There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.
The Perfect Present
Best friends, Tom and Mot, share a birthday. Tom gives Mot a colourful feather which Mot thinks comes from a spectacular bird. Tom wishes he could give Mot the bird the feather comes from. Mot gives Tom a marble which Tom thinks could be the smallest planet in the universe, leading to the two friends imagining all the things they would love to give one another, making the day the best day ever and the perfect present!
A wonderful celebration of the imagination and the joy of friendship, ‘The Perfect Present’ is a story to enjoy again and again. Tom and Mot (I love the fact that their names are a reflection of each other!) are never identified as male or female allowing children to readily identify with them as they play together. The gifts they give one another appear simple, but lead to the most wonderful imaginings, full of excitement and adventure whether indoors or out! The ‘perfect present’ is the present moment- and the joy of spending time with someone you care for!
The illustrations are wonderful. Tom and Mit’s imaginings burst from the page in bright splashes of colour as they drift in space or float beneath the sea, meeting creatures and enjoying the beauty of nature. Around their house are reflections of their imagined adventures indoors and out- a dinosaur toy, elephants on the plant pot, fish swimming on their lampshade, a toy bird hanging from the light- perhaps inspiring the reader to create their own stories and adventures!
Another ‘perfect present’ from Petr to his readers!
The Perfect Present Petr Horacek
Otter-Barry Books ISBN: 9781913074326
You can read my review of ‘A Best Friend for Bear’ here.