
There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.

Picture Book, Interactive Sue Wilsher Picture Book, Interactive Sue Wilsher

The Upside Down Detective Agency

When Lady V arrives at Super Sleuth HQ in need of help, detectives Stella and Stan agree to help her find the diamond warp drive which has been stolen from her super speedy racing car. Can these sleuthing sloths crack the case in time for her to win the race? Maybe- with a little help from the reader!

Quite simply- superb! ‘The Upside Down Detective Agency’ is a light-hearted romp of a read which engages children (and adults!) from the very first page. Illustrations and text combine to make a wonderfully immersive read which will be fun to share again and again. The reader has to use their ‘detective’ skills to help super-sleuth sloths, Stella and Stan, solve the mystery of who has stolen Lady Veronica Velocity Speed’s warp drive. Each spread poses a challenge to be solved, encouraging the reader to read/listen carefully to what they need to do and then really focus on the illustrations to locate the clues or solve questions. The first clues help solve which sloth is Stella and which Stan before the mystery ‘proper’ begins.

The eagle-eyed will notice clues that are not mentioned in the text - and perhaps identify a suspect before the denouement takes place- and each re-reading will reveal yet more details to share and enjoy. The illustrations are incredible and offer so many opportunities for story telling- and for playing I-Spy type games. Any teacher who has watched children share a ‘Where’s Wally?’ book will recognise this type of game which children frequently generate themselves once they have ‘found’ Wally. The story also lends itself as a starting point for writing further stories about Stella and Stan and the crimes they solve. A new crime is committed on the last page of the book which could be used as the basis for creating a new story (I hope the author/ illustrator are already working on this!)- perhaps written and illustrated by older children for younger ones.

The sloths love of cake also means that making sloth cup cakes or biscuits to enjoy whilst sharing the story would be a must in my house or classroom! The book would make an excellent text to use for a Book Group or Story Party session as it is perfect for inspiring art work and games as well as being a brilliant read! I really hope there are more crimes to solve for The Upside Down Detective Agency coming soon!

The Upside Down Detective Agency

Ellie Hattie, illustrated by Brendan Kearney

Little Tiger ISBN: 978-1801041621

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