There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.
The Emerald Forest
Orangutan lives in an emerald forest, teeming with life. Here, she teaches her children what to eat and how to build a nest. But one day, a loud noise heralds the arrival of something new which threatens their lives and she is forced to take her family and flee…
With gorgeous illustrations and moving text, this is a very powerful, special picture book, perfect for sharing. Although it clearly shows the impact of deforestation on endangered species- indeed on all the creatures who inhabit the forest, the book ends on a note of hope, showing that there are people taking action, not able to reverse the destruction, but caring for the creatures whose homes have been lost.
The illustrations showing the colours and light of the Indonesian forest, capturing the very beauty of the natural world, are stunning, creating a stark contrast to the scenes of wanton destruction and chaos caused by man. These dramatic pictures perfectly complement the emotive, engaging text. The richness of vocabulary offers much to discuss and reflect upon and the illustrations demand empathy and action.
The book ends with information about orangutans and the threats they are under and offers links for readers to explore further and learn more. This is very useful for parents/ teachers/ other adults who might be sharing the book with younger children, helping them to be prepared for conversations and questions which the story is sure to generate.
A must-have for anyone who loves animals.
The Emerald Forest
Catherine Ward, illustrated by Karin Littlewood
Otter- Barry Books ISBN: 978-1913074142