The (Un)official Guide to the Ancient Egyptian Afterlife

Bastet, a mummified cat named after the goddess, is on hand to explain all the rites and rituals surrounding death and the afterlife in Ancient Egypt. Bursting with information, the book has a chatty, easy-to-read tone which is very appealing.

I have taught children about the Ancient Egyptians more times than I can remember over the years and they are always fascinated by mummification. This book is the perfect accompaniment to such learning- and brilliant for those curious enough to want to find out more. After having introduced herself, Bastet introduces the reader to some of the gods and goddesses the Ancient Egyptians believed in before explaining why the mummification process was so important for these people.

Bastet then takes the reader through the mummification process, explaining the significance of items such as canopic jars and various symbols. One thing I really like is that the book reminds the reader that there were changes in the way things were done as the history of the Ancient Egyptians is such a long one. It focuses on the different styles of pyramids used, but teachers could easily develop this with a class to look at how sarcophagi and other elements also changed.

Important events like the ‘opening of the mouth’ ceremony, the journey to the afterworld and the weighing of the heart are described and everything is brilliantly illustrated. Many of the pictures have additional captions- and my one criticism is that these are in tiny print, making them quite difficult to read. A helpful glossary of words and terms is included at the end.

Accessible and entertaining, ‘The Unofficial Guide to the Ancient Egyptian Afterlife’ is an excellent addition to any collection of books on Ancient Egypt or for any history lover!

The Unofficial Guide to the Ancient Egyptian Afterlife

Bastet the Cat and Laura Winstone

Cicada ISBN: 978-1800660120


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