
There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.

Picture Book, Bedtime Sue Wilsher Picture Book, Bedtime Sue Wilsher

Cat Nap

Meet a little cat who needs a nap! But there are so many things which get in the way of nap time when you are an inquisitive, busy little kitten with so much to explore!

As a lover of cats and a lover of Steve Antony’s books, I was really excited about ‘Cat Nap’- and what a joy it is. Steve has managed to capture such a toddler-like range of postures and expressions as Cat gradually gives in to nap time that any adult who has ever been part of the elaborate dance of ‘how to avoid going to sleep’ which seems to be programmed into all little ones will instantly recognise!

The book bursts with gentle humour, captured through the gorgeous illustrations and the simple text. Bedtime routine- plus detours- is established using minimal words, allowing the very youngest children to join in with telling the story - and no doubt, adding their own personal details to it. Surprisingly, it doesn’t include a bedtime story, but as the ‘voice’ is that of the adult who never appears in the illustrations, perhaps this would have been tricky!

Cat’s little face (oh, those eyes!) conveys such a wealth of emotions that the story is perfect for encouraging little ones to share how they think Cat is feeling and in turn, how they feel at these times, making it a great read not only for bedtime, but any time! I believe there are more books to come in this series which I very much look forward to seeing!

Cat Nap Steve Antony

Macmillan ISBN: 978-1035029020

Out on the 11th April!

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