Reviews from Another Life

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Non-fiction, Geography Sue Wilsher Non-fiction, Geography Sue Wilsher

Earth’s Incredible Places: The Great Barrier Reef

Celebrating one of the greatest natural wonders of the world, ‘The Great Barrier Reef’ is a stunning and accessible book. The National Curriculum Programme of Study for Geography states the study of this subject should spark a curiosity and fascination about the world and aims to ensure that it should develop contextual knowledge of the location of globally significant places – both terrestrial and marine – including their defining physical and human characteristics and how these provide a geographical context for understanding the actions of processes. This book does that - and so much more!

Beginning with locating the Great Barrier Reef, the book explains its significance as a World Heritage Site before describing how it began to develop. Accompanied by diagrams, the explanation is very clear and easy to follow, making it accessible to children in KS1 and KS2. It details how the reef is built by coral, describing these fascinating creatures and how they develop.

The creatures that dwell on the Great Barrier Reef as well as their ‘neighbours’ are also celebrated, making the book useful for research. Information about the diverse and fascinating creatures found here is accompanied by Lisk Feng’s dynamic and appealing illustrations. Catchy side headings grab attention, encouraging those who like to dip in and out of non-fiction to read different sections whilst making an appealing read for those who enjoy reading from cover-to-cover!

Not only is the book a treasure trove for science and geography, it is also rich in historic and cultural facts. It celebrates the oral tradition of storytelling amongst Indigenous Australians and the respectful and harmonious way they have interacted with the Reef for thousands of years. Captain Cook’s arrival and the subsequent pillaging of the Reef for profit are also included.

The book looks at the threats to the Reef, but also at what can be and is being done to help it. The work of scientists like Terry Hughes and Professor Madeleine van Oppen is explained and the book closes with an appeal to the real to consider the future story of the Great Barrier Reef. A clear contents and a well developed glossary are also included, but the book has no index.

Having been lucky enough to have visited the Great Barrier Reef, I wish that I had had a copy of this book before going. A brilliant resource for home and school, ‘The Great Barrier Reef’ can be used to support many areas of the curriculum as well as igniting children’s curiosity about the world and its amazing and diverse locations.

The Great Barrier Reef Helen Scales, illustrated by Lisk Feng

Flying Eye Books ISBN: 978-1912497812

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