
There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.

Fiction, WW2, Animals, Historical, Adventure Sue Wilsher Fiction, WW2, Animals, Historical, Adventure Sue Wilsher

Until the Road Ends

When Peggy saves a stray, she and Beau, the dog, become inseparable. However, they are forced apart by the war as Peggy and her brother, Wilf, are evacuated to the safely of the coast, leaving Beau- and Wilf’s grumpy cat, Mabel, behind in the city on the condition that the animals are not put down. Although lonely, Beau is allowed to help Peggy’s father in his Air Raid Warden’s duties, saving countless lives as he scents those trapped by fallen buildings. But disaster strikes and both Peggy’s parents are killed, leaving the animals vulnerable and alone. Determined to be reunited with the person he loves the most, Beau, a very unwilling and uncooperative Mabel, and Bomber, a resourceful and determined pigeon, set off on the journey of a lifetime.

This is the third novel by Phil Earle which is set during World War II and like the others, it should come with a packet of tissues attached. Phil’s incredible skill as a storyteller, his ability to capture poignant moments and his attention to detail makes each of these stories a special read- but this is, I think, my favourite. I am not ashamed to say that I was reduced to a sobbing wreck in places- but this is the power of Phil’s writing and it should be celebrated.

The story is full of historical details, with an afterword by Phil explaining where fact meets fiction, making this an excellent text to share with children who are learning about, or who are keen to find out more about, this period of history. The bravery of the humans and animals who worked as Air Raid Wardens, the destruction and devastation of the Blitz, the needless loss of life are all witnessed through the eyes of the animals, whose voices are unheard and unheeded, yet are key to this narrative. There is also the joy of discovering that there really was someone who cared enough about animals at this time to create a rescue centre in a cinema! Phil Earle captures all of this in a way which children can understand- and learn from.

In part, the story is reminiscent of Sheila Burnford’s ‘The Incredible Journey’ – the devoted bond between pets and their humans which is so strong that nothing will stop them being together- but this book does so much more than that. It’s about love and loss and reunion, valour, determination and belief, kindness, truth and joy. There are many deeply poignant moments as the story unfolds which ring true, provoking genuine emotion in the reader who is deeply bound up in the story of Beau, Mabel and Bomber.

A must-have.

Until the Road Ends Phil Earle

Andersen Press ISBN: 978-1839133169

Out in June.

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