
There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.

Fiction, Friendship, Courage, Cultural Beliefs Sue Wilsher Fiction, Friendship, Courage, Cultural Beliefs Sue Wilsher

The Song Walker

Waking up alone in the middle of the desert, a young girl wearing a black dress, one shoe and carrying a heavy case, struggles to keep walking. She has no idea who she is, where she has come from or where she is going to when she meets Tarni, a young First Country Australian girl who is on a quest of her own. Together, the girls embark on a trek across the Australian Outback in search of answers.

‘The Song Walker’ is one of those very special books which makes you slow down towards the end as you don’t want to leave the story behind. From the very first page, it is completely compelling, immersing the reader in the girls’ world. Beautifully constructed, the plot unfolds perfectly with hints and details guiding the reader as the story reaches its climax.

Evocative descriptions bring the landscape to life with its shimmering heat and unique flora and fauna. It makes the perfect backdrop for the girls’ journey as they learn much about each other and themselves. The story shows great respect for, and understanding of, Tarni’s beliefs and cultural background, encouraging the reader to find out more by offering links to websites where they might find out more.

I read this in one sitting, completely immersed in the story. So many threads are woven into the story, developing empathy, sparking conversation and encouraging reflection that this would make an excellent text to share with children in upper KS2 as a class read or as a key text from which to develop work. I cannot recommend this one highly enough!

The Song Walker Zillah Bethell

Usborne ISBN: 978-1474966856

Originally reviewed for Reading Zone.

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