleen live in a cabin in the woods. Constantly vigilant, they live far away from others, although Cora is not sure who or what they are hiding from. When she breaks the rules they live by and rescues an injured boy, Kai, Cora’s life changes for ever. Possessed of an incredible ability to see back in time, see the cause of events and make tiny changes to alter future outcomes, Cora is sought after by those who would use her to their own ends. Ultimately, she must decide who to trust and what the future holds.

I absolutely loved ‘Adam-2’, Alastair’s last novel for this age group, and so had high expectations of this one. ‘The Consequence Girl’ does not disappoint, offering a thought-provoking, science fiction novel which you cannot put down.

As Cora discovers more about the world she lives in, the reader learns about the history of Colony and the reasons for its decline. Built by the Glories, who looked like humans, but had amazing powers, civilisation declined once they left without warning. Scare and valuable, Glory technology is much prized and hard to come by and corruption is rife. Led by Governor Thorsen and his head of Protection, Sisal, there is little room for disagreement with the powers that be in this ‘democracy’, immediately raising questions about policies made for the ‘good of the people’ and their consequences, linking the fantasy world with that in which we live.

Cora is easy to empathise with. Her complex relationship with Seleen is beautifully handled as she (Cora) begins to realise that she has her own choices to make. Caught in the middle of those who would manipulate her for their own ends, Cora seems in an impossible position yet finds the strength of character to navigate through and remain true to herself. The story challenges the reader to think about the consequences of actions and how changing one thing in the past could have disastrous results. However, the ending is full of hope for the future. Although we cannot alter the past, each of us has the power to change the future by small, considered actions and the choices we make.

‘The Consequence Girl’ is a compelling, challenging story- one not to be missed!

The Consequence Girl

Alastair Chisholm

Nosy Crow ISBN: 978-1839941207

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Fiction, Space, Adventure, Mystery Sue Wilsher Fiction, Space, Adventure, Mystery Sue Wilsher

Orion Lost

Thirteen-year-old, Beth McKay, is with her parents on the colony ship, ‘Orion’, setting off to start a new life millions of miles from Earth on Eos Five. Facing the potential dangers of Scrapers (space pirates) and the Videshi (an alien species), life on the Orion is very different, but Beth soon settles into a pattern of school work, Command Training and making Jumps where the ship covers great distances whilst its crew Sleeps to keep them safe, all constantly monitored by the ever-present Ship, an artificial intelligence. Then an Event occurs and Beth and her friends are the only ones awake on the Orion with Beth being given the role of Captain. Their ship is badly damaged and the children have to navigate encounters with both Scrapers and the Videshi, all made worse by tensions within the group and the feeling that Ship might not be telling them the truth…

This was a one sitting read; I could not put it down! My first book of 2020 and so enjoyable. From the beginning, each piece of the puzzle is being laid and the story is fast paced and thrilling. All the clues are there, but there are twists along the way to keep the reader guessing. Is Ship lying? Or is there a greater threat Beth and the others should be watching out for?

Beth is a great character; feisty and full of spark, she is also lacking in confidence, making her an interesting leader. When things come out in the open and the reader learns more about what has happened, you can really appreciate the strengths and weaknesses of each character- but I can’t say more without spoiling it for anyone who has not read it yet!

The Videshi story line is also an interesting one (again, I don’t want to say too much!), offering food for thought about how humans treat the world- or in this case, space- around them.

A fabulous read- with plenty of potential for more adventures from this crew- ‘Orion Lost’ is an unputdownable space adventure!

Orion Lost

Alastair Chisholm

Nosy Crow ISBN: 978-1788005920

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Fiction, Football, Child labour Sue Wilsher Fiction, Football, Child labour Sue Wilsher


Budi has a plan- he dreams of playing football from Real Madrid. Every chance he has, he plays with his friends, focusing on his goal. But his life is a million miles away from his fantasy. Every day, he stitches football boots for others in cruel conditions, earning a pittance. Life is tough in Jakarta where he lives, yet he steadfastly believes in his dream.

Things go from bad to worse when Budi comes to the attention of The Dragon, the most feared man in Jakarta. Now so much more than Budi's dreams are at stake...

Endorsed by Amnesty International, this is a powerful, poignant book about the horrors of child labour, exploitation and cruelty. It brings into sharp focus the 'hidden' lives of those we don't see and so many are unaware of and should provoke countless conversations about things we take for granted and the true price that is paid for things we take for granted. It could be a bleak read because it highlights the life lived by many.

However, this is a story about resilience, about hopes and dreams. It is also about true friendship and family and how these can thrive in the worst circumstances.  Budi is an amazing character, beautifully developed, offering such an amazing outlook on life as your heart bleeds for him. His family offer love and support in the midst of everything and his friendship with Rochy is just wonderful to read. 

'Kick' is not an easy read, but it is an essential one. Thought provoking and challenging, it is perfect thinking readers.

Kick    Mitch Johnson

Usborne     ISBN -9781474928151

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Fiction, Environmental Sue Wilsher Fiction, Environmental Sue Wilsher


Queenie de la Cruz has just moved to California with her mother and younger brother. The litter-strewn beach, hazy, polluted sky and brown waves, topped with creamy foam are not what she imagined North Nitch, their neighbourhood, would be like and she dreams of something exciting happening. Little does she know that her discovery of a piece of paper inside an empty bottle of Mac-Tonic (the world’s most popular drink- and Queenie’s personal favourite) is about to change her life forever. Abducted from her home, Queenie meets Todd, who has also been imprisoned, and the two manage to escape. Pursued by bounty-hunters, black helicopters and the American public, the two are running for their lives and Queenie starts to see the world more clearly, noticing the devastating impact the big corporations have on the planet. If she survives, can she make a difference?

An excellent read from start to finish, ‘Pop!’ is an action-packed, rollercoaster of a story, fizzing with humour. However, it also packs a punch with a strong environmental and humanitarian message about the purchasing choices we make and the actions of overly-powerful companies whose sole goal is the pursuit of wealth.

The story is full of compelling characters. Queenie is hopelessly addicted to the sugary-satisfaction of Mac-Tonic and there are many who will see themselves reflected in her cravings for sugary drinks and treats. Initially, she is so used to the plastic waste littering the shore by her home that she has become completely desensitised to it and has never considered taking responsibility for something caused by others. Over the course of the story, she begins to question and challenge things that she has taken for granted, leading the reader with her on her voyage of discovery. The story is perfect for using with Y6/7 pupils to provoke discussion and raise questions.

Can’t recommend this one highly enough!

Pop! Mitch Johnson

Orion ISBN: 978-1510107618

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Fiction, Older readers, Grooming Sue Wilsher Fiction, Older readers, Grooming Sue Wilsher

Always Here for You

Holly is lonely. Her best friend, Amy, has moved abroad and is caught up in her new life. Her parents are preoccupied with ‘Gran’s Crisis’ and Holly often finds herself alone. Turning to social media, Holly meets Jay online. He is also 14 and is caring, funny - everything Holly needs at the moment. Holly has heard the horror stories and knows that she has to be careful, but as things get worse, she turns more and more to Jay for support. But is he what he seems?

‘Always Here for You’ is a tense story about a very real danger. Holly is aware of the dangers of meeting strangers online and still she falls victim to the grooming of a manipulative stranger. She comes from a loving, stable home and yet, circumstances have combined to leave her vulnerable and feeling she has no one to turn to- perfect prey.

The story is pacy and successfully builds tension as Holly becomes more and more invested in her ‘relationship’. The aftermath is equally well handled, underlining the dangers and showing that the impact of grooming can be long lasting. Although this is aimed at a teen audience, it is a message which needs to be heard far and wide. Holly is aware of the dangers and still becomes ensnared- it’s a message which needs repeating again and again.

‘Always Here for You’ is a frighteningly realistic portrayal of the dangers of on-line grooming. Needs reading.

Always Here for You

Miriam Halahmy

 ZunTold    ISBN:  978-1916204218

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Fiction, Refugees, Belonging Sue Wilsher Fiction, Refugees, Belonging Sue Wilsher

No Ballet Shoes in Syria

Aya is an asylum seeker from Syria, living in Manchester with her mother and baby brother. A talented ballet dancer, she fears that has all been left behind her in the cold, unfamiliar world she has found herself in where she must care for her mother and brother. However, she is drawn to a ballet class in the community centre whilst they are waiting to see their case worker and her talent is recognised by the dance teacher. The potential to gain a ballet scholarship gives her hope for the future, but her family must fight to be allowed to stay in the country- and to try to find Aya’s father.

Beautiful, powerful writing encouraging empathy and compassion, ‘No Ballet Shoes in Syria’ would make an excellent quality text for inspiring work in class. Offering plenty of opportunities for developing writing, drama and debating skills, using a rich vocabulary and adding the colour of dance and its ability to express emotion. It is a glorious read!

No Ballet Shoes in Syria

Catherine Bruton

Nosy Crow ISBN: 978-1788004503

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Fiction, Adventure, Classics Sue Wilsher Fiction, Adventure, Classics Sue Wilsher

Another Twist in the Tale

The story of Oliver Twist, his misfortunes and fortunes, is well known to many. But this is the tale of the other Twist, the abandoned twin sister, whose story has never been told…until now.

This is the story of Twill Twist, rescued from a rubbish heap by a kind hearted stranger, Baggage Jones, and brought up in the dubious establishment of Madam Manzoni and her Butterflies. Determined to give her girl a better life, Baggage protects and nurtures the child until her beauty is noticed and Madam Manzoni decides she is to join the Butterflies. Baggage sends her away to save her - and Twill finds herself caught up with The Artful Dodger and the Victorian underworld.

Fabulous from start to finish, ‘Another Twist in the Tale’ is just wonderful. As a huge Dickens’ fan, I was slightly nervous about what to expect, but Catherine Bruton has captured a feeling of the great man’s writing, making it accessible and engaging for a younger audience. Characters plucked from the original retain their foibles and eccentricities and new characters slot perfectly into the tale with deliciously Dickensian names. There are even lines which echo some of the original (and Shakespeare and others!) and chapter headings in keeping with the style.

Having said that, Twill is an excellent heroine in her own right, compassionate and caring, but streetwise and smart, lacking the fragility of her brother. Baggage is a delight and Madam Manonzi and Mrs Spanks perfectly awful! The mixture of old and new is beautifully combined with a satisfying result for both those familiar with the original and those new to the idea.

‘Another Twist in the Tale’ is a the sequel Dickens meant to write to Oliver Twist!

Another Twist in the Tale

Catherine Bruton

Nosy Crow ISBN: 978-1788005999

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Fiction, Older readers Sue Wilsher Fiction, Older readers Sue Wilsher

First Day of my Life      

‘First Day of My Life’ follows the stories of Frankie, Jojo and Ram as they intertwine. It starts with Frankie as she sets off to collect her GCSE results. She is puzzled and annoyed by the fact that she has to go alone as her best friend, Jojo, has not kept to their plan to go together. She is further annoyed as her way to school has been cordoned off due to a baby going missing. Later, when Jojo briefly calls her, Frankie thinks she hears a baby crying in the background. Putting the pieces together, Frankie decides Jojo must have taken the baby and calls on her ex-boyfriend, Ram, to help her. Reluctantly, he agrees to take Frankie to Swindon where she believes Jojo to be, but what happens next is unexpected by all…

Each book I read by Lisa Williamson is better than the last! I really enjoyed The Art of Being Normal; ‘All About Mia’ was fabulous; ‘Paper Avalanche’ was one of the most powerful, thought-provoking books I have ever read. And now we have ‘First Day of My Life’- and I have a new favourite.

One of the problems with reviewing a book is the lingering worry that I might spoil the story for someone else by saying too much. This is one story I have no wish to spoil so I will say little about the plot. Compelling is a good word to sum it up!

The power of the story comes from the brilliant development of each character and the relationships between them. Each personality is so well defined and the bonds so strong that the reactions of each at each stage are believable. This is maintained by the conclusion- which again I don’t want to mention!- which is plausible and satisfying.

For older reader, ‘First Day of My Life’ is an intriguing, emotional read for all to enjoy. Simply brilliant!

First Day of My Life       Lisa Williamson

David Fickling Books        ISBN: 9781788451536

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Fiction, Older readers Sue Wilsher Fiction, Older readers Sue Wilsher

Bone Music

Sylvia has reluctantly left behind her life in Newcastle for a week. In need of a break, her mother has taken a holiday to the village she grew up in. Here, Sylvia is faced with the boundless beauty of wild Northumberland and initially feels lost, the pull of her home city overwhelming. However, the magic of nature soon weaves its spell on her and when she meets the enigmatic Gabriel, Sylvia finds a new joy in the beauty surrounding her and develops a deep sense of connection with the past.

Completely spell-binding, ‘Bone Music’ is like nothing else that I have ever read. Sylvia is a city girl, passionate about the future of the planet, a protester, with a close group of friends, and yet she is initially lost in the space and nothingness of the fells. When she meets Gabriel, she connects with both him and the environment, letting go of her inhibitions, embracing nature and nature’s timeless connection with the past. When she makes an instrument from a hollow bone from a buzzard’s wing, this connection deepens, allowing her to discover more about herself and her humanity.

The book is beautifully written, showing a deep love for the wild landscape of the north, the power and magic of music, and nature’s ability to overcome man’s desire to tame it. There is even reference to the flooded village featured in another of David Almond’s books, bringing this haunting landscape to life.

I found Gabriel deeply moving. As he reveals the pain of his experiences to Sylvia, his story forces the reader to reflect on how expectation, education and traditional values can constrain and damage some who do not ‘fit’ for whatever reason. Not all learning takes place in a classroom and not all knowledge is academic. Gabriel’s self-harming is sensitively handled, allowing for many discussions and inspiring great empathy.

Lyrical and poignant, ‘Bone Music’ is hauntingly beautiful and original with a stunning cover by David Litchfield.

Bone Music David Almond

cover artwork by David Litchfield

Hodder Children’s ISBN: 978-1444961416

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Fiction, Humour, Fantasy Sue Wilsher Fiction, Humour, Fantasy Sue Wilsher

The Wizards of Once

Once there was a boy who had been brought up as a Wizard, believing that all Warriors are bad. However, Xar (the wizard) had no magic- and would do anything to get some.

Once there was a girl who was a warrior- people who believed that ALL magic was bad and should be destroyed. However, Wish (the warrior) owned a magical object that she really didn’t want to give up- and she wasn’t a very good warrior.

Once there was a book which was full of fantasy, adventure and humour…

Thrown together by chance, Wish and Xar are each misfits in their own worlds. Xar is taunted for his lack of magical ability; Wish constantly fails to live up to her mother’s high expectations of perfection. Through knowing each other, these two very different characters- Xar is arrogant and self-centred whereas Wish is loyal and caring- learn so much about themselves, forming an unusual alliance and friendship.

Cressida Cowell creates a fantastic world, populated with fabulous characters and creatures. The narrator’s voice is witty and engaging, injecting comments and observations- and keeping the reader guessing which character they might be!

The story is full of sketchy drawings by Cressida Cowell, liberally illustrating the story and adding to the humour. ‘The Wizards of Once’ is a series set to be just as wonderful and popular as the 'How to...' series.

Which is where book two of the series comes in! The magic continues as Xar and Wish join forces once more. Xar has been infected with witch blood and a stain is rapidly spreading up his arm, and, having escaped prison, he is keen to search for ingredients to counteract the spell. Wish is trying to come to terms with magical powers that will not make her any more popular with her mother and together they must try to defeat the Witch king. In this story, they learn much about themselves, each other and that even their parents were young once!

Full of fun and frolics, this series is essential reading for those who enjoy fast paced, funny adventures with a touch of magic! Wonderful stuff!

The Wizards of Once     Cressida Cowell

Hodder     ISBN: 978-1444936728

The Wizards of Once: Twice Magic   Cressida Cowell

Hodder      ISBN: 978-1444941401

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Fiction, Younger Readers, Humour Sue Wilsher Fiction, Younger Readers, Humour Sue Wilsher

Rabbit and Bear: A Bad King is a Sad Thing

When he tries to eat Rabbit, Wolf is banished to the Dark Woods. However, he is soon replaced by an even greater threat when Icebear arrives, demanding to be made King of the Valley. In spite of Bear’s attempts to be friendly, helpful, nice and kind, the ‘king’ is horrible and treats everyone badly. In desperation, Rabbit turns to Wolf for help and finds his invaluable advice works to send the bad King packing.

The ‘Rabbit and Bear’ books offer wonderful stories, full of wit and wisdom. Once again, a complex issue is presented in a way in which children can really understand and relate to using humour and endearing characters. In this story, Rabbit and Bear find a way to resolve conflict peacefully, bring the community together and find inner strength to face difficult situations.

Icebear is a big bully who uses his size and strength to intimidate and manipulate the other animals into giving him whatever he wants. His cruelty to poor Owl and his causal unkindness to the other animals leave even wise, peace loving Bear stumped and offer plenty for the reader to discuss and think about. Wolf’s advice is also worth considering, ‘Rule yourself WISELY! You can’t just order yourself to do impossible things.’

There is plenty of humour in the story and we laughed out loud when Mole says, ‘I thought this kind of terrible thing only happened in books!’ when Icebear pooped on his head as ‘The Story of the Little Mole Who Knew it was None of his Business’ was a huge favourite when my son was little!

The illustrations are as wonderful as ever. Rabbit has an incredible range of expressions for every occasion and each picture is bursting with details to notice and enjoy! I’m thrilled to see that another adventure for this pair is on its way!

Rabbit and Bear: A Bad King is a Sad Thing

Julian Gough, illustrated by Jim Field

Hodder Children’s ISBN: 978-1444937466

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Fiction, Younger Readers, Humour Sue Wilsher Fiction, Younger Readers, Humour Sue Wilsher

Rabbit and Bear: A Bite in the Night

The latest in this series sees our lovable forest friends facing Progress with a capital P! As Bear is getting ready for her winter sleep, Rabbit is increasingly worried by things that are changing. The river has moved…trees are disappearing…soon, even Bear is close to being slightly worried. Beaver has been at work and Progress is his middle name- nothing is going to get in his way. But Progress is not good for Rabbit- or Mole-or Vole-or Mouse… Although some of the animals might be better off as a result of the changes made in the name of Progress, can they stand by and see their friends suffer?

Told with the usual gentle humour and fabulous illustrations, the ‘Rabbit and Bear’ stories are also wonderful at conveying clear messages and making everyone stop and think. Although change needs to happen and some progress is needed, the cost to the countryside and other people should always be considered. Once Bear’s favourite scratching tree has gone, it cannot be replaced in a hurry- years of nature at work destroyed in an instant. Sometimes, alternatives need to be considered or simply more thought needs to be given to whether ‘Progress’ is really necessary.

The fabulous illustrations are every bit as engaging as in the previous Rabbit and Bear stories and Bear’s expressions are just wonderful! This latest addition to the ‘Rabbit and Bear’ series is a delight.

Rabbit and Bear: A Bite in the Night

Julian Gough, illustrated by Jim Field

Hodder ISBN: 978-1444938180

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Fiction, Younger Readers, Humour Sue Wilsher Fiction, Younger Readers, Humour Sue Wilsher

Rabbit and Bear: Attack of the Snack

This is the third book about the irascible Rabbit and level-headed Bear. In this story, they meet - or are attacked by!- Owl who crash lands near them. Rabbit is predictably outraged at the arrival of this stranger- particularly when he remembers that some owls eat rabbits!

Keen to find a snack, Bear leaves Rabbit to it- something she later regrets as things quickly get out of hand- but everything works out well in the end.

Tolerance and understanding are at the heart of this book. In the middle of all the humour- and this is a very funny book- the story shows the very serious and disturbing issues of how fear and mass hysteria can whip people up to commit unreasonable and unjustified actions. Rabbit becomes increasingly paranoid and his exaggerations increasingly extreme, yet no one but Bear challenges him. As Bear says...

'I don't think you won the argument...I think you just shouted the loudest.'

Being able to laugh at Rabbit's wild accusations makes it easier to start discussions about tolerance and acceptance, about challenging stereotypes - and about the fact that we all make mistakes. No one- not even Rabbit- is perfect and we all need to acknowledge when we get things wrong. 

The book is very entertaining with plenty of toilet humour- possibly a bit too much for my liking- but with the usual educational slant! The things I now know about poo! 

The illustrations are a joy as in each of these stories. Warm tones highlight some of the pictures and there are lots of them throughout the book. Another winner!

Rabbit and Bear: Attack of the Snack

Hodder Children's      ISBN:  978-1444938173

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Fiction, Younger Readers, Humour Sue Wilsher Fiction, Younger Readers, Humour Sue Wilsher

Rabbit and Bear: The Pest in the Nest

This little volume is every bit as delicious as the first!

The illustrations are fabulous, adding to the humour and joy of reading the story. Rabbit continues to be cantankerous, finding fault with all around him. Bear's snoring, Tortoise being there, Woodpecker's tapping- everything makes him angry. It takes the help of his calm and relaxed friend, Bear, to help him stop fighting himself and accept things. 

We all have 'those' days- the ones where nothing seems to go right and everything seems at odds. Today would be one of those days for me! And it really helps on those days to remember that if we can't control everything around us, we can control ourselves and our reactions to things. 

And this is the conclusion Rabbit comes to ...

'I shall stop thinking of it as a Nasty Noise. I shall think of it instead as a nice, friendly reminder that my friend Bear is nearby.'

And suddenly, the sound, without changing at all, made Rabbit feel all warm and happy.

The story is great for discussing our reactions to things- and although it won't change the world -might help children to recognise themselves in Rabbit and while laughing at his antics, take another look at their own!

Bear and Rabbit: The Pest in the Nest

Julian Gough, illustrated by Jim Field

Hodder Children's      ISBN: 978-1444934267

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