There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.
An Invitation to the Botanic Gardens
In this lovely book, readers are offered VIP access to the Botanic Gardens in Kew. From the ticket office to the ‘exit through the gift shop’, the book shares a wealth of information about the scientists, gardeners, horticulturalists, designers and explainers (amongst others!) who work so hard to keep this magical place full of healthy plants and happy visitors.
Perfect for sharing in preparation for a visit to the Gardens as well as reliving memories afterwards, ‘An Invitation to…’ is bursting with specific information about the Botanic Gardens. Different locations within the site are carefully explored, supported by wonderful illustrations. Three gateway folds allow the reader to feel as if they are entering different areas, exploring them with the visitors depicted enjoying them. For those who have never been there (and might never be lucky enough to go) it offers a glimpse of the wonders of the place and its plants and the dedication of those who work to maintain it. However, this is not just a book to link to a visit to the gardens.
Explanations are given for key vocabulary like pollination and germination whilst the work done at Kew gardens can be related to any garden which encourages nature to thrive. Children may be inspired to cultivate their own ‘conservation meadow’ or kitchen garden to grow their own vegetables. They can find out about some of the different carnivorous plants which are kept there as well as the important role of the seed bank.
A really beautiful book sharing the amazing work which goes on at a very special location, ‘An Invitation to the Botanic Gardens is one not to miss!
An Invitation to the Botanic Gardens
Charlotte Guillain, illustrated by Helen Shoesmith
Hachette in partnership with the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew ISBN: 978-1803381060