
There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.

Fiction, Norse Mythology Sue Wilsher Fiction, Norse Mythology Sue Wilsher

Legends of Norse Mythology

‘Legends of Norse Mythology’ is a fully illustrated guide to some of the legendary characters and stories of Norse folklore.

Starting with the story of the ‘Nine Worlds’ of the Norse cosmos, the book then offers a gallery of the Gods. Each deity is given two pages, one presenting an evocative illustration and the other, a short biography including their godly powers and where they lived. Many of these are familiar names- Thor, Loki, Baldur- but others are possibly less well-known such as Mimir, Gullveig, Bragi and Idun.

The book then explains the story of poetry and its importance to the Norse people before moving on to some of the giants, monsters and mythical beings of their world. Perfect for supporting any topic on the Vikings or for reading for pleasure, it may also encourage children to explore comparisons between mythologies and faiths. The Norns of the Norse could be compared to the Moirai of Greek mythology, the role of Hel with that of Hades/ Pluto.

The story of Thor’s Hammer and that of Ragnarok are also included, retold in an accessible (bearing in mind how blood-thirsty these tales can be!) manner, making the book a very enjoyable introduction to the world of Norse mythology.

Legends of Norse Mythology: Enter a World of Gods, Giants, Monsters and Heroes

Tom Birkett, illustrated by Isabella Mazzanti

Wide Eyed ISBN: 978-0711260771

Originally reviewed for Reading Zone.

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