Reviews from Another Life

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Fiction, Historical, Islamic Golden Age Sue Wilsher Fiction, Historical, Islamic Golden Age Sue Wilsher

The Golden Horsemen of Baghdad

When his father, a fisherman, dies, Jabir is left in charge of his mother and his three sisters. When their landlord threatens to evict them, Jabir must find work so he heads for Baghdad, the most fascinating city in the world.

However, Jabir is thrown into prison for stealing food and things look desperate for him. Fortunately, Jabir’s talent for whittling toys means he is rescued by a clockmaker who needs him to carve twelve golden horsemen to decorate a water clock for Caliph Harun Al-Raschid. But someone seems determined to prevent Jabir from completing his task and he and Yasmina, daughter of the clock maker, have to seek help from his mother’s people who live in the desert. Will the clock be finished in time?

Not only is this an amazing adventure story with a pacey plot and excellent characters, but it is perfect for supporting the History curriculum at KS2-’a non-European society that provides contrasts with British history… early Islamic civilization, including a study of Baghdad c. AD 900’. The book is richly detailed and offers much information about Baghdad and life at this time as the fabric of the story, making in invaluable for those choosing to teach this period. The quality of writing, its historical setting and the compelling nature of the story make it an excellent text for using as a focus both both history and English, bringing the period alive and offering many opportunities for drama, writing in a range of genres and contexts, exploring vocabulary and offering a challenging read. It’s length also makes it a very achievable read. This is the type of book that makes me itch to start planning! Fabulous!

The Golden Horsemen of Baghdad Saviour Pirotta

Bloomsbury ISBN: 978-1472955999

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