There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.
The Laugh
Once there was a lady who had the loveliest laugh in the world.
This lady’s laugh takes many forms from quiet giggles to explosive belly laughs. Her laughter is contagious, creating many special moments shared with a little girl. One day, however, she becomes ill, and although she can’t laugh, there is still a smile in her eyes. When she dies, it seems the laughter has gone with her and the little girl is left with a huge hole in the world where it had been…
Both poignant and up-lifting, ‘The Laugh’ is a gorgeous celebration of a special relationship. Although never specified, the lady and child appear to be mother and daughter and though both pictures and words, their relationship is beautifully captured. The little girl looks in adoration at the lady as they are shown sharing many joyful moments together and the mother cocoons her child in love. The little girl associates the sound of laughter in all its forms with the lady, reflecting the happiness they find together. Although a father figure is also included- and there is no doubt that they are a loving family together- it is the special bond between mother and daughter which is celebrated here.
And then comes the loss. Her decline is captured simply and powerfully and the spread showing father and child clinging to each other by the empty bed speaks volumes, evoking empathy and, perhaps, encouraging discussion. In the days that follow, they make an effort to continue with their lives, but the book acknowledges that the joy seems to have left them: they can’t…won’t…don’t want to or know how to move on with their lives whilst everyone around them seems to be doing just that, but the story ends with a ray of hope. One day, something happens and quite spontaneously, laughter returns. It is perfect for acknowledging the grief of loss whilst showing that it is natural to be able to continue and be happy again afterwards. Reassuring and heartfelt, it reminds the reader that we never truly lose the ones we love.
The Laugh
Fay Evans, illustrated by Ayse Klinge
Flying Eye Books ISBN: 978-1838740825