Reviews from Another Life

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Non-fiction, Animals, Endangered animals Sue Wilsher Non-fiction, Animals, Endangered animals Sue Wilsher

Rebel Animals at Risk

Our planet is home to a vast array of fascinating and extraordinary creatures. Sadly, many are on the edge of extinction. ‘Rebel Animals at Risk’ introduces the reader to amazing creatures from every continent and ocean, with each section illustrated by illustrators from around the world in their own unique style.

The book tells the stories of over 60 real-life creatures. A map at the start of each section helps the reader to locate where each comes from and a fascinating introduction to that area, the creatures that live there and the challenges that they are facing. A wonderful range of creatures is included, both well-known and lesser- known. The ‘wildlife wins’ for each region are also listed, celebrating the successes and offering an encouraging, positive note.

There are so many fascinating tales here such as that of mischievous Veeti, the European mink who lives at Ranua Wildlife Park in Finland or Whiskey, the Numbat who was born at Perth Zoo. Both these creatures are playing an important role in the conservation of their species as well as raising awareness. Each story could lead to further research about that particular creature or that breed. The book contains suggestions for further reading or film to watch as well as ideas for how to take action to make life better for endangered animals.

A clear contents, comprehensive index and glossary make the book perfect for research, allowing the reader to readily locate information. There are also sections about the author and each illustrator. Packed with information about conservation and entries on individual creatures, ‘Rebel Animals at Risk’ would make an excellent addition to any classroom or library!

Rebel Animals at Risk

Kimberlie Hamilton , with illustrators from around the world

Scholastic ISBN: 978-0702300110

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Gorilla Dawn

Imara, a young girl abducted from her home village, and Bobo, the son of a wildlife ranger, are imprisoned by rebel soldiers in the heart of the African jungle. When the rebels capture a baby gorilla which they plan to sell, the children vow to return it to the wild and escape. Should the children get caught, the consequences would be terrible...

Gill Lewis writes with a passion for living things which shines through all of her books. 'Gorilla Dawn' is the most thought provoking and challenging yet, looking at issues of exploitation- of children, of the environment, of the planet. It explores the devastating effects of war and how the selfish demands of the West can destroy life elsewhere in the world.

Through the eyes of the children, the reader is challenged to think about their responsibility to the natural world and the need to protect it. Topics like deforestation, civil war, the atrocities and devastation of conflict could all be considered and discussed and children (and adults) might well be inspired to find out more about some areas- for example the illegal/ unethical mining of coltan and the violation of Human Rights.

The children are individual, well drawn characters, allowing the reader to engage with them. Imara's role as 'Spirit Child' and her relationship with Kitwana, the baby gorilla, are particularly interesting.

This is a very touching, emotional story, but the message ultimately hopeful and the ending satisfying. The content and themes make it perfect for children at the 'moving on' stage who are looking for a challenging, but rewarding read.

Gorilla Dawn Gill Lewis

OUP   ISBN: 978-0192739179

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