
There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.

Fiction, Science Fiction, Dystopian, Adventure Sue Wilsher Fiction, Science Fiction, Dystopian, Adventure Sue Wilsher

North and the Only One

Since she woke up, Rose can’t remember anything- except her puppy, North. Mother is patient and helpful, carefully filling in the blanks, but Rose can’t quite shake off the feeling that something isn’t right. She isn’t allowed to draw back the curtains and can only venture into the garden early in the morning or at sunset, wearing a large-brimmed hat. She has strange dreams which Mother can’t -or won’t explain- and waking from one of these leads her to a discovery which frightens her into fleeing from the house. Once outside, however, it quickly becomes clear that she is different to those around her…

‘North and the Only One’ hits the high standard expected from a Vashti Hardy novel whilst managing to be different to her other books! It is a thoroughly engaging read, offering much to reflect upon and discuss.

As humans have died out ‘due to their own stupidity’ humanoid robots have replaced them, leaving Rose feeling alienated and completely alone, clinging to North, her companion and the only thing which she feels is familiar to her. When she escapes from her mother, Rose finds herself in the city where everything seems perfect- and yet its inhabitants are quick to judge, criticise difference and wish to be rid of anything which doesn’t fit their idea of ‘normal’. Her humanity makes her stand out, allowing readers to reflect on the importance of individuality!

The book focuses on Rose’s journey- literal and metaphorical- to find out who she really is, and we see the world through her eyes as she encounters things for the first time, reflecting on and sometimes questioning what she discovers and the book would make an excellent guided reading text, offering as it does so much to explore and discuss.

An excellent, imaginative adventure, ‘North and the Only One’ is a moving, wise tale with much to recommend it.

‘We’re all the same. We’re all made of stories.’

North and the Only One

Vashti Hardy

Scholastic ISBN: 978-0702312274

You can read my review of ‘Serpent in the Sands’ here.

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