There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.
The Best Eid Ever
‘The Best Ever Eid’ shares the story of Aisha and her family as they get ready to celebrate Eid al-Fitr. Now that Ramadan is over, Aisha is looking forward to her favourite part of the festival- following the treasure hunt to find her Eid gifts. But first, there are many Eid customs and traditions to prepare for this very special festival.
This is such a lovely picture book, a perfect introduction to the festival for those who are not familiar with it whilst capturing the joy of those celebrating it themselves. From her father and her brother, Samir, returning from the mosque with news that the crescent moon has been seen, Aisha’s sense of excitement around the festivities is beautifully portrayed both through the story and the lovely illustrations accompanying it.
Following the family as Mum and Aisha decorate their hands with henna, the family dress in their new clothes and visit the mosque, everyone gathers to share special food and give gifts and finally take part in the treasure hunt to find the Eid presents gives the reader a sense of just what a special, joyful occasion Eid is and how much happiness sharing it with family and friends brings. A lovely book to share!
The Best Ever Eid
Sufiya Ahmed, illustrated by Hazem Asif
Bloomsbury ISBN: 978-1801993777
You can read my review of ‘Rosie Raja: Churchill’s Spy’ here and Rosie Raja: Mission to Cairo here.