The Great Brain Robbery

Desperate to take up her position of Deputy Postal Operative, Susie can’t wait to get back aboard the Impossible Postal Express and return to the Union of Impossible Places to see all her friends. However, a sudden earthquake ruins the train’s re-launch and throws Trollville into chaos. Realising that something is amiss, Susie and her friends set off to solve the problem and save everyone from imminent danger.

Another fabulously fast-paced and magical adventure from P G Bell which has you completely absorbed in the action from the outset. As with book one, this story is full of wonderful characters and as Wilmot and Susie separate for much of the action in this book, the reader is able to come to know Wilmot even better and appreciate how brave, loyal and kind he is. Members of the ‘Old Guard’ also come into their own in this story.

P G Bell’s world building is just amazing, offering a rich, imaginative background to the action. As with the first book, the illustrations are a joy and add much to the story. It’s hard to say too much about the plot without spoiling it for anyone who hasn’t had the pleasure of reading the book yet, but it all comes together brilliantly at the end, making a very satisfying, entertaining read!

‘The Great Brain Robbery’ is every bit as enjoyable as ‘The Train to Impossible Places’ and I can’t wait to see what Susie and her friends get up to next!

The Great Brain Robbery

P G Bell, illustrated by Flavia Sorrentino

Usborne ISBN: 978--1474948623


Delivery to the Lost City


The Train to Impossible Places