There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.
The ‘Ben and Ray’ Books
Without a doubt, this series of books is essential for any teacher- or family- wanting to explore events from the First World War with children in an accessible and supportive way. Since the publication of ‘Where The Poppies Now Grow’ in 2014, the four books chronicling events in the lives of friends, Ben and Ray, have been shared with thousands of children.
Stunning illustrations and lyrical text combine to create four linked stories, each of which focuses on a different aspect of the war. The second book sees Ben and Ray playing football during the Christmas Truce, the third pays tribute to the contribution played by animals during conflict and the final book introduces Lily, childhood companion of Ben and Ray, and not only highlights the contribution of women to the war effort, but also brings the series to a satisfying and moving conclusion.
The stories offer so much to discuss and explore with the illustrations adding many additional details. Children may notice the names on the wall by Ben’s bed in ‘Where the Poppies Now Grow’ and wonder who these people were or make the connection with some of the names and the dedications made by Hilary and Martin at the front of the book. This is one of the many examples of the attention to detail and the care with which these extraordinary books have been created.
These books are obviously a labour of love, born out of personal connection to these events through family history. ‘Flo of the Somme’ won the Poetry Category of the North Somerset Teachers’ Book Awards in 2016 and these books have rightly been nominated for and won many other awards. They are accessible to a wide ranging audience from little ones enjoying the rhyming text and hunting for Ben’s pet mouse in the pictures to older readers who will make connections- perhaps with family experiences.
Poignant and powerful, this is a very special set of books. Tomorrow, I will be reviewing Martin’s edition of ‘Dulce et Decorum Est’ and 'on Thursday, ‘A Song for Will and the Lost Gardeners of Heligan’.
I will be joined by author, Hilary Robinson, for my Q and A session this Friday where I ask some questions about these books and ‘A Song for Will’.
Where the Poppies Now Grow
Strauss House ISBN: 978-0957124585
The Christmas Truce Strauss House ISBN: 978-0957124578
Flo of the Somme Strauss House ISBN: 978-0957124561
Peace Lily Strauss House ISBN: 978-0957124554
Hilary Robinson, illustrated by Martin Impey