There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.
Happy Hills: Attack of the Giant Danger Kittens
When Ace the unicorn gets lost, he stumbles on Happy Hills, a place where anything can happen. Soon, all the residents are keen to share their own version of The Legend of Happy Hills whilst ‘the hills are alive with the sound of Giant Danger Kittens’! But in the end, Ace decides to stay with his new friends in Happy Hills.
Packed with Sophy’s amazing illustrations and zany humour, ‘Attack of the Giant Danger Kittens’ is bursting with fun and energy! Each character is full of personality! From the exuberance and perkiness of Mimi to the feather-fearing Duckie, children will quickly identify with their favourite and no doubt have fun both creating their own new characters and more adventures. Sophy’s how-to guides for drawing Mimi and Ace at the end of the book are perfect for helping with this.
These quirky characters, colourful comic strips and zany humour offer the perfect mix of nonsense (in a good way!) and fantasy, which Sophy Henn’s magic touch turns into a fantastically enjoyable read! Children will be counting the days until the next book appears…
Happy Hills: Attack of the Giant Danger Kittens
Sophy Henn
Simon and Schuster ISBN: 978-1398524606
You can read my review of Pizazz vs Perfecto here and Pizazz and Pizazz vs the New Kid here and Pizazz vs the Demons here.
Stitch Head: The Graphic Novel
Stitch Head lives in Castle Grotteskew with his creator, mad scientist Professor Erasmus. As the Professor continues to experiment with increasingly dangerous ingredients, Stitch Head works hard to keep the Professor safe whilst feeling increasingly ignored and abandoned. When a stranger comes knocking at the Castle door, Stitch Head is torn between the life he knows and the possibility of being unforgettable.
The ‘Stitch Head’ books were very popular in school when they were first published so I was delighted to see that a graphic novel version has been created. Stitch Head himself is a wonderfully endearing character. When first created, he and the young Erasmus did everything together until it was time for Erasmus to become the next mad professor of Grotteskew and Stich Head was forgotten about. Lonely and unhappy, he is desperate for some affection from his master, inspiring empathy from readers. Despite his neglect, Stitch Head rises to the occasion, saving his master and the Castle, proving that heroes come in all shapes and sizes.
There is plenty of humour in the story, both through the illustrations and the text, but the book also explores the importance of friendship, building trust and not judging others on their appearance. Fulbert Freakfinder, owner of the Travelling Carnival of Unnatural Wonders, makes the sort of sneaky, devious villain who is very easy to dislike whilst Arabella Guff (a girl from the village of Grubbers Nubbin), Creature (another of Erasmus’s creations) and Stitch Head make an excellent team.
The excellent, atmospheric illustrations add much to this brilliant story!
Stitch Head: The Graphic Novel
Guy Bass, illustrated by Pete Williamson
Little Tiger ISBN: 978-1788956376
Originally reviewed for Reading Zone.
Pablo and Splash
Although she’s a penguin, Splash is finding the Antarctic a bit chilly. Her friend, Pablo believes they live in a blissful utopia and can’t understand what she is unhappy about. However, being a really good friend, he agrees to help plan a luxury holiday in the sun. But everywhere is krilly far away, they can’t fly, it’s too far to swim… how will they get there?
After falling down a hole in the ice, the penguin pals find themselves captured by Professor O’Brain. Whilst trying to escape, they find themselves inside Time Bender, a time-machine which takes them to a beach…in the Cretaceous period. With dinosaurs everywhere and a damaged Time Bender, will they ever make it home?
There is so much to love about this book that it’s hard to know where to start! I absolutely adore Splash whose curious, slightly impetuous nature reminds me strongly of someone I know! She is perfectly tempered by Pablo who is more cautious and very sensible (who doesn’t love a list!), making them an excellent pair! Children are sure to see themselves in one or the other- or perhaps as a mixture of the two- and love the warmth of their friendship.
The illustrations are joyful, encouraging the skills of interpreting and analysing images to develop understanding as well as adding to the humour. There are many spreads which would lend themselves to being explored with a class to investigate emotions, develop scene setting, consider how to develop reporting clauses- all without destroying enjoyment of the original text!
Although this might be perceived as an ‘easy read’, being very accessible and (obviously!) highly illustrated, Sheena Dempsey uses plenty of challenging vocabulary and puns. Additional pages at the end of the book offers the reader information about the creatures Pablo and Splash encounter and the time period they find themselves in as well as well as an explanation about why penguins huddle and the Southern Lights. There are also some absolutely and completely true facts from Pablo and Splash as well as instructions for how to draw them- even I can do it!
Impossible to resist, ‘Pablo and Splash’ is a brilliant book, sure to quickly become a favourite in school and out! I can’t wait to read the next one.
Pablo and Splash Sheena Dempsey
Bloomsbury ISBN: 978-1526662606
Max and Chaffy: Search for the Ice Chaffy
It’s a snowy day on Animal Island and Max and Chaffy have lots to do. A new visitor, Jacob arrives on the island in search of one of the rarest chaffies in the world to impress the Chaffy Finding Club- the Ice Chaffy! Max and Chaffy are keen to help- and so can readers!
Bright, cheerful and bursting with fun, the ‘Max and Chaffy’ books are perfect for younger children. Instantly appealing, short sections of text- mainly in speech bubbles- are easily accessible and written in a clear font, making the words easier to decode and allowing early readers to tackle the stories independently.
The illustrations are full of humour and encourage readers to interact fully with the story as they are regularly invited to help find Chaffy and to help Deputy Constable Chaffy round up the islands birds so they don’t get too chilly in the snow. Children are sure to enjoy drawing Chaffy for themselves, perhaps creating their own varieties!
Hugely appealing, this is the third book in this brilliant series! I hope there are many more to come!
Max and Chaffy: Search for the Ice Chaffy
Jamie Smart
David Fickling Books ISBN: 978-1788452632
Published 2nd November!
You can read my review of Max and Chaffy: Welcome to Animal Island! here.
Hay Festival: Global
Yesterday, after a chilly start, the sun sone down on the festival site in Hay as I headed for the Wye Stage for the ‘Global’ event with Eoin Colfer, Andrew Donkin and Giovanni Rigano. In 2017, at Bath Literary Festival, I heard them speak about ‘Illegal’, their incredibly powerful, moving graphic novel about Ebo, whose story is fictional, but based on true stories. Having thoroughly enjoyed this event, I knew I was in for a real treat- and I was not disappointed!
The very easy and genuine friendship between Eoin, Andrew and Giovanni was evident from the outset, creating a very natural and relaxed atmosphere. Giovanni was drawing a picture (which was to be awarded to the person who asked the best question) and it was a joy to watch such a talented artist at work!
When my son was younger, we went to hear Eoin Colfer speak as every new ‘Artemis Fowl’ book came out and these sessions were always characterised by Eoin’s quick sense of humour and ability to entertain. Although the subject matter of both ‘Global’ and ‘‘Illegal’ is serious, plenty of this humour filtered its way into the discussion and this time passed very quickly. Having explained their reasons for choosing the impact of climate change as the theme for ‘Global’, they using the graphic novel format for conveying the story.
Emphasising that there are many different ways to create graphic novels and comics, they talked through the process that they used for creating ‘Global', showing fascinating glimpses into the different stages used to develop the story to the final product. Giovanni’s talent was constantly praised and Eoin and Andrew focused on one particular spread to consider how layered the pictures are, offering additional information and clues about the characters, how light is used to focus attention on particular features… It was a joy to listen to!
‘Global’ is a fabulous story, the compelling tale of two children from very different locations who both face the harsh realities of global warming. Like ‘Illegal’, it is an essential addition to school libraries and bookshelves, tackling a difficult topic in an accessible way, sure to encourage empathy for those whose lives might be more dramatically impacted by climate change. The artwork is stunning, making it instantly appealing and easy to enjoy time and time again. A brilliant session about a brilliant book!
Eoin Colfer and Andrew Donkin, illustrated by Giovanni Rigano
Hodder Children’s ISBN: 978-1444951912
Max and Chaffy: Welcome to Animal Island
Max Boggle has just moved to Animal Island with her family. Here, she meets lots of new friends and sets about helping everyone find things, something which she really loves to do. When she meets pilot, Orlando, Max learns about a curious creature Orlando has spotted in the woods and she soon finds Chaffy, but can she find where Chaffy really belongs..?
Although I have never been lucky enough to meet him, I have a particular fondness for Jamie Smart. A few years ago, I was struggling to find books which sparked and held the interest of one of the children in my Y6 class. And then I handed him one of the ‘Bunny vs Monkey’ books- and we had lift off! Not only was he willingly and regularly reading, becoming more confident and fluent on an almost daily basis, but he started to write about his love of the books and their characters with great enthusiasm. The right book for the right child at the right time- magic!
This child presented me with a letter for Jamie, saying how much he enjoyed the books, and Jamie emailed a message back. The excitement and joy which followed was very special to witness- and I have been a huge Jamie Smart fan ever since!
So- you can imagine my excitement when I discovered Jamie has a new series planned, aimed at younger readers, called ‘Max and Chaffy’. He spoke about this (and his other books) at the recent David Fickling Showcase, generating lots of eager excitement from the audience!
And the first book, ‘Welcome to Animal Island’ is everything I’d hoped for. Combining adorable illustrations with lots of gentle humour, the story is not only engaging from the very first page, but offers interactive elements where the reader is asked to help Max find Chaffy. There is also an additional challenge to find mis-placed objects from each of these spreads (can you find the binoculars in the picture above, for example?) The answers are included- just in case they are needed.
The story is warm with friendship, showing Max to be kind, caring and helpful and the sweet illustrations are sure to encourage everyone to have a go at drawing Chaffy wherever they go! This series to sure to engage and inspire young readers and is not to be missed!
Jamie Smart’s Max and Chaffy: Welcome to Animal Island
David Fickling Books ISBN: 978-1788452618
Published on the 4th May 2023
Alcatoe and the Turnip Child
Alcatoe is the most reclusive creature living in Plum Woods. She also happens to be a witch. Goonwartha, head of the Witches’ Social Club, isn’t too keen on her and the feeling is mutual. When three children find Alcatoe’s hat, they decide to return it to her and ask for her help to win the Harvest Festival Vegetable Pageant and beat rotten Mr Pokeweed, a nasty vegetable grower! Alcatoe agrees as she sees this as an opportunity to wreak havoc at the event and cause trouble for its organiser- Goonwartha. Chaos follows before order and harmony are restored.
Highly engaging, ‘Alcatoe and the Turnip Child’ is presented through a perfect balance of short sections of text, speech bubbles and illustrations, making it a very accessible and satisfying read.
The illustrations are full of details and different layouts can be ‘read’ in different ways, keeping the reader looking carefully whilst enjoying the story. The autumnal colours used throughout create the perfect seasonal feel and the Turnip child is delightful. This is a quirky, unique story that is sure to find a keen following of fans!
Alcatoe and the Turnip Child Isaac Lenkiewicz
Flying Eye Books ISBN: 978-1838740146