Reviews from Another Life

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Fiction, Refugees, Belonging Sue Wilsher Fiction, Refugees, Belonging Sue Wilsher

No Ballet Shoes in Syria

Aya is an asylum seeker from Syria, living in Manchester with her mother and baby brother. A talented ballet dancer, she fears that has all been left behind her in the cold, unfamiliar world she has found herself in where she must care for her mother and brother. However, she is drawn to a ballet class in the community centre whilst they are waiting to see their case worker and her talent is recognised by the dance teacher. The potential to gain a ballet scholarship gives her hope for the future, but her family must fight to be allowed to stay in the country- and to try to find Aya’s father.

Beautiful, powerful writing encouraging empathy and compassion, ‘No Ballet Shoes in Syria’ would make an excellent quality text for inspiring work in class. Offering plenty of opportunities for developing writing, drama and debating skills, using a rich vocabulary and adding the colour of dance and its ability to express emotion. It is a glorious read!

No Ballet Shoes in Syria

Catherine Bruton

Nosy Crow ISBN: 978-1788004503

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Fiction, Adventure, Classics Sue Wilsher Fiction, Adventure, Classics Sue Wilsher

Another Twist in the Tale

The story of Oliver Twist, his misfortunes and fortunes, is well known to many. But this is the tale of the other Twist, the abandoned twin sister, whose story has never been told…until now.

This is the story of Twill Twist, rescued from a rubbish heap by a kind hearted stranger, Baggage Jones, and brought up in the dubious establishment of Madam Manzoni and her Butterflies. Determined to give her girl a better life, Baggage protects and nurtures the child until her beauty is noticed and Madam Manzoni decides she is to join the Butterflies. Baggage sends her away to save her - and Twill finds herself caught up with The Artful Dodger and the Victorian underworld.

Fabulous from start to finish, ‘Another Twist in the Tale’ is just wonderful. As a huge Dickens’ fan, I was slightly nervous about what to expect, but Catherine Bruton has captured a feeling of the great man’s writing, making it accessible and engaging for a younger audience. Characters plucked from the original retain their foibles and eccentricities and new characters slot perfectly into the tale with deliciously Dickensian names. There are even lines which echo some of the original (and Shakespeare and others!) and chapter headings in keeping with the style.

Having said that, Twill is an excellent heroine in her own right, compassionate and caring, but streetwise and smart, lacking the fragility of her brother. Baggage is a delight and Madam Manonzi and Mrs Spanks perfectly awful! The mixture of old and new is beautifully combined with a satisfying result for both those familiar with the original and those new to the idea.

‘Another Twist in the Tale’ is a the sequel Dickens meant to write to Oliver Twist!

Another Twist in the Tale

Catherine Bruton

Nosy Crow ISBN: 978-1788005999

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