Reviews from Another Life

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Fiction, Adventure, Spiders Sue Wilsher Fiction, Adventure, Spiders Sue Wilsher

Milton the Megastar

In our 2020 Read Aloud winner, ‘Milton the Mighty’, Emma Read introduced us to this loveable little arachnid and his friends, teaching us all not to be scared of spiders! In this, his second adventure, Milton is finding his superstardom is all too stressful and is missing his dad who was last seen in Hawaii. Whilst his friends are as supportive as ever, they can’t help feeling that he has become a bit of a diva. Zoe is also finding things difficult. Although she likes dad’s new girlfriend, Greta and home has been happier recently, so much change takes a lot of getting used to. When a trip to Hawaii comes up, Zoe is determined to take Milton along- it could be his chance to find his dad! But an active volcano and a dodgy hotel developer mean that this might not be the relaxing holiday they were hoping for!

This wonderful story has so much to recommend it! Milton’s anxiety is dealt with sensitively and he is supported by his friends, but not completely indulged as they help him to deal with his feelings. Zoe is also supported and reassured by her father as she struggles to come to terms with her very mixed emotions about her changing situation. The story shows that sharing your feelings and not bottling them up is so important.

Caring for the environment is a strong theme running through the book. Spiders continue to be championed, but this book also raises questions about the impact of travel and tourism. Bradley O’Hair’s extreme views have rubbed off on his son, Dillon, but once presented with another point of view, he is prepared to listen and develop his own ideas.

With wonderful touches of humour and lots of spidery facts, ‘Milton the Megastar’ is every bit as delightful as ‘Milton the Mighty’. Another must read for spider-lovers and arachnophobes alike!

Milton the Megastar

Emma Read, illustrated by Alex G Griffiths

Chicken House ISBN: 978-1912626069

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Fiction, Adventure, Spiders Sue Wilsher Fiction, Adventure, Spiders Sue Wilsher

Milton the Mighty

Branded a deadly killer by the media, tiny false widow Milton decides to clear his name. Working with his arachnid friends, Audrey and Ralph, he must make contact with his house human, Zoe, and convince her that he is harmless. But with her father terrified of spiders and Felicity, the owner of BUGKILL, having moved into their street, can this tiny troupe achieve the impossible?

Milton is possibly the loveliest spider in fiction since Charlotte appeared on her web! A wonderful tale of friendship and of what can be achieved by teamwork and perseverance, ‘Milton the Mighty’ also presents a compelling case for respecting spiders and trying to understand rather than fear them. Perhaps #NotScaredOfSpiders should become a real campaign!

Full of humour, the book really tackles the issue of ‘fake news’ and challenges the reader to dig deeper, find out more and use some common sense before believing everything they read. Individuals taking action and standing up for what they believe in, even in the face of ridicule is such a powerful message, beautifully embodied in Milton who has to overcome his self-doubt and feelings of insignificance to achieve his goal.

Just as humans judge spiders, spiders themselves seem to judge one another and it is Ralph who realises that not all garden spiders want something as One Short (who wishes she was called Petal) becomes a valuable ally - and friend, showing the importance of not being prejudiced against others, but getting to know them.

‘Milton the Mighty’ would make a great read aloud, offering plenty to discuss and consider along the way. Hopefully, this ‘teeniest superhero’ will have more adventures very soon!

Milton the Mighty

Emma Read, illustrated by Alex G Griffiths

Chicken House ISBN: 978-1911490814

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Fiction, Italy, Mystery Sue Wilsher Fiction, Italy, Mystery Sue Wilsher

The Mask of Aribella

Aribella lives in Burano, one of Venice’s islands, with her father, a lacemaker, who has never recovered from the passing of her mother. On the eve of her birthday, Aribella is horrified that when angered by a local lad, fire erupts from her fingertips, causing the locals to call her a witch. When her name is put into the Lion’s Mouth, a carving on the wall of the Doge’s palace whose mouth is open per denontie segrete (for secret accusations) along with that of her father, Aribella is forced to flee, only to be rescued by a secret organisation of masked strangers. These are the Cannovacci, each with a special power and each devoted to protecting Venice. But evil is rising in Venice and Aribella soon finds that she and her new friends must fight to defend the city and the people that they love.

What a fabulous book! Venice is vividly portrayed in all its magical wonder, with beautiful descriptions of its canals, bridges and buildings forming a backdrop to the story. The colourful cottages of Burano are also featured, adding to the realism of the setting. Each Cannovacci has a mask which draws on the history of Venice where mask wearing is a tradition reaching back to the 12th century and whose streets are lined with shops and stalls selling row upon row of these colourful creations. Venice is brought to life for the reader…

The characters are convincing and appealing. Aribella is lacking on confidence and desperate to fit in, but rises to the challenge when needed, showing herself to be brave and loyal. Seffie is impulsive and mischievous, Fin earnest and book-loving and Theo steadfast and courageous. Qualities of friendship and compassion come shining through.

The plot is fast paced and compelling, full of magic and excitement, and reaches a satisfying conclusion. It also offers the interested reader a way in to discovering more about Venice and its customs and traditions. This would be a fabulous novel to use for exploring ‘a region in a European country’ to contrast with the others prescribed in the KS2 Geography programme of study as well as other elements of this curriculum. It also offers abundant writing and art opportunities and would make a perfect book for a book discussion group to enjoy.

Reading is magic. It can transport us into other worlds or allow us to understand our own better.

‘The Mask of Aribella’ is a wonderful read, full of magic and wonder. It was the winner of the North Somerset Teachers’ Book Awards Quality Fiction Category in 2020.

The Mask of Aribella Anna Hoghton

Chicken House ISBN: 978-1912626106

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Fiction, Older readers, Mystery, Grief Sue Wilsher Fiction, Older readers, Mystery, Grief Sue Wilsher

The Secret Deep

After the death of their mother, Aster and her little sister, Poppy, leave England to go and live with their Aunt Iona in New Zealand. On the plane, they meet Sam, a native New Zealander... Due to her work, they find themselves living in an eco-village with a group of teenagers, cut off from the rest of the world with no technology. The girls soon realise that strange things are happening and life in the camp is not as idyllic as it first appeared. 

Then Aster wakes up on a tropical island, alone, with no idea of how she came to be there or where her sister is. The more she searches for Poppy, the more mysteries she encounters and the more secrets she uncovers. 

This is a richly written, compelling story which offers something very different. A mixture of science, thriller and mystery with hints of sea-lore, it is told from the alternating viewpoints of Aster and Sam. Relationships in the story are very well developed- Sam and his grandfather, Aster and Poppy- and that between the girls and their mother. The pain of loss and grief, the helplessness of watching loved ones suffering from illness and the lengths we might go to to help them are also explored.

The beauties and wonders of the deep are sensitively and carefully described, resulting in evocative, atmospheric passages. Descriptions of the nest of the puffer fish, the delicate sea horses, the beautiful, but deadly jelly fish bring the underwater scenes vividly to life, developing the tropical paradise setting which contrasts so strongly with the danger lurking in the background. 

Gripping from the first page, 'The Secret Deep' is an original, thought-provoking read which is beautifully written. A must read!

The Secret Deep    Lindsay Galvin

Chicken House    ISBN: 978-1911490029

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Fiction, Darwin, Science Sue Wilsher Fiction, Darwin, Science Sue Wilsher

Darwin’s Dragons

Syms Covington was taken on to the Beagle as cabin boy and fiddler, but has spent the past two years acting as assistant to Mr Darwin, a young scientist, as he explores the Galapagos Islands. However, an accident during a storm leaves him shipwrecked and alone in an inhospitable place, struggling to survive. Here, he makes an incredible discovery which will change his life forever.

‘Darwin’s Dragons’ mingles truth and imagination to create a fabulous story. To create her Syms, Lindsay Galvin has used a real cabin boy and fiddler of that name on board the Beagle who was promoted to Darwin’s assistant, instantly showing children what a little research and a lot of creativity can do. The novel is perfect for any class looking at the Year 6 science ‘Evolution and Inheritance’ and ‘working scientifically’ objectives, but offers so much more than this.

When shipwrecked on Narborough Island, Syms is helped by a lizard which he calls Farthing. The relationship developed between these two is developed beautifully, amid stunning descriptions of the island and its flora and fauna. Syms’ time on the island is full of fear and tension as he faces danger from volcanic activity- and a dragon which lives there. With Farthing’s help, Syms rescues the dragon’s eggs, and escapes to sea where, miraculously, he is rescued by the Beagle.

Once back in London, when the eggs hatch, they are considered to be an exotic lizards with Syms alone recognising the truth. When his beloved dragons are rehomed at the London Zoological Society, Syms struggle to accept the attitude many, including Mr Darwin, have to the fate and well being of the creatures there. This offers many excellent opportunities for discussions about historical attitudes to ‘specimens’ as well as current ones, the need for conservation, the role of zoos, etc.

The attention to detail throughout the story is wonderful, creating a book rich in historical detail as well as exciting adventure. There is a map showing the Beagle’s voyage at the beginning of the story and notes at the end offering further information and a timeline of Darwin’s life. The covers fold out to show maps, sketches, notes and pictures, perfect for inspiring further investigation and discovery.

The perfect blend of fact and fantasy, ‘Darwin’s Dragons’ offer much to discuss, but more to enjoy.

Darwin’s Dragons Lindsay Galvin

Chicken House ISBN: 978-1912626465

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