There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.
‘Love is…’ and ‘Sometimes I Feel…’
Stunning illustrations and beautiful text combine to make these very special books. ‘Sometimes I Feel…’ offers reflection on many different emotions whilst ‘Love is…’ celebrates love in all its forms.
With its lavish illustrations and thoughtful text, ‘Love is…’ reflects on the enduring, powerful nature of that emotion and how it affects us all. With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, this would make a beautiful gift for the special someone in your life!
However, the book also explores love between siblings and across generations. It reminds us that, although love is being together, having time alone to be and express yourself is also important.
For with love…
we can do anything.
Equally relevant to adults and children, ‘Sometimes I feel…’ explores feelings through a collection of animal similes. Each simile is followed with a further thought, deepening understanding of that emotion and offering the perfect starting point for discussions. Each spread can help children not only with understanding their own feelings, but also for developing empathy with others. For example, the simile ‘…as big as a bear’ is followed with the reflection that there will always by those bigger who will sometimes make you feel small. My favourite is that although we might feel ‘curious as a cat’, it is impossible to know everything and sometimes our minds need a rest. The illustrations are stunning - each one worthy of framing- and capture the sentiment of the text beautifully.
Children could illustrate their own similes and add their thoughts to these, creating a class book based on the original. For teachers, different spreads could be used as a basis for PSHE sessions, developing discussions and encouraging children to consider different viewpoints.
These are books to treasure!
Love is… A Celebration of Love in All its Forms Sarah Maycock
Big Picture Press ISBN: 978-1787418745
Sometimes I Feel… A Menagerie of Feelings Big and Small Sarah Maycock
Big Picture Press ISBN: 978-1800781283