I love a good museum and the Museum of Somerset in Taunton. It tells the county's story from prehistoric times to the present day and is full of fascinating objects. The Museum is housed in Taunton Castle, which has its origins in Anglo-Saxon times with the Normans then building a stone castle. It is fitting that a place which has seen so much history-amongst other things, it was in the Great Hall here that in 1685, Judge Jeffreys held the Bloody Assizes following the Monmouth Rebellion - now guards the story of the county. Beautifully presented, bursting with history, this is a museum which has much to offer visitors of all ages.

Even before you enter the museum itself, there is plenty to see. As you pass through the impressive gateway and look across the courtyard, in the right hand corner you can see an Almshouse, recreated from the remains of two which were saved from St James Street in the town. Also in this corner, you can enter Castle House and look at the Victorian schoolroom and kitchen.

Once inside the museum, there are nine themed galleries, including the Somerset Military Museum. Visitors are greeted by the carved ‘Tree of Somerset’ as they enter, a sculpture carved from oak from the Quantock Hills, which depicts events from Somerset's history.

Move through into the first gallery to explore Somerset’s ancient past with a 200 million year old Plesiosaur fossil and the skull of the Banwell bear, found in the old Mendip bone caves.

At the end of this gallery is one of my favourite exhibits, the Low Ham mosaic. Depicting the tragic love story of Dido and Aeneas, it was made during the 4th century AD and is the oldest object in Britain that tells a complete story. A film plays behind the floor, adding life to the floor as it might once have been!

Hoards are on display in the museum- one found near Frome in 2010 and the Shapwick Hoard of 9,238 silver coins, the largest hoard of Roman silver coins found in Britain. The Chew Valley Hoard, the largest coin hoard ever found from the time after the Norman Conquest is at the British Museum from the 26th November 2024 to the 27th May 2025 and is coming to the Museum of Somerset in 2026.

‘Making Somerset’ shows the development of the county from the time of the Anglo-Saxons. The the largest collection of English 17th century cauldrons and skillets in existence hangs from the ceiling as you enter, making a dramatic, fiery start to the gallery. There is so much to see here- a replica of the King Alfred jewel, the original of which is now in the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford and the Cheddar broach, discovered in 2020, and thought to have lain where it had fallen, hidden for over 1,000 years!

Other galleries include: Reflection, which features the words of Somerset people and visitors to the county over the centuries; Discovering, which shows ‘how knowledge of Somerset’s landscapes and traditions, and of the world outside the county, grew during the 1800s in a period of rapid discovery’; ‘Going Places, which looks at the development of travel and transport; and ‘Gathering’ which focuses on gatherings and celebrations.

The Rebellion Gallery offers a fascinating look at the role of this county in the Monmouth Rebellion of 1685 which James, Duke of Monmouth, the illegitimate son of Charles II, attempted to take the throne. The shocking way in which people were treated at the Bloody Assises under the harshness of Judge Jeffries is vividly presented, with chilling evidence about the fate which some met. There are artefacts here relating to the period, all presented in a very atmospheric room.

The Castle itself has been the scene of many events. The present structure was begun in the 12th century and was visited by King John and his son, later Henry III. In 1451, the Yorkist Earl of Devon was besieged at Taunton by the Lancastrian, Lord Bonville. In 1497, the Castle was the scene of Henry VII’s interrogation of Perkin Warbeck following Warbeck’s attempt to claim the throne. During the English Civil War, the Castle endured sieges, bombardment and fierce battles and the Great Hall was the site of the Bloody Assizes, presided over by the notorious Judge Jeffreys, following the Monmouth Rebellion of 1685.

Well worth a visit, the Museum often hosts events, including those for young children and families and exhibitions of the work of illustrators.

The Museum of Somerset
Taunton Castle
Castle Green


Housesteads Roman Fort


Princes Risborough