There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.
Jessica is used to travelling the world with her parents, whose lives are dedicated to the study and preservation of amphibians. Finding herself in the heart of the rainforest, she tries not to resent the nomadic lifestyle which prevents her from forming real relationships and being settled. However, when she meets a local girl, Renata, they strike up a friendship. As Tom, the previous researcher, leaves the research station, he gives Jessica a strange book called ‘Trekking Backwards’ which tells the very strange story of a man called Hadley Cavendish-DuPont…
When they learn that the incredibly beautiful cosmetics billionaire, Anura Hegarty, has just bought the section of rainforest where Renata lives, the girls are initially delighted. But when it turns out that Anura is in pursuit of eternal youth and will stop at nothing to get it, they find themselves in the middle of a perilous adventure!
Mitch Johnson is well known for tackling ‘big issues’ through his very accessible and readable books. ‘Toxic’ challenges the reader to think about the irresponsible and destructive actions of huge, faceless companies and their impact on the environment, and the damaging culture of ‘perfect’ beauty and youth, but also about the responsibilities of the individual.
Highly engaging, the book is extremely atmospheric, evoking the sights and sounds of the rainforest, balancing its beauty and its dangers. The story is sure to generate interesting in this fascinating location and its creatures- particularly the frogs! Messages about the terrible destruction of this special environment are obviously at the heart of the story, but so much passion and love for the natural world is expressed that the reader can’t help but feel themselves growing indignant alongside Jessica and Renata. It is beautifully managed, making it an excellent text to share as a class story or guided reading text, rich in things to discuss and explore.
The story also raises questions about the evils of a culture which promotes false notions about beauty and the importance of eternal youth, pressurising young women in particular to be constantly striving for an idea of perfection which is impossible to achieve. There is much I could say about thus, but I would hate to spoil the story for anyone who hasn’t yet read this wonderful book.
There is much to recommend this excellent book!
Toxic Mitch Johnson
Orion ISBN: 978-1510111929
Perfectly Imperfect
When Maria accidentally damages her brother’s best book, he is furious with her and Maria is heartbroken. Luckily, Bea is on hand to show her how things can be perfectly imperfect, with imperfections adding to the beauty of something and adding to the memories connected with it. Reassured, Maria decides to mend Robbie’s book and they settle down to read together.
Beauty is all around us, yet we are constantly told that to be beautiful something must be perfect. This gorgeous picture book allows readers to explore the idea that things can be ‘perfectly imperfect’- a scar might carry a story, a crack in the pavement yields a flower- and encourages everyone to look again at the world around them, appreciating flaws and apparent defects. In our society, we are so quick to throw things away, discarding and demeaning anything seen as less than perfect so this is brilliant for encouraging discussion and reflection. Something mended becomes unique, full of memories, full of love.
The Japanese practice Kintsugi, a process of repairing ceramics, traditionally with lacquer and gold, which highlights and enhances any breaks or chips, making a work of art out of something which might otherwise have been thrown away. This story captures that philosophy, making it relevant and inspiring. The illustrations capture the warmth of the relationship between Maria and both Bea and Robbie beautifully and we loved the antics of their pet cat- there’s a character who deserves a book of their own! This is a very special, thought-provoking book for home and school alike!
Imperfectly Perfect
Perry Emerson, illustrated by Hoang Giang
Little Tiger ISBN: 978-1801044981
Published 7th September 2023