Miss Mary-Kate Martin’s Guide to Monsters: The Wrath of Woolington Wyrm

Mary-Kate Martin worries with a number of things including sudden changes. And at the moment, her life seems full of changes. Instead of staying with her Granny, she is going with her mother to Woolington Grange on an archaeological investigation to investigate some bones found at the bottom of an old well. They arrive to find strange things are happening and the town’s folk divided by Lord Woolington’s plans for a shopping centre. As Mary-Kate investigates, she finds there is more to the town than she expected.

This is the first book in what is set to be an incredible series of adventures for Mary-Kate Martin as she travels with her mother, Professor Martin (or Prof to Mary-Kate). Mary-Kate is a brilliant character. Prone to anxiety, she develops a range of strategies for dealing with situations which make her uncomfortable. She doesn’t like beginnings or endings, but is good at what happens in between so sometimes taking that first step is all important! Her mother is quietly supportive and encouraging, never drawing attention to her daughter’s concerns, but helping her find her own way to overcoming difficulties. Allowed space in this way, Mary-Kate establishes a friendship with Arabella, who is completely different, but together, they make a determined team, solving the mystery of the Woolington wyrm. Mary-Kate finds courage she never knew she had and armed with strong principles and new found friendship, she launches herself into some scary situations in order to solve the mystery.

The story moves along at a pleasing pace and there is plenty of gentle humour (I love the antics of Pickles the pony!) along the way. It is a delightful read, offering something a little different. I really look forward to seeing where Mary-Kate’s adventures take her next.

Miss Mary-Kate Martin’s Guide to Monsters: The Wrath of the Woolington Wyrm

Karen Foxlee, illustrated by Freda Chiu

Pushkin Children’s ISBN: 978-1782694137

Published in August


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