There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.
The Wishkeeper’s Apprentice
In my experience, almost all wishes are possible.
-Rupus Beewinkle
Things are not going very well for Felix Jones. His best friend, Max, has moved away from Whittlestone, his relationship with his sister is not what it was and he can’t shake off a growing sense of unease. On his way home, he uses his last penny to make a wish in Whittlestone’s wish fountain which leads him to meet Rupus Beewinkle, Whittlestone’s Wishkeeper. Felix finds himself taking on the role of Apprentice Wishkeeper, striving to save the town, Rupus- and himself- from the Wishsnatcher, who wants to destroy everyone’s dreams.
What an enchanting story! It has a warm-hearted, charming quality which makes it instantly engaging and is full of delightful illustrations.
Rupus Beewinkle (fabulous name, fabulous character!) is overwhelmed by his duties as Wishkeeper. In his desire to keep people happy, he has granted more wishes per kilometre than in any other district which has led him apply for an assistant. The Council of Wishkeepers, however, have denied his request, leaving him to cope on his own. Usually, Wishkeepers are not visible to other people, but Felix can see him- leading to his becoming the new apprentice Rupus longs for. As Felix learns about the duties of the Wishkeeper, he discovers a secret which could change everything- but I can’t say any more about that without giving too much away!
The Wishsnatcher is full of darkness and despair, bringing an element of peril to the tale; however, Felix finds the courage to face him, conquering his fears and finding hope. The relationship between Felix and his sister, Rebecca, is beautifully and sensitively handled, offering plenty to discuss and reflect on.
The story is full of wonderful details and descriptions- Rupus’s home, loving named Snugwarm, is a highlight!- making it a brilliant read aloud. I read this book in one sitting, loving the illustrations as much as the text and can’t wait to find an opportunity to make a Snorlicks or two- recipe included! I’m looking forward to reading ‘The Magician Next Door’, Rachels’s next book, having read the taster at the end of this one.
The Wishkeeper’s Apprentice
Rachel Chivers Khoo, illustrated by Rachel Sanson
Walker Books ISBN: 978-1529507094