Reviews from Another Life

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Fiction, Adventure Sue Wilsher Fiction, Adventure Sue Wilsher

Voyage of the Sparrowhawk

Having started life in an orphanage, Ben is delighted when kindly Nathan adopts him and fellow orphan, Sam. Together, they live a happy life on the Sparrowhawk, Nathan’s barge, until Sam is wounded fighting in WWI and Nathan is killed when he travels to be with him. Threatened with the prospect of having to return to the orphanage, Ben is determined to find his ‘brother’. Lotti has plenty of reasons to to be unhappy. After her loving parents were killed in an accident, her ghastly uncle and aunt have moved in to her home and are making her life misery.

Their lives collide when Lotti rescues a badly treated dog by stealing it and hides on the Sparrowhawk. As events unfold, they hatch a plan to sail across the channel to France to search for Sam and so their adventure begins…

This is classic storytelling, offering plenty of tension, lots of adventure with love, friendship and laughter mixed in. I loved every page!

Lotti and Ben are wonderful characters- so different, but balancing each other perfectly. Their friendship develops as the story progresses and they know that they can rely on one another. Their dogs are also well rounded characters, adding plenty of humour and pathos! Many other characters add to the flavour of the story as they help or hinder the children on their quest- Lotti’s uncle is up there with the most despicable baddies whilst Frank is wonderful!

The courage and determination of these children is a joy to read about, coming to a satisfying conclusion. The devastating impact of war is felt as the children travel though France, but they face each challenge together and show that family can be created in any form where love, trust and companionship are found.

‘Voyage of the Sparrowhawk’ is a stunning read, beautifully told. Extremely satisfying, it’s a must read!

Voyage of the Sparrowhawk Natasha Farrant

Faber ISBN: 978-0571348763

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