There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.
Norah’s Ark
Adam Sinclair lives in a lovely house. He has a huge treehouse to himself, a private tutor, plenty to eat and loving parents who dote on him. However, since his recovery from Leukaemia, his overprotective mother wants to keep him safely at home so he is not able to make friends or return to the swimming which he loves.
Norah Day lives in temporary accommodation with her father, often having to rely on foodbanks when their money runs out. She has a warm relationship with him, happy when he’s happy and constantly trying to rescue any creature in need she comes across.
These two very different children come together to save a nest of baby birds, forging a strong bond which allows each to find the strength to act when disaster strikes.
Told through the alternating viewpoints of the two children, ‘Norah’s Ark’ is a very special, heart-warming book. It is impossible not to feel the greatest empathy for Norah as the reader experiences the difficulties and dangers she faces daily- yet she is resilient, loving and determined no matter what life throws at her. Her circumstances are explored with great sensitivity and skill- perfect for encouraging discussions. The title is perfect too!
Adam’s experiences are completely different and yet, he also invokes our sympathy. A fellow animal lover, his guilt for having caused his parents anxiety over his illness prevents him from returning to so the ‘normal’ things he wants to do.
There is so much which could be said about this life-affirming, beautifully empathetic and sensitive book, but my best advice to people is to read it. I loved it and am sure everyone who reads it will agree!
Norah’s Ark Victoria Williamson
Neem Tree Press ISBN: 978-1911107996
Published August 29th 2023