
There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.

We Are All Astronauts

Luna Scope, aged seven-and-a-bit Earth years is determined to be an astronaut. Full of enthusiasm, she is about to launch herself into her ambition, but fortunately, her granny is on hand to guide her with some excellent advice. Luna learns about spacesuits and telescopes, stars and space rocks, gravity and gravity. Granny also introduces her to some space heroes and over-looked animal pioneers whose achievements paved the way for the humans who followed.

Written in the same fun-filled, highly illustrated style as the ‘Fantastically Great Women’ series which Kate Pankhurst is so well known for, ‘We are All Astronauts’ is packed with information, sure to engage and fascinate. The author’s note explains her inspiration for writing the story came from the real-life story of the Mercury 13, a group of female trainee astronauts who never reached space because they were women. The book is brimming with positivity and inspiration, shining a light on the contributions of women, and proudly shouting the message that anyone can be an astronaut- or anything else- if they reach for the stars!

The joy of this book is that it will appeal to children of different ages who will read it in different ways. There is much to explore in the illustrations, Granny and Luna’s story to follow, biographical information, labelled diagrams, fact boxes… it is possible to read it in small snippets or as a whole, thoroughly enjoying it however it is tackled. Asterisks are used to indicate definitions of some of the technical vocabulary used, clearly explaining words to support the reader’s understanding without spoiling the flow of the text.

Perfect for using as a guided reading text, to support learning about space, as the basis for investigative play or as a basis for a book group session full of fun activities, ‘We Are All Astronauts!’ makes an excellent addition to any bookshelf!

We are ALL Astronauts Kate Pankhurst

Bloomsbury ISBN: ‎ 978-1526615435

Originally reviewed for Reading Zone.

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