
There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.

Blog Tour, Fiction, Mystery, Adventure Sue Wilsher Blog Tour, Fiction, Mystery, Adventure Sue Wilsher

Blog Tour: The Sundae Delivery Service

Today, it is my great pleasure to be taking part in the blog tour for ‘The Sundae Delivery Service’ by Holly Rivers. Below is my review…

After their previous adventure, life for Orinthia and the others have settled back into life working for Grandy Brock and his animails at The Mailbox Menagerie. However, the offer of free ice cream is too much for them and this leads to a new friendship with Dotty, daughter of the owners of the ‘Penny Lick’ ice cream van and the ‘Two Scoops Creamery’. Soon, the children are helping with the ice cream parlour’s entry for the prestigious Golden Udder ice cream awards and training cows to deliver their entry to the judges. However, the world of ice cream making is more devious than they would ever have believed and they find themselves at the heart of a mystery!

With so many fabulous books around, sometimes you find you’ve missed a real goodie… and I have to confess that I haven’t read the first book in this series- ‘The Boy in the Post’- but will be rectifying this immediately! Whilst it is absolutely possible to read ‘The Sundae Delivery Service’ without having read the previous book, it seems to me I’ve missed a treat by not doing so!

Full of quirky originality and charm, the story is a joy to read. The children are very ‘real’ with their own idiosyncrasies, interests and personalities which creates a cast of engaging characters. Orinthia and new friend, Dotty, are at centre stage for this adventure, but each of the others feels like a fully formed character, not just an add on. The friendship between these two is lovely- an immediate, uncomplicated relationship which survives fallings out and comes back stronger. Both girls are resourceful, curious and determined to solve the mystery surrounding the competition- they make a great team.

The story is also very well written, full of carefully chosen vocabulary and vivid descriptions. It would make an excellent guided reading text as it offers plenty to discuss and explore whilst thoroughly enjoying the story. I very much hope there are more adventures to come for these characters.

The Sundae Delivery Service

Holly Rivers

Chicken House ISBN: 978-1912626052

Many thanks to Chicken House for inviting me to take part in this Blog Tour. There are plenty more post to go so make sure you follow on and enjoy them all!

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