Our Tree

Little Red the squirrel scampers up Tree, declaring that it is all for him; however, Tree gently corrects him, pointing out a teeny-tiny caterpillar eating a leaf. Unhappy about sharing with caterpillar, Little Red is even more annoyed when Tree offers their branches for Swift to rest on. As more and more creatures arrive, Tree welcomes them all as Little Red’s anger increases until he decides to go and find a tree all of his own. But he slips and falls from the tree- landing on Leopard, who announces that Tree, and all in it, belong to her. But Tree laughs and all the creatures roar until Leopard flees. A contrite Little Red asks if he can stay with everyone else, including a new friend!

‘Our Tree’ is a wonderful celebration of sharing, tolerance and community whilst honouring the incredible role trees play in nature.

As perfect for exploring with a class as for reading at home, there is so much to enjoy here. Children will love joining in with Tree saying, ‘Look behind you!’ as new creatures arrive every bit as much as adults will enjoy reading it aloud. A wonderful range of speech verbs - encouraged, rustled, trilled, barked, roared etc- is used, offering an excellent model for children writing their own stories or to support acting the story out, perhaps using puppets. There are plenty of opportunities for exploring character as well.

The story could also be used to support learning about the key role trees play in hosting a wonderfully diverse range of creatures, encouraging children to explore the trees in their locality. Throughout the book, the illustrations are an absolute delight with plenty to linger over, discuss and enjoy. Tree and Little Red are vividly brought to life with wonderfully expressive faces as Little Red learns the importance of sharing and the power of community action! What a fabulous book!

Our Tree

Jessica Meserve

Little Tiger ISBN: 978-1838917173


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