There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.
Torla and Smorla and the Lower than Average Cloud
Torla and Smorla are giraffes. Torla is taller than average whilst Smorla is smaller. One day, while out for a longer-than-average walk together, Torla encounters a lower-than-average cloud and finds she can’t see anything! But with the help of her best friend, she manages to navigate this tricky situation.
I’m not sure what I love most about this one! Let’s start with the names…I’m ashamed to say that it took me until my second read to ‘get’ the joke there. In my defence, I wasn’t reading the story out loud and there is so much else to enjoy because how else could I miss it!
The story is bursting with humour as Smorla leads Torla through a series of hazards which introduces the reader to the wonderful sight of crocodiles doing yoga and lazing lions amongst other things. Torla trusts Smorla and her faithful companion leads her safely past everything, showing the strength of their friendship and the importance of kindness and supporting others.
Some of the pages fold out - or up - allowing readers to fully enjoy the adventures of Torla and Smorla as they head off on their walk. The book would be wonderful to use to support early maths work as they can compare the two giraffes and begin to use mathematical language to describe this. To extend this as needed, pictures of more giraffes of different sizes could be added and children encouraged to order these from tallest to smallest and vice versa. Pictures of other animals from the story could be added to help children compare other (clearly specified) attributes as developing both informal and formal mathematical language in the classroom allows children to take an active part in learning and helps them to develop a better and deeper understanding of mathematical concepts. The story is also perfect for exploring positional language as with Smorla’s guidance, Torla walks above some hippos, over an elephant and across a bridge. With older children, this would make a great introduction to prepositions in English as well!
Children might also have great fun creating and navigating obstacle courses and perhaps plotting their route around these on a basic map just as the giraffes’ footprints indicate the path they have taken in the illustrations. This could be done as part of a book group session with children creating large giraffe pictures of different sizes, a simple slider mechanism behind a picture which would allow them to raise the umbrella over Torla’s head or perform a simple trust exercise based on the friend’s journey! There are so many ways to develop a book hook with this one in addition to just enjoying it as a brilliant story! Loved it!
Torla and Smorla and the Lower than Average Cloud
Kes Gray, illustrated by Chris Jevons
Happy Yak ISBN: 978-0711288072
Beware the Blue Bagoo
Rumours are flying around the appropriately named Rumourville about the evil deeds of the Blue Bagoo, an awful creature who has committed many nefarious deeds. However, no one seems to be able to answer the simple question posed by one brave detective- who is the Blue Bagoo?
This is one of those joyous picture books which can be read and enjoyed at so many levels! The lively rhyming text offers plenty of opportunities for joining in with different voices, at different volumes and with great enthusiasm yet the story brilliantly lends itself to discussing how rumours, misinformation and gossip can distort the truth.
As the inhabitants of Rumourville put up posters, sing songs and tell their tall tales, one intrepid detective sporting a Sherlock Holmes style deer stalker and clutching a magnifying glass is determined to uncover the truth and make people answer the question. Eagle eyed readers will notice clues as to the true identity of the Blue Bagoo as the story progresses and appreciate how wild some of the claims are. At one point, someone claims the Blue Bagoo is green!
The story exposes how baseless rumours can quickly take hold and become ‘truth’ as they spread, making an excellent starting point for discussions with any age range. It could be used for assemblies or PSHE session on situations between friendship groups, within a class or school- or on wider issues in the news. The detective concludes that mistakes can easily be made, but that if we are friendly, kind and caring and give love, then this is what we will find in return.
The illustrations are delightful- full of details to notice and enjoy. Turn the cover over and it shows the back view of the image on the front plus the owner of the trail of little footprints on the front. The final illustrations underline the point that the addition of the Blue Bagoo and its relatives to the community has both enriched their lives and made the town a happier, nicer place to live. This is sure to become a firm favourite at home and at school!
Beware the Blue Bagoo
Karl Newson, illustrated by Andrea Stegmaier
Happy Yak ISBN: 978-0711267824
You can read my review of ‘I Really, Really Love You So’ here.
The BIG Christmas Bake
In this delightful book, the traditional song ‘The Twelve Days of Christmas’ is given a tasty twist as once Christmas Day is over, the children bake up a delicious treat. One the first day of Christmas, a partridge brings dried fruit, followed by two speckled doves with flour on the second. As each day passes, more and more creatures arrive bearing ingredients for the Twelfth Night Cake until the dried bean is added on day ten- whoever finds this will be crowned the Twelfth Night King. Additional information and a recipe are included at the end of the story, along with the words from the original song.
Told in deliciously bouncy rhyme, this is a perfect story for reading aloud. The illustrations are full of humour and wonderful detail, offering new details to notice with each reading. The ingredient bearing animals are bursting with quirky personality- I love the dancing hippos and the leaping frogs!
There is so much to love about this book- plenty to discuss and laugh about as well as the fun of making Christmas cupcakes should you wish! Baking and books- the perfect combination.
The BIG Christmas Bake
Fiona Barker, illustrated by Pippa Curnick
Happy Yak ISBN: 978-0711268128