Reviews from Another Life

I have been reviewing books for many years. Here you can search for reviews of other titles by the authors, illustrators, poets and publishers featured on my ‘Reviews’ blog.

Fiction, Adventure Sue Wilsher Fiction, Adventure Sue Wilsher

Delivery to the Lost City

The Impossible Postal Express is off on another incredible adventure! Since learning that their daughter has been sneaking out of the house to deliver mail to the Impossible Places, Suzy’s parents have understandably become a little over-protective. In an effort to bring her two worlds together, Suzy has asked her friends from the Impossible Postal Express to come for tea and meet her family. Things are not going quite according to plan when the crew are called away to make a delivery. Determined to make her parents understand, Suzy suggests they hop on board and find out what life on the Express is like. But taking delivery of a mysterious talking book which is stealing words and causing chaos, setting off on a mission to find a lost city and facing untold dangers might not be the best way to put their minds at rest…

This is the third adventure for Suzy and her friends from the Impossible Places and it doesn’t disappoint. One of my favourite things about these books is the incredible world building which makes each place visited full of detail and come alive around you as you read. In this story, Suzy visits new locations as well as familiar ones, each vividly described and full of wonder. The story makes an amazing read aloud as it is richly told and offers much to linger over and imagine.

Suzy continues to be a wonderful personality. Resourceful and curious, she is also a loyal and caring. This book explores her relationship with her parents as she is desperate to both please them and continue to be Deputy Postal Operative Smith, performing the duties she knows she is so good at aboard the Postal Express. On their adventures, Susie and the crew meet new characters- and bump into some old ones. I couldn’t help wondering whether P G Bell had modelled one of the new ones on someone often in the news!

Speaking of news, this story also shows how people can be controlled by misinformation, prejudice and fear, making it an excellent starting point for discussions about questioning what we are told in the media. That said, the writing maintains the characteristic humour of the previous books, steaming along at a great pace with lots of action and adventure. I believe this is to be the last book in this series which I think is a great shame as there are many adventures still waiting to be had in this incredible world with these wonderful characters.

Delivery to the Lost City

P G Bell, illustrated by Flavia Sorrentino

Usborne ISBN: 978-1474948630

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Fiction, Adventure Sue Wilsher Fiction, Adventure Sue Wilsher

The Great Brain Robbery

Desperate to take up her position of Deputy Postal Operative, Susie can’t wait to get back aboard the Impossible Postal Express and return to the Union of Impossible Places to see all her friends. However, a sudden earthquake ruins the train’s re-launch and throws Trollville into chaos. Realising that something is amiss, Susie and her friends set off to solve the problem and save everyone from imminent danger.

Another fabulously fast-paced and magical adventure from P G Bell which has you completely absorbed in the action from the outset. As with book one, this story is full of wonderful characters and as Wilmot and Susie separate for much of the action in this book, the reader is able to come to know Wilmot even better and appreciate how brave, loyal and kind he is. Members of the ‘Old Guard’ also come into their own in this story.

P G Bell’s world building is just amazing, offering a rich, imaginative background to the action. As with the first book, the illustrations are a joy and add much to the story. It’s hard to say too much about the plot without spoiling it for anyone who hasn’t had the pleasure of reading the book yet, but it all comes together brilliantly at the end, making a very satisfying, entertaining read!

‘The Great Brain Robbery’ is every bit as enjoyable as ‘The Train to Impossible Places’ and I can’t wait to see what Susie and her friends get up to next!

The Great Brain Robbery

P G Bell, illustrated by Flavia Sorrentino

Usborne ISBN: 978--1474948623

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Fiction, Adventure Sue Wilsher Fiction, Adventure Sue Wilsher

The Train to Impossible Places

‘The Train To Impossible Places’ is a brilliantly magical, exciting story, full of wonderful characters! It is illustrated throughout by Flavia Sorrentino and if you take off the beautiful dust jacket, this is the stunning treat that lies beneath!

Suzy is a wonderful character. Passionate about physics, her curious mind introduces readers to many science concepts throughout the book and she questions the ‘fuzzics’ of negotiable gravity, fusion bananas and other ‘impossible’ concepts as she journeys through her adventure. Her logical mind doesn’t stop her impulsive nature as she leaps headlong into situations without thinking of the consequences, making her an exciting heroine!

Other characters are equally well drawn. I love Wilmot, his passion for the job that has been in his family for so long, his conscientious nature and loyalty. His mother is also a joy- the perfect proud, adoring maternal troll! Ursel is another great character who I hope there will be more from in future stories as a hint was given about her past which needs to be explored!

The plot is a roller-coaster of a ride which hurtles along at a fabulous pace. Full of imagination and adventure, the world P G Bell has created is a stunning one which deserves further exploration! A must for all fantasy fans!

The Train to Impossible Places

P G Bell, illustrated by Flavia Sorrentino

Usborne ISBN: 978-1474948616

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Fiction, Adventure, Future Sue Wilsher Fiction, Adventure, Future Sue Wilsher

The Consequence Girl

Cora and Seleen live in a cabin in the woods. Constantly vigilant, they live far away from others, although Cora is not sure who or what they are hiding from. When she breaks the rules they live by and rescues an injured boy, Kai, Cora’s life changes for ever. Possessed of an incredible ability to see back in time, see the cause of events and make tiny changes to alter future outcomes, Cora is sought after by those who would use her to their own ends. Ultimately, she must decide who to trust and what the future holds.

I absolutely loved ‘Adam-2’, Alastair’s last novel for this age group, and so had high expectations of this one. ‘The Consequence Girl’ does not disappoint, offering a thought-provoking, science fiction novel which you cannot put down.

As Cora discovers more about the world she lives in, the reader learns about the history of Colony and the reasons for its decline. Built by the Glories, who looked like humans, but had amazing powers, civilisation declined once they left without warning. Scare and valuable, Glory technology is much prized and hard to come by and corruption is rife. Led by Governor Thorsen and his head of Protection, Sisal, there is little room for disagreement with the powers that be in this ‘democracy’, immediately raising questions about policies made for the ‘good of the people’ and their consequences, linking the fantasy world with that in which we live.

Cora is easy to empathise with. Her complex relationship with Seleen is beautifully handled as she (Cora) begins to realise that she has her own choices to make. Caught in the middle of those who would manipulate her for their own ends, Cora seems in an impossible position yet finds the strength of character to navigate through and remain true to herself. The story challenges the reader to think about the consequences of actions and how changing one thing in the past could have disastrous results. However, the ending is full of hope for the future. Although we cannot alter the past, each of us has the power to change the future by small, considered actions and the choices we make.

‘The Consequence Girl’ is a compelling, challenging story- one not to be missed!

The Consequence Girl

Alastair Chisholm

Nosy Crow ISBN: 978-1839941207

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Fiction, Space, Adventure, Mystery Sue Wilsher Fiction, Space, Adventure, Mystery Sue Wilsher

Orion Lost

Thirteen-year-old, Beth McKay, is with her parents on the colony ship, ‘Orion’, setting off to start a new life millions of miles from Earth on Eos Five. Facing the potential dangers of Scrapers (space pirates) and the Videshi (an alien species), life on the Orion is very different, but Beth soon settles into a pattern of school work, Command Training and making Jumps where the ship covers great distances whilst its crew Sleeps to keep them safe, all constantly monitored by the ever-present Ship, an artificial intelligence. Then an Event occurs and Beth and her friends are the only ones awake on the Orion with Beth being given the role of Captain. Their ship is badly damaged and the children have to navigate encounters with both Scrapers and the Videshi, all made worse by tensions within the group and the feeling that Ship might not be telling them the truth…

This was a one sitting read; I could not put it down! My first book of 2020 and so enjoyable. From the beginning, each piece of the puzzle is being laid and the story is fast paced and thrilling. All the clues are there, but there are twists along the way to keep the reader guessing. Is Ship lying? Or is there a greater threat Beth and the others should be watching out for?

Beth is a great character; feisty and full of spark, she is also lacking in confidence, making her an interesting leader. When things come out in the open and the reader learns more about what has happened, you can really appreciate the strengths and weaknesses of each character- but I can’t say more without spoiling it for anyone who has not read it yet!

The Videshi story line is also an interesting one (again, I don’t want to say too much!), offering food for thought about how humans treat the world- or in this case, space- around them.

A fabulous read- with plenty of potential for more adventures from this crew- ‘Orion Lost’ is an unputdownable space adventure!

Orion Lost

Alastair Chisholm

Nosy Crow ISBN: 978-1788005920

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Fiction, Adventure, Classics Sue Wilsher Fiction, Adventure, Classics Sue Wilsher

Another Twist in the Tale

The story of Oliver Twist, his misfortunes and fortunes, is well known to many. But this is the tale of the other Twist, the abandoned twin sister, whose story has never been told…until now.

This is the story of Twill Twist, rescued from a rubbish heap by a kind hearted stranger, Baggage Jones, and brought up in the dubious establishment of Madam Manzoni and her Butterflies. Determined to give her girl a better life, Baggage protects and nurtures the child until her beauty is noticed and Madam Manzoni decides she is to join the Butterflies. Baggage sends her away to save her - and Twill finds herself caught up with The Artful Dodger and the Victorian underworld.

Fabulous from start to finish, ‘Another Twist in the Tale’ is just wonderful. As a huge Dickens’ fan, I was slightly nervous about what to expect, but Catherine Bruton has captured a feeling of the great man’s writing, making it accessible and engaging for a younger audience. Characters plucked from the original retain their foibles and eccentricities and new characters slot perfectly into the tale with deliciously Dickensian names. There are even lines which echo some of the original (and Shakespeare and others!) and chapter headings in keeping with the style.

Having said that, Twill is an excellent heroine in her own right, compassionate and caring, but streetwise and smart, lacking the fragility of her brother. Baggage is a delight and Madam Manonzi and Mrs Spanks perfectly awful! The mixture of old and new is beautifully combined with a satisfying result for both those familiar with the original and those new to the idea.

‘Another Twist in the Tale’ is a the sequel Dickens meant to write to Oliver Twist!

Another Twist in the Tale

Catherine Bruton

Nosy Crow ISBN: 978-1788005999

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Fiction, Older readers, Fantasy, Adventure Sue Wilsher Fiction, Older readers, Fantasy, Adventure Sue Wilsher

The Huntress: Sea

Mouse knows her destiny; 'the great green fire spirits dance and ripple' telling her Tribe the future and Mouse is destined to be a captain just as her brother, Sparrow, is a whale-singer.

Since the death of their Ma, she and Sparrow have grown up aboard The Huntress, their grandmother's ship, as their father is a trader, spending much time away from the family. Then Da goes missing and Grandma brings a new navigator on board. Things rapidly change and Mouse embarks on a quest to save her family and her ship.

From the first line, Sea is an amazing adventure story, set in a beautifully crafted world of fantastical creatures, people with magical talents and well drawn characters with their own customs and belief systems.

Mouse is full-on and feisty, always in the thick of the action, ready to take on the world to protect her family and her home. Strong and capable, she can run roughshod over others, making her not entirely likeable initially, although she develops over the course of the story. Her bother, Sparrow, is her opposite- 'little too-soon' is vulnerable, prone to shaking-fits, yet he sings with power and beauty, his high voice rising 'like a bell, to chime along with the whales.'

Written in beautiful, lyrical prose, the speech of the characters clashes against this like waves against the side of the ship. The use of kennings as part of this adds to this mix, creating a 'heart-bright', 'sizzle-bolt' of a story.

Perfect for children at the 'Moving On' stage, 'Sea' is a fantastic read with much to recommend it. Can't wait for the next part!

The Huntress Sea   Sarah Driver

Egmont     ISBN: 978-1405284677

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Fiction, Friendship, Adventure Sue Wilsher Fiction, Friendship, Adventure Sue Wilsher

Into the Sideways World

 The quest to prove a mysterious creature exists takes Willa and her friend, Manny, into a cave one moonlit night. As the tide rises, they find themselves swept into an alternative world- a ‘perfect’ one where war and pollution are things of the past and everyone, including Willa’s family, seem to be happier versions of themselves. However, when they return, no one believes that their adventure took place and the contrast of their own world with a looming global conflict with the Sideways World becomes all the more poignant as they seek to prove it exists to those around them.

With a book like this, it is essential that a review does not give too much away so I proceed with that in mind! Willa and Manny are both outsiders in their world and find themselves drawn together. Each has their own problems- Manny has been in the care system, has never met his father and has no idea where his mother is. Willa’s family is constantly fighting, with the family business under threat and the possibility of her father being called up to fight in the next war an ever-present threat. Each engages the reader, provoking empathy as they deal with their ‘real’ lives and are thrust into the seemingly perfect sideways alternative.

The story offers thought provoking philosophical questions to explore and presents some fairly mind-boggling scientific theories and concepts making it an appealing read for those looking for a read which offers a challenge and something a little different. An engaging and absorbing read.

Into the Sideways World

Ross Welford

Harper Collins ISBN: 978-0008333843

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Fiction, Fantasy, Adventure Sue Wilsher Fiction, Fantasy, Adventure Sue Wilsher

The Monkey Who Fell from the Future

The world in 2425 is a very different place. After a meteor struck the earth, technology has been lost and nature has reclaimed the land. London is now a hellish flooded wasteland, but a few cities, like Newcastle where Ocean Mooney lives with her Nanny Moo, still stand. When she meets Deucalion Smiff-known as Duke- and his monkey, Pierre, Ocean finds herself pulled into an adventure involving a 400-year-old computer tablet.

Meanwhile, in the present day, Thomas Reeve is coming to terms with the fact that his super-brainy cousin, Kylie, from Australia, has come to live with his family. Due to her invention, The Time Tablet, he finds himself on Andy and Des’s Ministry of Mystery, a television show which explores mysteries. But when the Time Tablet malfunctions, they find themselves in 2425 whilst Ocean- and Pierre- are in 2023 with only 24 hours to put things right.

From the prologue to the epilogue, ‘The Monkey Who Fell from the Future’ is a fast-paced, action-packed adventure with much to enjoy. As readers have come to expect from Ross Welford, the plot is cleverly constructed with plenty of humour – and plenty to think about.

The world of 2425 has been skilfully constructed, with evidence of ‘The Wonder Age’ (as life before the catastrophic events of 2044 is known) blended into their daily lives, making Ocean curious about the past and the stories she is told, but happy with the life she leads with her Nana. As the story moves between dates, landmarks and locations are shown in contrast, layering what the children know of each period, showing Thomas and Kylie’s present as it will become in the future and Ocean’s present as it was in the past.

The story is full of wonderful characters, not least of which are Deucalion- ‘better known among me more hintimate acquaintances as Duke’, his Uncle, travelling showman, Monsieur Lumiere and Pierre the monkey whose Caravan of Astonishments is bursting with ‘the most miracu-laculous marvels of the Wonder Age’. Popular television presenters, Andy and Des, are sure to make readers smile as readers will recognise their thinly veiled alter-egos and the villain of the piece, Duke’s step father Pinker, is extremely easy to loathe!

Home- and what it really means- is central to the story as the children try to get back to where they belong, realising the importance of the people they have left behind. Ocean finds herself in ‘The Wonder Age’, but longs to be back with Nanny Moo. Duke has found a home with his uncle and Pierre, safe from his cruel stepfather. The future is not what Kylie and Thomas expected, making them appreciate – and want to save- the home they know.

Perfect for those looking for something a bit different, with plenty of humour and excitement, ‘The Monkey Who Fell from the Future’ is a great read!

The Monkey Who Fell from the Future

Ross Welford

Harper Collins ISBN: 978-0008544744

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Fiction, Adventure, Time Travel, Humour Sue Wilsher Fiction, Adventure, Time Travel, Humour Sue Wilsher

Time Travelling with a Hamster

When Al Chaudhury discovers his (dead) father's time machine, he is set a challenge which involves going back to the 1980s. He quickly finds himself involved in breaking and entering, setting fire to a school, lying, stealing, and trying not to lose his hamster, Alan Shearer.

Time Travelling with a Hamster is a very clever story, combining lots of science, interesting facts, humour and a very well-plotted story. Full of twists and turns, plenty of adventure and wonderful characters, the book leads to a very satisfying conclusion.

Family relationships are at the heart of this story, particularly those between the male figures. Without wishing to give too much away, the relationship between Al and his father is cleverly explored and developed. Al's grandfather, Byron, is a delightful character who adds much humour and love to the story.

A challenging read, this will appeal to anyone who likes a read that keeps them on their toes and offers plenty to think about.

Time Travelling with a Hamster

Ross Welford

Harper Collins ISBN: 978-0008156312

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Fiction, Mystery, Adventure, Humour Sue Wilsher Fiction, Mystery, Adventure, Humour Sue Wilsher


Proud of his job of ‘Lost and Fouder’ at the Grand Nautilus Hotel in Eerie-on-Sea, Herbert Lemon does his best to reunite lost belongings with their rightful owners. However, when a girl - Violet Parma- appears declaring he is the only one who can help her, Herbert finds himself drawn into solving the mystery of Violet’s missing parents. The trail seems to lead them to the legendary Malamader, a monster supposed to lurk on the shores of their town. Is the monster real and is it responsible for the disappearance of Violet’s parents?

With vivid descriptions and plenty of action, this is a brilliant fun-filled adventure. Herbert and Violet are wonderful characters. Herbert is loyal and conscientious and find plenty of courage when it’s most needed. Violet is impulsive and keen on action and together they make a dynamic pair as they set about solving the mystery.

Eerie-on-Sea is created with such imagination! I love The Book Dispensary and all the colourful characters who inhabit the town, like Jenny Hanniver and the wonderful Erwin, the dispensary cat. The eccentricity of the town’s inhabitants and locations adds greatly to the charm of the story, absorbing you into its world.

With wonderfully wicked villains and the mysterious Malamander, this is a brilliant story. Read it now!

Malamander Thomas Taylor

Walker Books ISBN: 978-1406386288

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Non-fiction, Cats, Adventure Sue Wilsher Non-fiction, Cats, Adventure Sue Wilsher

Rebel Cats!

Cats are wonderful creatures and ‘Rebel Cats’ is full of stories, facts and famous felines. The book has been illustrated by a range of artists, each bringing their own style and personality to the work.

Some of these rebel cats are quite well known. The story of Mrs Chippy (who was actually a male cat!) and his time on the Endurance with Shackleton is familiar to those of us who have used William Grill’s ‘Shackleton’s Journey’ and many people have seen Doorkins when visiting Southwark Cathedral (myself included!).

Musical cats, Hollywood stars, marvellous mousers and furry heroes are all included here. As well as being enjoyed in their own right, many of these mini-biographies could be used as the basis for story writing as the lives led by these cats are amazing! Other books, like ‘Tibs, the Post Office Cat’ by Joyce Dunbar, could be used alongside this book- Tibs is mentioned on page 49 in the ‘Mighty Mousers’ section.

The cat-ographies are interspersed with fascinating feline facts. There are suggestions for how to help cats in need, ‘spooky cats’, information about cats ‘from nose to tail’ and a ‘Puss in Books’ section. There is also a useful glossary and ‘Rebel Cats’ timeline.

Beautifully illustrated in a range of styles, ‘Rebel Cats’ is a fabulous treat for anyone who loves cats.

Rebel Cats! Brave Tales of Feisty Felines

Kimberlie Hamilton

Scholastic ISBN: 978-1407192604


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Fiction, Adventure, Mystery Sue Wilsher Fiction, Adventure, Mystery Sue Wilsher

The Eye of the North 

Emmeline is convinced her life is in danger. Clutching her satchel full of things to keep her alive, she makes her way through life, ready for anything! One breakfast time, she receives a letter from her parents which changes everything.

Put on a ship to sail to Paris where she would find safety, Emmeline meets a young boy called Thing, a scruffy stowaway, and an unlikely friendship develops between them. Chased by the criminals who kidnapped her parents, Emmeline is caught and taken to a villainous scientist, who is determined to summon an ancient creature from the icy depths of the north...

Desperate to save his new friend, Thing seeks help from a secret organisation and sets off in pursuit. 

What follows is an amazing story, combining the adventures of Emmeline and Thing as the one races to save the other. Fast paced and exciting, the book is peppered with fantastic characters and magical creatures, making this an enchanting read. 

Thing is a wonderful character. Haunted by his past, he is loyal and resourceful- a perfect companion for Emmeline, whose upbringing and experiences have made her more reserved and cautious. Rich, atmospheric language describes the settings beautifully and Emmeline's world comes vividly to life. With dangers at every turn, this will appeal to those who love fantasy and adventure.

The Eye of the North       Sinead O'Hart

Stripes Publishing      ISBN: 978-1847159410

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Fiction, Spying, Mystery, Adventure, Cooking Sue Wilsher Fiction, Spying, Mystery, Adventure, Cooking Sue Wilsher

A Recipe for Trouble

Alice Éclair might only be thirteen, but she is also an expert pâtissière and France's youngest, keenest spy. For the past year, she has been receiving cryptic messages and puzzles to solve and, although she does not know who they are from, she has her suspicions - which are realised when a final code leads her to a secret meeting.

Alice learns that all the puzzles have been to train her in espionage in the hope that she will undertake a mission to uncover a cunning enemy agent.  Alice sets off on this dangerous assignment aboard France's most glamourous train, posing as a pastry chef. But soon everyone on the train is under suspicion and Alice must use all her baking skills and her cunning to crack the case.

There is much to enjoy in this adventure, Alice Éclair, Spy Extraordinaire! Alice is a wonderful heroine; resourceful and intelligent, yet fallible, she launches herself into her investigation with enviable energy and enthusiasm. There are twists and turns a-plenty and scatterings of red herrings as Alice engineers opportunities to investigate her fellow passengers.  The reader learns to crack codes and can test their own sleuthing skills as the mystery develops - only to be surprised by a sudden shock! There are some tense moments along the way as Alice finds herself facing peril as well as baking pastries.

The story offers plenty to discuss with its Parisian opening, attitudes to women and 'serving' classes and, of course, its many cake references. With a new adventure, A Spoonful of Spying, on its way, Alice is sure to become a firm favourite.

Alice Éclair Spy Extraordinaire: A Recipe for Trouble

Sarah Todd Taylor

Nosy Crow ISBN: 978-1839940958

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Fiction, Adventure, Spiders Sue Wilsher Fiction, Adventure, Spiders Sue Wilsher

Milton the Megastar

In our 2020 Read Aloud winner, ‘Milton the Mighty’, Emma Read introduced us to this loveable little arachnid and his friends, teaching us all not to be scared of spiders! In this, his second adventure, Milton is finding his superstardom is all too stressful and is missing his dad who was last seen in Hawaii. Whilst his friends are as supportive as ever, they can’t help feeling that he has become a bit of a diva. Zoe is also finding things difficult. Although she likes dad’s new girlfriend, Greta and home has been happier recently, so much change takes a lot of getting used to. When a trip to Hawaii comes up, Zoe is determined to take Milton along- it could be his chance to find his dad! But an active volcano and a dodgy hotel developer mean that this might not be the relaxing holiday they were hoping for!

This wonderful story has so much to recommend it! Milton’s anxiety is dealt with sensitively and he is supported by his friends, but not completely indulged as they help him to deal with his feelings. Zoe is also supported and reassured by her father as she struggles to come to terms with her very mixed emotions about her changing situation. The story shows that sharing your feelings and not bottling them up is so important.

Caring for the environment is a strong theme running through the book. Spiders continue to be championed, but this book also raises questions about the impact of travel and tourism. Bradley O’Hair’s extreme views have rubbed off on his son, Dillon, but once presented with another point of view, he is prepared to listen and develop his own ideas.

With wonderful touches of humour and lots of spidery facts, ‘Milton the Megastar’ is every bit as delightful as ‘Milton the Mighty’. Another must read for spider-lovers and arachnophobes alike!

Milton the Megastar

Emma Read, illustrated by Alex G Griffiths

Chicken House ISBN: 978-1912626069

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Fiction, Adventure, Spiders Sue Wilsher Fiction, Adventure, Spiders Sue Wilsher

Milton the Mighty

Branded a deadly killer by the media, tiny false widow Milton decides to clear his name. Working with his arachnid friends, Audrey and Ralph, he must make contact with his house human, Zoe, and convince her that he is harmless. But with her father terrified of spiders and Felicity, the owner of BUGKILL, having moved into their street, can this tiny troupe achieve the impossible?

Milton is possibly the loveliest spider in fiction since Charlotte appeared on her web! A wonderful tale of friendship and of what can be achieved by teamwork and perseverance, ‘Milton the Mighty’ also presents a compelling case for respecting spiders and trying to understand rather than fear them. Perhaps #NotScaredOfSpiders should become a real campaign!

Full of humour, the book really tackles the issue of ‘fake news’ and challenges the reader to dig deeper, find out more and use some common sense before believing everything they read. Individuals taking action and standing up for what they believe in, even in the face of ridicule is such a powerful message, beautifully embodied in Milton who has to overcome his self-doubt and feelings of insignificance to achieve his goal.

Just as humans judge spiders, spiders themselves seem to judge one another and it is Ralph who realises that not all garden spiders want something as One Short (who wishes she was called Petal) becomes a valuable ally - and friend, showing the importance of not being prejudiced against others, but getting to know them.

‘Milton the Mighty’ would make a great read aloud, offering plenty to discuss and consider along the way. Hopefully, this ‘teeniest superhero’ will have more adventures very soon!

Milton the Mighty

Emma Read, illustrated by Alex G Griffiths

Chicken House ISBN: 978-1911490814

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Fiction, Adventure, Nature, Younger Readers Sue Wilsher Fiction, Adventure, Nature, Younger Readers Sue Wilsher

Willow Wildthing

Whilst exploring the garden of her new house , Willow meets the Wild Things, a group of children. who invite her to cross the bridge and enter the Wilderness, a place where anything can happen. The Wilderness was once the garden and grounds of an old house that burned down and remains a ‘small patch of green in the grey concrete town’. For the children, the Wilderness is a place where ‘time stretched, rivers ran deep and giant forests grew’… a secret, magical place.

In the first adventure, Willow pursues the Wild Things when they capture her little dog, Sniff. She crosses the bridge and learns that the children need to borrow Sniff to track a monster which has invaded their camp. One of their group, Bear, gave chase when the monster snatched the Wild Thing’s doughnuts and has disappeared. The children hope Sniff can help them find him and so Willow and her faithful dog join them on an adventure to face the swamp monster.

In their second adventure, The Wild Things find another group of children, the Bark Skins, are in the Wilderness. They have taken Mouse, trapping him with the threat of the Ogre Tree, and demanding River Camp- the Wildthings’ base- in return for his freedom. Furious, the Wild Things declare war and decide to train the dragon who lives in the Dragon Gardens to help them defeat the enemy…

In ‘Willow Wildthing and the Shooting Star’, heavy rains have destroyed River Camp. Whilst camping in Raven’s garden, the children see three shooting stars fall into the Wilderness. Determined to find them, the Wild Things set off on another adventure.

The joy of being free to roam the countryside, getting muddy and making camps radiates from these stories. Exploring nature and being part of the great outdoors makes them a breath of fresh air and perfect for inspiring not only a love of reading, but a desire to share in the Wild Things’ outdoor activities. Each book has an activity at the end which is practical and fun for children to try.

There is so much to love about these stories. Sniff is a rescue dog with ‘one eye, wonky teeth and a brave heart’ who no one had wanted, but he is the perfect dog for Willow and is a real hero of these stories. The reader learns much about nature through the stories too. When Willow’s little brother finds a ‘dragon’ in their garden, his parents create a home for it in a tank, but Willow knows it needs to be released and pleads with her parents not to dig up all the overgrown bushes in their garden that form its home. Th threat litter poses to wildlife is also brilliantly highlighted in the third book- so much to think about and discuss.

Willow’s little brother, Freddie, is ill which offers another element to these stories, exploring her feelings about this and the impact that this has on her family. She longs for him to be well enough to join her in her adventures in the Wilderness and the strong bonds of family love shine through the books. This is highlighted by Rebecca Bagley’s wonderful illustrations, themed to the colour of the book’s cover.

These gentle adventures which celebrate the imagination and play, the power of nature and the love of family and friends are a real delight. Perfect for newly independent readers, as Guided Reading texts or for the joy of a shared story, Gill Lewis has worked her magic again!

Willow Wildthing and the Swamp Monster Gill Lewis, illustrated by Rebecca Bagley

OUP ISBN: 978-0192771759

Willow Wildthing and the Dragon’s Egg Gill Lewis, illustrated by Rebecca Bagley

OUP ISBN: 978-0192771766

Willow Wildthing and the Shooting Star Gill Lewis, illustrated by Rebecca Bagley

OUP ISBN: 978-0192771773

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Fiction, Adventure Sue Wilsher Fiction, Adventure Sue Wilsher

The Eye of the North

Emmeline is convinced her life is in danger. Clutching her satchel full of things to keep her alive, she makes her way through life, ready for anything! One breakfast time, she receives a letter from her parents which changes everything.

Put on a ship to sail to Paris where she would find safety, Emmeline meets a young boy called Thing, a scruffy stowaway, and an unlikely friendship develops between them. Chased by the criminals who kidnapped her parents, Emmeline is caught and taken to a villainous scientist, who is determined to summon an ancient creature from the icy depths of the north...

Desperate to save his new friend, Thing seeks help from a secret organisation and sets off in pursuit. 

What follows is an amazing story, combining the adventures of Emmeline and Thing as the one races to save the other. Fast paced and exciting, the book is peppered with fantastic characters and magical creatures, making this an enchanting read. 

Thing is a wonderful character. Haunted by his past, he is loyal and resourceful- a perfect companion for Emmeline, whose upbringing and experiences have made her more reserved and cautious. Rich, atmospheric language describes the settings beautifully and Emmeline's world comes vividly to life. With dangers at every turn, this will appeal to those who love fantasy and adventure.

The Eye of the North       Sinead O'Hart

Little Tiger     ISBN: 978-1847159410

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Fiction, Adventure Sue Wilsher Fiction, Adventure Sue Wilsher

The Children of Castle Rock

After her mother died, Alice Mistlethwaite has become increasingly withdrawn, constantly reading and writing stories only Barney, her father, is allowed to read. As he is an actor and often away from home, Aunt Patience decides it would be best to sell their home, Cherry Grange, and send Alice to a boarding school in Scotland. Although Alice protests, she finds herself arriving at Stormy Loch, a school with very different ideas about education. 

When she receives a mysterious package from her father with strict instructions not to open it, but to take it to a remote island, Alice seizes the opportunity the Great Orienteering Challenge offers to deliver it...

An adventure story in the tradition of boarding school favourites, 'The Children of Castle Rock' is a great read with lots of action and interesting characters. Stormy Loch offers the perfect setting for the children to escape the adult presence and allows the adventure to develop in the wilds of remote Scotland- beautifully described, leaving the reader longing to visit!

Although an adventure, the story is really focused on relationships- those between children and those with parents. Alice adores her father, choosing to ignore his shadier side and the choices he makes until events force her to realise that he should act like the grown up in their relationship and put her well being above his. Fergus, an extremely clever boy who Alice has become friendly with, is struggling with his parent's acrimonious divorce and Jesse, another friend, feels over shadowed by his older brothers whose confidence and talents make him feel inadequate. There are also some interesting moments in the relationships between these very different friends as the story progresses. 

'The Children of Castle Rock' has much to recommend it for children moving on to more challenging reads. Natasha Farrant has allowed her children to swear in the story as they most likely would do, but has chosen to use asterisks to make this more palatable for adults! (It is very obvious what they would be saying!) A great story with great characters and an unusual ending- what more could you ask for!

The Children of Castle Rock    Natasha Farrant 

Faber      ISBN: 978-0571323562

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Fiction, Adventure Sue Wilsher Fiction, Adventure Sue Wilsher

Voyage of the Sparrowhawk

Having started life in an orphanage, Ben is delighted when kindly Nathan adopts him and fellow orphan, Sam. Together, they live a happy life on the Sparrowhawk, Nathan’s barge, until Sam is wounded fighting in WWI and Nathan is killed when he travels to be with him. Threatened with the prospect of having to return to the orphanage, Ben is determined to find his ‘brother’. Lotti has plenty of reasons to to be unhappy. After her loving parents were killed in an accident, her ghastly uncle and aunt have moved in to her home and are making her life misery.

Their lives collide when Lotti rescues a badly treated dog by stealing it and hides on the Sparrowhawk. As events unfold, they hatch a plan to sail across the channel to France to search for Sam and so their adventure begins…

This is classic storytelling, offering plenty of tension, lots of adventure with love, friendship and laughter mixed in. I loved every page!

Lotti and Ben are wonderful characters- so different, but balancing each other perfectly. Their friendship develops as the story progresses and they know that they can rely on one another. Their dogs are also well rounded characters, adding plenty of humour and pathos! Many other characters add to the flavour of the story as they help or hinder the children on their quest- Lotti’s uncle is up there with the most despicable baddies whilst Frank is wonderful!

The courage and determination of these children is a joy to read about, coming to a satisfying conclusion. The devastating impact of war is felt as the children travel though France, but they face each challenge together and show that family can be created in any form where love, trust and companionship are found.

‘Voyage of the Sparrowhawk’ is a stunning read, beautifully told. Extremely satisfying, it’s a must read!

Voyage of the Sparrowhawk Natasha Farrant

Faber ISBN: 978-0571348763

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