There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.
Bedtime Stories…
In this vibrant collection, Rachel Pierce explores some events from Ireland’s remarkable history. Each story is told in its own chapter, beautifully illustrated by a range of talented Irish illustrators. Just the right length for a bedtime story, ‘Incredible Irish Tales from the Past’ is perfect for dipping in and out of anytime, for sharing or for reading alone.
The stories feature a great range of characters and events, each richly told. The reader can learn how Lorcán Ó Tuathail started out in life, how Colonel Thomas Blood tried to steal the Crown Jewels and how two pioneering young women became barristers. Each section ends with an idea for how to ‘Explore the Story’. This suggests a place to visit, a website to explore, a film to watch- ways of extending understanding of the people and places in the story.
Each illustrator brings their unique style to each story, making the book as attractive as it is informative. The collection would be an interesting choice for Guided Reading sessions, offering challenge and interest with plenty to investigate and explore whilst enjoying each story.
Bedtime Stories: Incredible Irish Tales from the Past
Rachel Pierce, illustrated by Donough O’Malley, Erin Brown, Eva Bryne, Jennifer Davison, Linda Fahrlin, Lydia Hughes, Roisin Hahessy and Una Woods
Scholastic ISBN: 978-0702318542
This stunning collection of stories has been written and illustrated by those with heritage from across the Asian continent. As with the previous collection, each story is the perfect length for sharing at bedtime, but also to be enjoyed independently.
Each author brings their own style to the work just as each illustrator’s individuality shines through their art work. Here, the reader can learn about a Korean King- Sejong- who invented an alphabet, a monk who collected manuscripts and one of the most influential women in the Mongol Empire. It is a fascinating and engrossing collection of tales, full of inspiration.
A glossary at the end of each section supports the reader with unfamiliar vocabulary and terms. Like the previous book, this is a collection which would work so well for Guided Reading, full of some incredible stories, brilliantly told. Perfect for school or home!
Bedtime Stories: Amazing Asian Tales from the Past
Sufiya Ahmed, Maisie Chan, Shae Davies, Saima Mir, Bali Rai, Annabelle Sami, Rebeka Shaid, Cynthia So and Rekha Waheed.
illustrated by Ginnie Hsu, Aaliya Jaheel, Jocelyn Kao, Jennifer Khatun, Hannah Li, Debby Rahmalia, Abeeha Tariq, Kubra Teber, Tika and Tata and Amanda Yoshida.
Scholastic ISBN: 978-0702316012
Pause for Poetry: Courage in a Poem
It’s no secret that I love poetry and relish savouring a new collection. ‘Courage in a Poem’ is not only a beautifully presented book, but also offers words of wisdom, comfort and hope. In the introduction, the poems are described as ‘little parcels of empowerment’ and it is easy to see why as they offer such a range of empathetic and inspiring words.
In ‘Your Epic Self’, Kate Wakeling fills the reader with positivity, reminding them that although this ‘epic self’ might not surface every day, it is always there, just beneath the surface. The words of Chief Dan George sing of all the beauty of life which made his heart soar, reminding us to look at the world around us and find inspiration and joy in nature.
‘Afro Hair Haiku’ is formed from a series of haiku, exploring the beauty of Afro hair and the importance of letting ‘it grow the way it wants to grow: confident again.’ whilst in ‘The Cancan’, Mandy Coe celebrates the amazing feelings of empowerment and freedom which dancing gives. Each poem needs dwelling on and lingering over- and each could be used with classes as the focus for discussion, to enhance a lesson or as a thought to end a day.
There are also poems which would work well as models to inspire children’s own writing. For example, Laura Mucha’s ‘You’re Never Too…’ is an absolute gift for adding additional lines to either individually or as a class, encouraging children to think about both Laura’s ideas and those that they are building.
Containing work from a wonderful range of poets, I am delighted to see that Little Tiger have chosen to keep the work rooted in the places they were written by preserving the subtle differences between British and American English, allowing children to appreciate how language reflects culture, place and time.
Bursting with vibrant artwork from four talented and creative illustrators, every page is a joy to look at, with colour and energy framing the words. This is a collection which will resonate with many, offering words of comfort, wisdom and courage.
Courage in a Poem: Poems About Empowerment
Cecilia Knapp, Debjani Chatterjee, Valerie Bloom, Mandy Coe, Naomi Shihab Nye, Kate Wakeling, Elizabeth Acevedo, Victoria Adukwei Bulley, Joe Cook, Jason Reynolds, Nikita Gill, Laura Mucha, Janet Wong, Nikki Grimes, Mahogany L. Browne, Matt Goodfellow, Sophia Thakur, Rachel Plummer, Jay Hulme and Chief Dan George
illustrated by Annalise Barber, Mariana Roldan, Masha Manapov and Nabila Adani
Little Tiger ISBN: 978-1838914394