Reviews from Another Life

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Picture Book, Imagination, Breavement Sue Wilsher Picture Book, Imagination, Breavement Sue Wilsher

Ocean Meets Sky

Finn remembers his grandfather who used to tell him wonderful stories. To honour him, Finn creates a boat fit for a long journey, like the one they had planned together. After his hard work, he falls asleep and in his dream, a great golden carp comes to guide him on a magical journey until he wakes to his mother’s voice.

Everything about this book is beautiful. Beneath the dust jacket, golden images shine on a deep blue background, tempting the reader to explore further. In contrast, the jacket is dusky, muted tones, yet just as lovely.

The illustrations are fabulous. Finn leaves the sepia tones of his real life for the blues and greens of his dream land. The world Finn sails through is populated by many of the objects and pictures found on his Grandfather’s desk and around his room. The Library Islands are piled high with books, many of the spines revealing familiar and much loved stories, including ‘The Night Gardener’, also by the Fan brothers.

Finn travels through this land until he reaches a starry sky, full of hot air balloons, a Chinese dragon, submarines and ships of all shapes and sizes. The golden fish, who drooping moustache resembles that of Finn’s grandfather, swims towards the full moon who bears the face of Grandfather, smiling serenely as Finn says goodbye and is called home by a familiar voice.

Love and loss are beautifully explored in this wonderful story, through both the text and the delightful illustrations. One not to be missed.

Ocean Meets Sky The Fan Brothers

Lincoln Children’s Books ISBN: 978-1786032058

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