There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.
Where Bjorn Belongs
When Arthur loses Barney, his toy polar bear, he writes to Father Christmas to ask for a new one. Waking to a snowy world on Christmas Day, Arthur is amazed to see a real polar bear in his garden. A special bond between the two quickly forms and Arthur does everything he can to keep Bjorn the polar bear happy and healthy. However as the bear grows, Arthur comes to realise that he must find a way to get Bjorn back to the place he belongs.
Perfect for sharing at home or at school, ‘Where Bjorn Belongs’ is a special story about true friendship and following your dreams. Arthur’s dislike of the noise and bustle of the Christmas season with the changes it brings to routines and ‘normality’ is something which is difficult for many children (and adults!) to cope with and the story enables conversations around this experience, encouraging understanding and empathy.
The story encourages discussion about the impact of global warming on polar bears- melting ice was a BIG problem for polar bears- as well as the importance of being a responsible pet owner. Arthur does everything he can to make sure that Bjorn is comfortable and well looked after- and when it matters most, makes the best decision for the well-being of his new-found friend. Bjorn needs to be where he belongs- not with Arthur, not in a zoo- but back in the wild with his own kind. Having promised to look after him, Arthur does, first by letting him go and then by becoming an Arctic explorer and learning how to help polar bears in their natural environment.
Another strength of this book is the illustrations. There are many which glow with the love between Arthur and his mother as well the deep bond between Arthur and Bjorn. There are picture showing the beauty of the natural world and those sharing the magic of Christmas. Even the end papers celebrate the amazing creatures of the Arctic!
One not to be missed this Christmas!
Where Bjorn Belongs
Samuel Langley-Swain, illustrated by Mirna Imamovic
Owlet Press ISBN: 978-1913339449