Reviews from Another Life

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Fiction, Older readers Sue Wilsher Fiction, Older readers Sue Wilsher

First Day of my Life      

‘First Day of My Life’ follows the stories of Frankie, Jojo and Ram as they intertwine. It starts with Frankie as she sets off to collect her GCSE results. She is puzzled and annoyed by the fact that she has to go alone as her best friend, Jojo, has not kept to their plan to go together. She is further annoyed as her way to school has been cordoned off due to a baby going missing. Later, when Jojo briefly calls her, Frankie thinks she hears a baby crying in the background. Putting the pieces together, Frankie decides Jojo must have taken the baby and calls on her ex-boyfriend, Ram, to help her. Reluctantly, he agrees to take Frankie to Swindon where she believes Jojo to be, but what happens next is unexpected by all…

Each book I read by Lisa Williamson is better than the last! I really enjoyed The Art of Being Normal; ‘All About Mia’ was fabulous; ‘Paper Avalanche’ was one of the most powerful, thought-provoking books I have ever read. And now we have ‘First Day of My Life’- and I have a new favourite.

One of the problems with reviewing a book is the lingering worry that I might spoil the story for someone else by saying too much. This is one story I have no wish to spoil so I will say little about the plot. Compelling is a good word to sum it up!

The power of the story comes from the brilliant development of each character and the relationships between them. Each personality is so well defined and the bonds so strong that the reactions of each at each stage are believable. This is maintained by the conclusion- which again I don’t want to mention!- which is plausible and satisfying.

For older reader, ‘First Day of My Life’ is an intriguing, emotional read for all to enjoy. Simply brilliant!

First Day of My Life       Lisa Williamson

David Fickling Books        ISBN: 9781788451536

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