There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.
Meet Emma Perry
Founder of ‘My Book Corner’, Emma Perry is also the author of four delightful picture books and her love of books is second to none. A fellow teacher, I believe the children she teaches are very lucky to have her as I am sure she fills their days with wonderful stories, nurturing their imaginations. I first met Emma at meetings of Picture Book South West events and was thrilled when she agreed to join me for a chat!
1. What two things would you most like your readers to know about you- and what one secret would you like to keep (but aren’t going to because you’re sharing it here!)?
I don’t write every single day. I like to chip away at a story, bit by bit, then delve into it on full throttle once the story demands to be written.
I don’t always finish every single book that I read. That’s ok. Sometimes a book just isn’t right for you in that moment.
2. ‘Puddling’ is a fabulous picture book which perfectly captures the joys of a rainy day with little ones which I remember so fondly from when my son was tiny. Do you prefer splashing in puddles or relaxing in the sun? Why?!
Thank you so much, we had a LOT of fun creating that one.
I do love a bit of sunshine, but it’s been far TOO HOT recently and at the moment I am DREAMING of splashing in puddles. With big wellies on, there’s really nothing better than splish, splash, sploshing about with friends.
3. Shhhhhhh! Don’t tell Alfonso about this question, but which story about bears is your favourite?
Yikes, poor Alfonso! Well then, let’s sneak in This Book Has Alpacas And Bears first of all 😉Now, you know I can’t pick just one fav book so here’s a couple (or maybe more!) of books with bears that I love. Jon Klassen’s I Want My Hat Back is comedy gold, Bear Has A Story To Tell by Philip C. Stead and Erin E. Stead features a super lovely, kind and gentle bear, and then there’s The Very Cranky Bear from Nick Bland. Each bear is very different! {Oops, that’s FOUR! *runs and hides* }
4. Does being a teacher help you with writing such lovely books? Do you try your ideas out on children you teach before submitting stories?
I think that being surrounded by little ones – seeing what makes them smile and giggle, being in tune with how they talk, think and act – is all great fodder for picture books, and makes for some great anecdotes too! They help me immensely, in all sorts of ways. I have tried out early versions of picture books on different classes, reading it out loud to a little audience is useful for highlighting where tweaks need to be made to the narrative to ensure the meaning is clear.
5. Your latest book, ‘Know It Owl’, is about a well-meaning, but over enthusiastic owl who is very keen to tell everyone how to do it when building a den with friends. Mabel in ‘I Don’t Like Books. Never. Ever. The End.’ Is based on your daughter. Did you have anyone in mind when writing this story? [Psst… same name as my daughter, but that’s the only similarity]
My lovely, well-meaning Owl is probably a mishmash of lots of people – big and small – that I’ve met over the years. That keenness to help, but not really being able to step back and allow space, mental or physical, for others. It’s a real skill and takes a great deal of empathy to master. I reckon we’re all guilty of it from time to time!
6. What can we expect from you next? Another picture book- or do you have something else tucked up your sleeve?
Well now, I have a couple of things on the go at the moment. A picture book that is super close to my heart and has taken awhile to get it to say… what I really, really want it to say.
I’m also working on a joyful yet very warm-hearted Young Fiction series. It’s written in a very different style, but it’s a style I’ve wanted to write in for a long, long time. Writing it has made me smile. So. Much. It feels very… me! Not out on submission… yet.
7. And lastly- and most importantly according to my niece- what is your favourite cake?
Cake?! Yes please! Anything Gluten Free makes me smile, as I have to stick to that. It’s so hard to get GOOOOOD GF cake to be fair. But I have lots of fun hunting it down – chocolate, coffee, walnut, lemon, carrot. It’s all good!
A huge thank you to Emma for joining me today! You can read my review of ‘Know It Owl’ here and have a go at making an Owl puppet!