There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.
Mirror Me
Freya loves being behind the camera, capturing images, a passion she shares with her father. However, since former supermodel, Bella Wilde, appeared in their lives, Freya’s life seems to be changing quickly. Impossibly flawless, Bella seems to mesmerise those around her, but she makes Freya uncomfortable. When Freya discovers they are getting married and she (Freya) is to be shipped off to boarding school, she knows she must take action and discover the truth.
Drawing on Snow White with touches of ‘The Picture of Dorian Gray’, ‘Mirror Me’ is a clever, thought-provoking, enjoyable read. I have no interest in the fashion world, but found the story both compelling and engaging.
The chapters are relatively short which, combined with the use of the present tense, keeps the plot fast-paced. Interspersed throughout the chapters are pages of italicised text, adding to the story in an anonymous voice, hinting at what is to come and what has been.
Freya is an excellent character, very believable and easy to relate to. Her insecurities and worries initially hold her back, making her question herself, her mistrust of Bella and her choices, but as the story progresses, her growing self-belief, devotion to her father and determination to thwart Bella’s schemes are convincing and have the reader cheering her on. Her friendship with Sam is also a real strength of the story!
At the heart of the book is the importance of being yourself and throwing off the demands and expectations imposed by the fashion industry and social media, embracing difference and individuality. Jan Dunning’s background in modelling adds a voice of authenticity to the fashion led scenes, with much to initiate discussion and provoke much needed conversations.
An immersive, satisfying read!
Mirror Me Jan Dunning
Scholastic ISBN: 9780702323751