
There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.

Picture Book, Refugees, Kindness Sue Wilsher Picture Book, Refugees, Kindness Sue Wilsher

The Girl at the Front of the Class

When a new girl arrives in his class, Adam is determined to make friends with her. However, she doesn’t want to play or make sandcastles in the sandpit- she just draws sad pictures. Seeking advice, Adam asks his teacher, his dad and his grandma and although they try to explain, their answers make him very sad and more determined than ever to be her friend. So he comes up with a plan…

Ever since the publication of ‘The Boy at the Back of the Class’, books by Onjali Q Rauf have supported teachers, parents and other adults in developing thoughtful conversations with children about a number of topics, creating empathy and understanding in an often harsh, judgemental world. In ‘The Girl at the Front of the Class’, she works her magic once more with a poignant, beautiful story, perfect for starting discussions about the plight of refugees with younger children.

At the end of the story, the reader- and Adam- learns that the little girl’s name is Layla. The book is a celebration of the power of kindness and how simple acts of friendship can make a world of difference. But Adam is not pushy or overbearing in his actions- he shows patience and thought, creating a large picture depicting a happy ‘story’ for Layla, meeting her on her own terms rather than forcing her into a friendship.

The illustrations complement the text perfectly and the picture showing Layla and Adam swapping names is just lovely, as they are bathed in a warm glow whilst the lively bustle of the rest of the class is shown in a muted grey-blue, highlighting their newly-formed friendship.

At the end of the book, there are ‘Five Ideas to Help Refugee Children Feel Welcome’, each suggestion something which is easily achievable and the significance of each will be readily understood by even the youngest children. A wonderful addition to bookshelves, ‘The Girl at the Front of the Class’ is perfect for sharing.

The Girl at the Front of the Class

Onjali Q Rauf, illustrated by Pippa Curnick

Hodder ISBN: 978-1526364654

You can read my review of ‘The Letter with the Golden Stamp’ here.

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Picture Book, Christmas, Baking Sue Wilsher Picture Book, Christmas, Baking Sue Wilsher

The BIG Christmas Bake

In this delightful book, the traditional song ‘The Twelve Days of Christmas’ is given a tasty twist as once Christmas Day is over, the children bake up a delicious treat. One the first day of Christmas, a partridge brings dried fruit, followed by two speckled doves with flour on the second. As each day passes, more and more creatures arrive bearing ingredients for the Twelfth Night Cake until the dried bean is added on day ten- whoever finds this will be crowned the Twelfth Night King. Additional information and a recipe are included at the end of the story, along with the words from the original song.

Told in deliciously bouncy rhyme, this is a perfect story for reading aloud. The illustrations are full of humour and wonderful detail, offering new details to notice with each reading. The ingredient bearing animals are bursting with quirky personality- I love the dancing hippos and the leaping frogs!

There is so much to love about this book- plenty to discuss and laugh about as well as the fun of making Christmas cupcakes should you wish! Baking and books- the perfect combination.

The BIG Christmas Bake

Fiona Barker, illustrated by Pippa Curnick

Happy Yak ISBN: 978-0711268128

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