There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.
Juniper’s Christmas
When Juniper’s mum goes missing, she seeks help from Niko, who lives in her local London park surrounded by Christmas trees and reindeer that can fly. She suspects he is actually Santa and when she accidentally gets exposed to North Pole magic, Juniper finds that Skara, a young reindeer, has imprinted on her, forming a close bond between the two. With the park threatened by local councillor, Dafydd Carnegie and a Santa who has given up on Christmas, can Juniper find her mum and bring back the magic of the festive season?
There is so much to love in this story that no synopsis of it could possibly do it justice! My son (and I!) loved the ‘Artemis Fowl’ series, thoroughly enjoying the quirky originality and humour of the books and Eoin Colfer has managed to sprinkle the same magic on this book.
A book with a grieving, disaffected Father Christmas who has stopped fulfilling his duties and a mother and daughter bereft at the loss of their husband/ father doesn’t really sound like much of a festive treat yet not everyone is happy at Christmas - a time when the world assumes everyone is. Juniper’s much-loved father loved celebrating Christmas and Juniper herself is a Christmas baby, making the season all the more poignant now that he is no longer there. The story also includes Duchess, one of the homeless people who shelter in the park and who Niko has been offering help and support to and who are now under threat from the machinations of Carnegie and his criminal ally, Trude Madden, who are quite happy to destroy donations for homeless people.
However, the story is peppered with humour, hope and happiness, reflecting on the true meaning of Christmas, offering plenty to discuss and plenty to enjoy. ‘Be the change’, empathise with and care for others, the importance of family (real and ‘adopted’) all ring clear through the inventive, magical technicalities of the workings of Christmas. ‘Juniper’s Christmas’ would make an excellent class story - sure to inspire lots of writing and creative ideas- with many drama opportunities and much to talk about. The book would also make an excellent film..!
Juniper’s Christmas
Eoin Colfer, illustrated by Chaaya Prabhat
Harper Collins ISBN: 978- 0008475536
Animal Tales from India
On Saturday, I had the great pleasure of listening to Nikita Gill, talking at the Bath Children’s Literature Festival about her new book, ‘Animal Tales from India: Ten Stories from the Panchatantra’. She explained how these stories had formed an essential part of her childhood and she now wished to share them with other children as her grandmother had shared them with her. Originally written in Sanskrit, these ancient stories are a collection of interwoven animal fables, full of wonder and wisdom, humour and heart.
Each tale speaks directly to the reader, creating that intimate feeling of storytelling which is such a feature of old stories, told and re-told through the generations. As with all fables, there is a clear moral to each tale, a thought which is presented at the end of the story, often with a touch of humour, keeping the tone light hearted. ‘The Blue Jackal’, Nikita’s favourite, reminds the reader about the importance of loyalty and family whilst ‘The Monkey and the Crocodile’ is about choosing your friends carefully. The stories are a joy to read aloud with plenty of opportunities to ‘do the voices’ and so much to discuss and enjoy!
The book itself is a thing of beauty. The jacket is wonderfully tactile with gold embossing, but this lifts off to reveal a glorious orange hardback with purple lettering and illustrations. An orange ribbon bookmark means you will never lose your place and every spread is beautifully illustrated by Chaaya Prabhat whose pictures are delightful.
This is a treasure of a book, perfect for sharing time and again, but also a collection of stories which will be revisited independently, as familiar friends.
Animal Tales from India: Ten Stories from the Panchatantra
Nikita Gill, illustrated by Chaaya Prabhat
Nosy Crow ISBN: 978-1839944628