
There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.

Non-fiction, Beetles Sue Wilsher Non-fiction, Beetles Sue Wilsher

Bonkers About Beetles

With a paperback edition being released in August, it’s time to remind everyone why we should be ‘Bonkers About Beetles’. In his wonderful ‘About’ series, Owen Davey has inspired children to learn more about cats, octopuses, sharks, penguins, monkeys, crocodiles and frogs with each book full of his fabulous illustrations, gentle humour and fascinating facts.

The book is perfectly pitched to engage and inform primary aged children. Text is presented in short, accessible sections, with clear side headings to help navigate each spread. Having defined what is meant by ‘beetle’, the book goes on to explore their structure, lifecycle, habitats and diets amongst many other things. Headings like ‘You can run but you can’t hide’, ‘Love You and Leaf You’ and ‘Let the Good Times Roll’ are sure to catch the eye and pique interest and there are some completely fascinating details included!

One of my favourite things about this series is the inclusion of a section on the mythology of the focus creature. Here we learn about the sacred scrab beetle of the Ancient Egyptians, the Irish Devil’s coach horse beetle, Maya folklore about the maquech beetle and superstition surrounding the death watch beetle.

Although the hardback editions are gorgeous, the paperback edition is sure to be popular with schools and is a wonderful addition to bookshelves and libraries! Perfect for budding coleopterists!

Bonkers About Beetles Owen Davey

Flying Eye Books ISBN: 978-1838741532

Paperback out on the 3rd August 2023

You can read my review of ‘Passionate about Penguins’ here , ‘Fanatical about Frogs’ here, ‘Obsessive about Octopuses’ here and ‘Crazy about Cats’ here.

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