There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.
The Secret Wild
Fern Featherstone has spent her life so far travelling the world with her botanist parents. Bursting with natural curiosity, she finds it hard to attend to her studies as her father would like and when an impromptu adventure in the Amazon Rainforest leads her into danger, her parents decide she will be safer with her uncle in London. On her journey, she encounters a little plant which seems to understand her so she decides to keep it, hiding it from her kindly Uncle Ned and naming it Special. London is becoming over run by huge plants, the handiwork of a mysterious Guerrilla Gardener, targeting many of its most famous landmarks and causing havoc. When Special becomes ill, Fern is determined to find a cure for her unusual companion, and with the help of Woody, her new neighbour and (initially reluctant!) friend, embarks on the adventure of a lifetime!
Full of the wonders- and importance of- nature, ‘The Secret Wild’ is a fabulous story with strong environmental messages about looking our plant life and maintaining the natural balance which enables all to thrive. References to, and descriptions of, plants are seeded throughout the story, sure to nurture and propagate curiosity!
Fern and Woody make a fascinating partnership. Fern is impulsive and impetuous, constantly acting without a plan whilst Woody, a great lover of jigsaws, is a cautious plotter who is botanophobic (scared of plants). Both children are lonely. Fern has been uprooted from the wild life she knows and loves, seeing her ‘exile’ from her parents as being as a result of her failings. Woody’s family circumstances have changed resulting in triplets, living with his grandmother and his father working away on an oil rig off Scotland. Initially off to a faltering start, their friendship quickly takes roots, blossoming into mutual respect and support as they find the courage and determination to deal with all the challenges of solving the mystery of the Guerrilla Gardener, saving London and looking after each other.
‘The Secret Wild’ would make an excellent class read or guided reading text, offering much to discuss and explore as well as an engaging and enjoyable story.
The Secret Wild Alex Evelyn
Walker Books ISBN: 978-1406399394