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Fiction, Humour, Mystery Sue Wilsher Fiction, Humour, Mystery Sue Wilsher

Emily Lime Librarian Detective: The Pencil Case

Emily Lime is back! St Rita’s School for Spirited Girls has a new headmistress, Miss Woolley, whose previous school, Wolfridge Manor, has a a reputation for extreme discipline. However, the changes she brings are not the ones expected and her decision to do away with library systems and assistant librarians does not go down well with Emily Lime, Daphne or George! Determined to keep an eye on their new head, the trio sign up for a trip to the art gallery which throws them headlong into their new mystery- who stole one of the paintings and how are they going to prove that the school handyman, Mr Thanet, is innocent?

Every bit as enjoyable as the first mystery, ‘Emily Lime Librarian Detective: The Pencil Case’ is a cracker! Nothing is as it seems and no one can be trusted in as the Assistant (and Assistant Assistant) librarians pick their way through clues and red herrings to solve the case.

Dave’s dry sense of humour captures the ‘St Trinian’s’-style chaos and romps of the St Rita’s girls perfectly, although the scenes in the library made me feel quite weak! The story is full of larger than life characters - George , Daphne and Emily are of course centre stage and as unique as ever. Emily Lime remains one of my favourite book characters- completely obsessed with books and reading, oblivious to social niceties, impatient with anyone or anything that comes between her and a book!

Perfect for those looking for something a little different, ‘Emily Lime Librarian Detective: The Pencil Case’ is a brilliant read.

Emily Lime Librarian Detective: The Pencil Case

Dave Shelton

David Fickling ISBN: 978-1788451031

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Fiction, Humour, Mystery Sue Wilsher Fiction, Humour, Mystery Sue Wilsher

The Book Case: An Emily Lime Mystery 

After an 'unfortunate incident' at her old school, Daphne is on her way to St Rita's, a girls' boarding school. Being a bookworm, she is delighted to be offered a post in the library which is where she meets the unique, quirky Emily Lime, the librarian's assistant, who just happens to be a crime solving genius. Daphne also meets George- the only boy in the school. With strange things happening around them, the three find themselves teaming up to solve the mystery.

Full of fabulous characters, 'The Book Case' is a brilliant read. The school could be compared to St Trinian's in its cast of larger than life pupils and staff. Evidence of failed chemistry experiments, chaos in lessons and midnight feast raids on the kitchens create a fantastic impression of what this school for 'Spirited Girls' is all about! The irascible Emily Lime is just brilliant- her wonky glasses and beret, her 'sour expression', her complete lack of comprehension that anyone might not like books, her outrage when one is damaged- all build a very quirky, individual and unlikely 'Holmes' figure for the story. George- the only boy at an all girls' school- is an unexplained mystery in himself who explains much of the craziness to Daphne (and the reader). 

The story romps along at a pleasing pace, littering the path of the reader with clues about the mysterious goings on until it reaches its conclusion. It is very well written with lots of wonderful description. George, for example, is described as having 'an odd smell about him, of something faintly exotic but distinctly unpleasant; his hair was enthusiastically berserk.' 

Feeling at times like a tongue in cheek Malory Towers, set at some time like the 1930's, 'The Book Case' is a rompingly good read, with lots of black and white illustrations throughout. Spiffing really!

The Book Case - An Emily Lime Mystery     

Dave Shelton

David Fickling Books       ISBN: 978-1910200544

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