Wolf in the City

Wolf lived on a plinth in a small, tired square at the edge of the city. Pooped on by pigeon and generally ignored by everyone else, she longs for something different, somewhere she might be appreciated, so one day, she takes the bus into the city to take her place among the more important statues which live there. However, things do not go according to plan and she discovers that the city statues are vain, unkind and selfish. Realising how much she misses her home, Wolf finds her way back to the old square where she discovers that everyone has missed her just as much as she missed them.

‘Wolf in the City’ is a gentle story about the importance of home, connecting with others and feeling valued. Dazzled by the thought of the fame and admiration received by the ‘celebrity’ statues in the heart of the city, Wolf is keen to take her place amongst them, but is rebuffed again and again as she tries to find a new home. The story would be perfect for sharing in class, offering an excellent starting point for discussions- or perhaps some role play to explore Wolf’s feelings as she is faced with such unkindness.

Wolf’s emotional and physical journey ends with the realisation that home - and happiness- is not about celebrity, wealth or appearance, but about a sense of belonging and being appreciated by others. The delight felt by her community when they realise that she is once more among them brings the whole square to life as everyone comes together to celebrate. Children might enjoy collecting expressions like ‘Home is where the heart is…’, ‘Home, Sweet Home’ or ‘Make yourself at home’ and discussing what they mean. The illustrations are warm and evocative of ancient cities, perhaps inspiring children to think about the many statues which adorn them and the purpose of these…perhaps encouraging them to reflect on why they have been chosen and who they might prefer to see statues of!

Perfect for sharing!

Wolf in the City

Rachel Tilda Wolf

Scallywag Press ISBN: 978-1915252838


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