The Rules

Amber is used to hiding. Having been trained by her father- a prepper- to survive any eventuality, she is now using these skills to escape from him and his claustrophobic and increasingly frightening set of rules. Now placed at boarding school after spells in foster homes, when Julie, her social worker, excitedly tells her they have located her father and have a letter for her from him, Amber knows it’s time to go on the run. But how can she stay ahead of the person who taught her everything she knows?

Gripping from the first page, ‘The Rules’ tells Amber’s story by alternating between the past and the present. The story is permeated with a sense of menace as the reader gains a greater understanding of what ‘the rules’ mean to Amber, building the tension as she tries desperately to stay safe.

The ending is masterful- and essential that it is not spoilt by any hints or careless comments. Suffice it to say, this is a book not to be missed with compelling characters and an edge-of-the-seat story line.

A tense, challenging read, ‘The Rules’ is one not to miss.

The Rules Tracy Darnton

Stripes ISBN: 978-1788952149


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